RANDOM - SO THEY SAY... Remember, the enemy has only images and illusions behind which they hide their true actions...

RANDOM - SO THEY SAY... Remember, the enemy has only images and illusions behind which they hide their true actions. Destroy the illusion, and you break the enemy.

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I've never really understood this. Why would a nefarious secret organization leave behind images that people with too much time on their hands can figure out?

Maybe thats because your "enemy" IS an illusion..

It's called The Revelation of the Method. It's a mind game to get you to buy into their plans and to intimidate you.

so they can be dismissed as insane and the blind deaf and dumb will get on with their meaningless lives of toil.

Is this an illusion?

Why not just not leave behind anything at all? Then you guys sound even more insane.


It's also a pride thing. Marking their territory like the gangsters they are.

Yup just have to know were to look for them right.
Just a matter of perspective?

Sadly, their influence is everywhere.

wtf am i meant to see here

enlighten me please user

Doesn't sound like the actions of a masterfully ingenious and powerful organization that has fooled the populace for centuries. Such an organization would be exceedingly careful.

It's a terrorist attack announced in advance. And the plan for the future.

hard to comment of something that's not there.

Prove it.

They're getting a bit overconfident, and sloppy.

Apparently not, because conspiracy theorists do it all the time.

Prove what? That you're blind? You'll have to go for an eye test.

The only way you could know that is if you were one of them. Nice try reptoid.


Heres how we own property in a free open source society. One truth seeker to another all on this board should dive into this idea of decentralized intelligence with zero contractors.

>click link
>first sentence: "The Deep State begins with the Rothschilds and the Vatican who control the City of London and Wall Street."
ayy lmao

first 3 panels are ambigious (?) but the second last does sort of look like a smoking building... and fifth is smoking ruins?

Sad you think it's funny. Gallows humor?

Third is "collapse" (blown up). Fourth is Serpent rising from the ashes. Lucifer, to them.

More like guy-in-tinfoil-hat-shouting-about-aliens humor.

Kevin Spacey, Louis CK, Al Franken......Illuminati confirmed?

Very funny. This is serious stuff.

No, it really isn't.

Sup Forums is a serious place

Sellouts, certainly. Franken voted for the NDAA, which allows for indefinite imprisonment of US citizens without trial.

Suit yourself.

People that adhere to this junk like to think it holds them above the rest of everyone else. It makes them feel special in a world where they are routinely told they arent. For many its a us versus them mentality that has been with them their whole lives.

i think this is reaching a bit much. the symbolism is vague at best. not to say youre wrong about anything else though - i agree that the majority of world power is in the hands of a few families.

You're an amateur. Try something original, not out of your tired old playbook.

100 dollar bill looks like burj khalifa

Why should he when conspiracy-fags keep running the same old plays?

Yeah dude they admit the rothechilds own 51% of the worlds central bank. They dont admit they are the ones who created intelligence agencies to centralize power in more ways than the 3 branches

Fucking read the plans faggot and get past one sentence

'cause people are catching on. His tired old stuff doesn't cut it anymore.

>Yeah dude they admit the rothechilds own 51% of the worlds central bank.
Who does?

thanks for support. Dude share the plans of an open society where multiple nations can have their own identity and the people have access to all information and pattents

It only catches on with 'tards. For people who can think, it works just fine.

Quite the opposite. If you can't think, or are afraid to, you won't let yourself see the world as it is. And you - you're either dim or co-opted.


there is no solution offered by alex jones or david icke. Eric Dubay is a retard for believing the earth is flat or hes a 25% shill like the other two.
China and russia have problems with their own deep state.

Be a part of a solution and if you havent seen this idea then you will be a hopeless faggot forever

look it up you faggot

and read the website i linked. dont be a faggot who isnt willing to explore an idea that requires working directly against a clandestinely operated group who are chartered to be rulers. we can have rules without rulers

Nope. Once you see how conspiracy 'logic' works, you can see how the theories fall apart. It's just a web of little known yet true facts that are connected together through unjustified inference to reach wildly unsupported conclusions.

>look it up you faggot
No. Tell me or "they" is effectively nobody.

Like I said - "Dim" with a capital D.h

tards say they understand but they dont. they just hear its not their fault they are poor and agree.

John McAfee and Rob D Steele are creating a new way to govern ourselves using block chain.

the CIA will consist of the body of the people through a decentralized manner. Its all about putting the peoples collective labor to work to what they want. the people would control the interest rates which the money is spent on bills. If we dont want a bill we can destroy it as a majority

You're free to believe that if you want, but your belief doesn't make it true.

That sounds like a terrible idea. There's a reason we don't use a pure democracy. There's a reason the Federal Reserve sets interest rates instead of Congress.

A very bad reason. The Fed was forced on the US. The country should be issuing its own money, not ceding the job to private banks.

banks that COULD take their business elsewhere
and MIGHT devastate our shit over hurr

ahh fuck you, you don't know

A very good reason actually. It protects monetary policy from being used as a political tool. Congress can barely get the budget passed each year. If they had to react to changing market conditions, we'd be screwed.

P.S. The Federal Reserve is not a private bank. It's a system that contains both private and public elements, the public elements being at the top (Board of Governors).

have you ever tried to "live a double life", or have you ever become friends with someone, or attempted to build a relationship with someone, on a premise which was a lie?

Please, let them take their business elsewhere! They tend to blow up countries that kick them out or don't subscribe, but it might be worth the risk.

That's an old scroll. In the end, they're private. And, the original intent of the founders was to have the US own its currency.

No, in the end they are a hybrid system with policy set by a group appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

The Federal Reserve is part of the government.

Oh right, "retired" *wink

For heaven's sake, look at the bills they print - they stuck their terror plan right in our faces, and if you look at the $100 you see who they work for. All this quasi-governmental stuff is a smokescreen.

Literally like looking at clouds, seeing shapes, and claiming that the sky is trying to send a message.

Because they're still recruiting dickhead :P

Hey, keep on living in the matrix. It can be quite comfortable.

Try having actual proof, not assertions with no basis. I can make a dollar bill look like a mushroom, doesn't mean the Treasury is encouraging me to get high.

It's proof enough. If you can't see it, or refuse to, or you do see it and are being disingenuous, then you can go about your business, but it's sad all the same.

It isn't proof at all, as I've already explained. What you're engaging in is called false pattern recognition (aka apophenia aka confirmation bias). You're assigning meaning to something without reason. This is a natural human tendency, so I can't blame you too much, but it is well known and understood.

Big words, intended to shut down discussion. They are meaningless. You know better.

They aren't that big, they are intended to educate you, and they are quite meaningful. Apparently I do know better than you though, yes, since I can identify the flaw in your reasoning that you missed.

Don't be presumptuous and patronizing. Those too are tools of the arrogant and yet insecure.

Some people shouldn't smoke weed... this shit is tedious.

>presumptuous and patronizing
Don't self-project onto others.

You presume to educate, and "know better" - you're guilty on both counts.

You presume that anyone who doesn't believe as you do just "can't see it" or "refuses to see it." At least when I say things, I back them up.

As I said before it's "proof enough" and if you don't agree, so be it.

So lay off the stuff. Nobody's forcing you to smoke.

As I proceeded to explain, it isn't proof at all. For your case to hold any weight at all, you would need to be able to show that whoever designed the bill intentionally put that pattern in there so it isn't just coincidence. Until you can do that, you're no different that a creationist telling someone to just look at the trees.

If you don't see the Serpent on the $100 - shown solo earlier in the thread. Then I can't help you. The guy that designed the bill took wide latitude / poetic license (his own admission). And, he took orders (his words too). Not that he admitted to the implications of what he drew, but he wouldn't speak to that, would he. He just took orders.

I can see what looks like a serpent, sure. I can also see star constellations and cloud shapes. That doesn't mean that something purposefully created those images.

Of course the person who designed the bill took orders. It would be insane to not provide art direction for the nation's currency, specific requirements would need to exist for a variety of reasons.

Again, until you can show that he intentionally designed the bill so that image would be created by folding it, you have nothing.

The Serpent is there - and if you can't see it for what it is and its implications the context of the other bills, well, suit yourself. Others can, and that'll just have to do.


Until you can show that he intentionally designed the bill so that "The Serpent" would be there, there is no implication. You and everyone like you is engaged in fallacious reasoning.

Not an argument.

We'll have to disagree. So be it.

You're free to disagree, but logic is on my side here.

Nope, but go ahead and feel that way.

You've failed to show a problem in my explanation of how your reasoning fails. Asserting that your reasoning works over and over again is not an argument.

Unsatisfactory to you. Not to others. You keep saying the same things over and over. You can take the blue pill and believe whatever you want to believe.

Still not an argument. Just because some people find it satisfactory does not make it reasonable.

And just 'cause you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there or has no meaning.

Why - 1st because they can. 2nd to show people just how insignificant and small the average person is.

True, but the time to believe something is when there's reason to believe it. We have to default to not believing things, or else we would have to believe in all sorts of silly, mutually contradictory things.

So? Don't believe it. It's your right and privilege. I see reasons and you don't, and that's that.

Your reasons are flawed ones, and that's that. If you care about truth, you should want good, sound reasons for believing in things.

Your reasons are your reasons, and it can be argued that you don't want to face the implications of the bills. Truth is a pretty important word - don't throw it around carelessly.

in some ways yes ... all symbol is an illusion or at least the meaning tied to it is the illusion.

this is called sorcery "the act of getting physical reaction from symbol and words"

its a tool of the wicked and weak becuase they are too lazy to actually do what the symbol is

dont be scared of they guy with the skull tatoo , be scared of the guy with the scar

one has action , the other is just a symbol and only has as much strength as you give them

as for this dollar bill business, Its just as easyily that some evil doers found this out after trying it with all the dollar bills and its so happened that its the 100 bill, just a coincidence. But they do want to share the knowledge because they plan to use the reaction.

A guy at a party shows you a picture of a dead guy and tells you to give him your money.. he didnt kill the guy ... but he might have convinced you he did ... now he has your money and hes just a lying bitch

Sound reasons can be objectively shown, and I think I could make a stronger case regarding why you seem to want there to be implications.

I agree, truth is important, which is why I am using it here. Truth is that which corresponds to reality, not that which you imagine to be the case. The truth doesn't care about your personal feelings. The truth does not care about the problems in your life. The truth does not care about oppression you may feel, either real or imagined.

There's a widely available video a fireball at the Pentagon. The Government says it's caused by a 757 flying into it. Do you see the plane, or do you believe it because you're told? Or, do you not believe it?

You're changing the subject to something irrelevant to the matter at hand.

"They" are both wicked and weak, that's quite true.