Good night sweet prince

Good night sweet prince

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Nigga who give a fuck about lil PeeP?

Hope the high was worth it, white nigger.

Come on, the death video was pretty funny, at least.


A fudgepacking wigger the world wont miss this degenerate shitbag

>white nigger
He's a nigger. Remember newfags, black =/= nigger
Nigger applies to all races, not just shit skins.
>or you could have just said wigger

What, did Tiny Pecker die? Oh no

this nigger made garbage music. why do people give a fuck when a useless drug addict who props up drugs and drug abuse culture dies to a drug over dose (shocker)

Press P to piss on his future grave

Don't know who he is but he has his nails painted, nose pierced, face tattoos, and hoop earrings so I'm glad he's dead. Only good nigger is a dead nigger.


Darwin's theory. In 1859, Charles Darwin set out his theory of evolution by natural selection as an explanation for adaptation and speciation. He defined natural selection as the "principle by which each slight variation [of a trait], if useful, is preserved".


It's easy to dismiss him as shit music, degenerate and drug addict etc... Dude was 21. It's a shame more than anything. I'm not trying to moralfag. It just hits quite close to home with me. I got into xanax for a bit and woke up in hospital one day with no relocation of anything that happened. The first thing the doctor said is that I was lucky to be alive. In hindsight it was the best thing to happen to be to wake me up and motivate me. Could have easily gone the other way.

The pharma companies are to blame. Fuck the war on drugs.

You should of died.
Please dont have any kids and spread your mental illness.

you have autism

suck ur mum user
>peep the video

who the fuck was that retard and why does anyone care?
I'm pretty sure he wasn't concerned with his future judging by what he did to his face
thank god for natural selection

LOL!!!!!!!! So check it, Xanax slows down your heart rate right? Take too much and you die. The dumb ass knew what was up and was trying to work out to raise his heart rate, but it didn't work, or he got tired, and that's when his heart gave out.
This, my Sup Forumsoys, is evolution at work.

Man you're so ignorant. The problem is when you take even a little bit of xanax it lowers your inhibitions. Sober him would have known that was stupid. He probably intended in popping one then him after one probably thought it was a good idea to pop more. Him after 2 or 3 was a mindless zombie who has no recollection of the past 10 minutes.

He was self medicating for anxiety and got unlucky. I'm not saying it wasn't his fault but don't judge his whole merit as a human based on that video.

shit was spiked with fent normal dosage fucked him up :(

He took 6 in less than an hour. Green Hulks. Someone post the YT vid of him eating them. He was posting on snap too. He ate like 3 back to back on the snap video.

Don't try and pity this nigger. He was a druggie and he got what he deserved.

Oh, fucking kek

he was sober before he took them and he took a lot.


Never heard of this white nigger till he died.

Don't know who that guy was, but doesn't look like the world is missing anything.

i saw the snap. he dropped one and kept dropping it cause of how high he was.

Yeah understandable. It's basically impossible to overdose on xanax alone. After a certain amount though you're logic of not mixing it with other shit goes out the window. Throw other downers in the mix and you're on a one way ticket to death.

man he was clearly not sober taking them. He was a fucking rek hed clearly. I'm taking from experience. I played with benzos (vallium/xanax) for around 6 months. You always tell yourself you're going to eat one and just chill. 9/10 you end up eating all of them.

RIP in peace Lil Pump

No i don't, but what you mostly may have is a inherited gene that leads you to addictions very easily. Darwins theory of evolution you dying would be the best seeing as passing your unwanted genes of abusing drugs so easily or even using them recreationally does not get passed on. It is basic evolution and science no need to use hominid attacks like calling me autistic. Your parents or parents parents probably had the same addiction problems as you, the train should of stop there but now look here you are talking about how you almost died from it. I say out of the kindness of your heart seeing what you have gone through you should not have children and not pass inherited addiction genetics. below i will link some books you can read that will help you understand this more thoroughly.
Also addiction vulnerability is a very complex trait. Many factors determine the likelihood that someone will become an addict, including both inherited and environmental factors. So maybe you are just poor and found drugs as a way out. either way i think you should look into more user.

>9/10 you end up eating all of them
Not surprising for a druggie.

"the pharma companies are to blame"
sure, i could agree to a certain extent. but not in your case

if you took enough xanax to blackout so far as to wake up in a hospital, you obviously weren't taking the xanax as they were prescribed to you (if they were prescribed to you), therefore the blame falls on you for recreationally taking a shit drug, not the person making the drugs, retard


You definitely have autism and you probably quote darwin in every argument you have. The theory of natural section isn't relevant in the realm of man made drugs. Guys on steroids probably get more pussy than your neckbeard ass. Does that mean that they're genetically inferior to you? also jw how many fedoras do you own?

Hold up.
You're saying, that having a certain preference to something, and being overly attached, or dependent, to something, is a genetic trait that some people inherit from their parents or grandparents?
An idea, not something that is tangible or a phenotype, or a genotype, is genetically passed on?
So, then racism and pedophilia is also a genetic trait just like addiction right?
Like, do you really, honestly, believe any of the shit you just posted?
I'm an old fart, and I know what they teach you in school is different from my time, and is irrelevant to the real world, but holy fuck man.

I dont think he knew this nigga was dead lmfao

you know, this is probaly how emo rappers will have to become famous from now one. you know, they will have to write some music, get a little popular, and then kill themselves and make sure to have pre-made memes for their death and shit - you know, standard marketing will arise.

> be me
> be december 2027
> the charts say I'm the seven millionth most listened to emo rapper
> i broke seven million!
> double-click 'livestream accidental overdose ' shortcut on desktop and open can of xanax version 2, with mild fentanyl
> pop a couple narky bois
> start freestyle emo rapping
> double click 'viewers for money' icon
> 100 bots start viewing stream
> die
> 120 viewers
> forgot to click 'post memes'
> 100 viewers

Look at all that edge!

My point was drug addiction is a sickness and addicts are stigmatized as scumbags. Where as pharma companies sell drugs which are just as bad if not worse. Constantly prescribing kids adderall. Adderall = pharmaceutical amphetamine. The give people oxy pills for pain. Oxy = practically pharma heroin.

Just because they prescribe these drugs with medical guideline doesn't mean they don't have a responsibility when they operate in an anti 'street drug' society.

I wasn't prescribed xanax. I took it for 'fun'. Really what I was taking it for though was deep routed mental issues. Because it was pharmaceutical, I was ignorant to hold bad it could be.

If you've never had any experience with this, words will never make you less ignorant. Wait till someone you know falls victim to it. I'm sure you'll be all over facebook calling them a scumbag.

Actually he was. He took a few at once, then he just started popping them like candy.

this guy has the BEST PUBLICIST!

A fucking nobody, suddenly gets all this fucking attention?


becuase this was all over the news (thanks to his publicist), i saw a fucking video. ABSOLUTELY NO VOICE, barely any flow, but vid was a decent student video, but FUCK, WHAT A PUBLICIST FOR A FUCKING NOBODY!

cry more you fucking dweeb. if you're an addict, and you aren't seeking help for your addiction, then clearly you don't give a fuck. and if you don't, then why should anyone else?
Tell me, did this peep guy or whatever the fuck he's called seek help? Did he try to overcome his addiction? Did he try rehab?


Fuck that cocksucking zanny bar licking ass MOFO go rottt in hell !

it's like blaming pizza companies for being overweight
>"they just kept letting me buy pizza! it's their fault im 600 pounds!"
no it's yours for having no self control. some people actual need meds and addicts are the reason people with actual anxiety and pain can't get pills.

you're speaking to an addict too, fam. got my year chip a month ago.

fuck big pharma. they lobby real preventative cures and treatment to sell their drugs, and that's shit. but some people do use the drugs they are prescribed in a responsible way, and need them.

taking the blame away from the addict and placing it at the feet of big pharma strips the addict of all responsibility and accountability. if big pharma stopped making drugs, i would find a way to get smack. i would chug bottles of cough syrup when i didnt have any money, i would smoke anything i could get my hands on, because i am an addict. and i won't blame the medicinal industry for my problem, because while yes, i am predisposed to abuse drugs, they make drugs that some people greatly benefit from


Alls im saying is, it only takes you to pop half a bar and you're not the same person anymore. Plus all your problems have gone away. They've not only gone away but you're now a social warrior.

In short, anyone can fall into it. I'm glad you're smart enough not to. Or at least you think you are.. maybe you get drunk one night and someone convinces you into it.. be weary mate.

Yeah man I guess you've got a point. The long and short of it is that the system is flawed.

Yeah man you've got a point and sorry to hear that you're been in that situation. I understand why people have others have no empathy for a death like this. The guy was a lost kid though. People who've been there can relate. Us reprobates love to get high. We never intended on doing it every day and spending all our money on it. It goes beyond self control. As I say, it's a sickness.

Drugs are no longer about getting high. It becomes about regulating your consciousness and perception of life. You become so detached from sobriety that sobriety itself feels like a drug. You're in poisoned in your own mind. The majority of the time though these people are the most intelligent, talented and genuine people of society.

This life of living to pay the bills and die just doesn't quite cut it. Some people make it out to the other side, others don't.

here's a link to the vid if anyone wants to see it...fucking sent chills down my spine.

>The theory of natural section isn't relevant in the realm of man made drugs.

>Guys on steroids probably get more pussy than your neckbeard ass. Does that mean that they're genetically inferior to you? also jw how many fedoras do you own?

Fuckin kek, and you say i have autism
That paragraph alone tells me you have no idea what you are talking about.

Racism is not inherited or a genetic trait it is learned through individuals environment. pedophilia can be both learned from traumatic sexual abuse as a child and can be a inherited gene that can be passed on.

Yes i do belive the things i post that are grounded in science and experiments in the "real world". Maybe you should go back to school if you have such a hard time believing things that have been written in science text books that begin to date back to 1859 and are still agreed on today and are proven in the "real world".


Man you're a fucking scumbag, I'd respect you more if you were one of the anons who saying he's a bleep who deserved to die. Spreading a clickbait website to make a little bit of dolla to capitalize on a death. Prick.

Okay man. Let's talk in scientific terms. How does the theory of natural section apply to this situation? I'm genuinely curious to know. I mean I'm aware of the internet use - 'natural section hurr durr''. Do you actually have an understanding on theory? It's not really relevant or applicable at all.

We have lost one of the greats. How will mankind ever make it without his intellect and benevolence.

Wish ignorant cunts would even do 5 minutes of research before commenting on something they know nothing about. He took 6 xanax, but the reason he died was because they weren't pharmaceutical. They were pressed, and they were laced with fentanyl. Any one of us could take 30 bars alone and live to see the next day, but he just got a bad batch.

and nothing of value was lost

literally who?

rip lil peepee

Depression = self medication
>fucking dur dur

You'e right but his addiction was the core problem. He could have eaten the 6 and been fine but then thought it was a good idea to drink a bottle of rum. That rum could have killed him.

It's not the xanax, it's how it effects your mind and inhibitions.

Who is this?

Good riddance. Piece of shit.

I mean come on tho. All you faggots are doing is talking about his drug use. We're dealing with a sadboy who obviously has more going on then his self medication. Source his emo IG post.

was looking forward to his snl appearance this weekend. condolences to kim and hailie

I always have happiness for like 10 seconds

-Lil' Peen

normal people don't take 6 xanax, even if they are prescribed it, user


What's a lil peep?

The small version of the marshmallow candy you get on easter


he writes like a retard

This fucker has some messed up teeth

Sorry, **Had* some messed up teeth

Is that Aaron Carter?

He is a retard

Sorry **was** a retard

True. At a certain point, personal responsibility does come into play. I said I would quit when I passed out once. 3 bars and a four loko, woke up the next morning, didn't remember anything. Could've died that night, but still kept popping those shits. Few months later a friend had 1 bar and four loko, fell asleep on his back, threw up in his sleep, and never woke up. Haven't touched it since. I just consider myself lucky.

You're exactly right. People with serious mental issues and realities that they can't face take 6 xanax. It's fucked up that people will use this opportunity to demonize the drug use, rather than educate themselves and others more about the mental illness that affects more and more people these days.

No shit, if you haven't notice all sound cloud rappers have a retard's education.

Was looking at the replies to this past to see if anyone quoted him on
Then I saw the first reply:
>Should of
Jesus Christ. It's SHOULD HAVE.

Fuck. I'm 34 years old and too old for Sup Forums it seems.

i actually know lil peeps producer, shits fucked

Man it's so easy to go over the edge. I'm so glad I woke up in hospital because it was the wake up call I needed. Not the mention the proper hardcore addicts. The withdrawals are meant to be worse than heroin, both psychologically and physically.

Someone answer this. Is it?

You're definitely too old for Sup Forums mate. 90% of the oldfags have left. Nowdays it's lil edge high school kids. I mean it always was anyway but that's a different story.

My thoughts exactly user

xanax really fucks with the way you think if you abuse it, if he never did xanax he wouldve been fine

The median age of Sup Forums is probably 20 but I swear some of the posts on here look like they were written by 15 year olds.

Can't say quality as ever been good, just different.
>2013 fag

bruh i legit been on Sup Forums since 07. I was definitely underageb& at the time. This board has always been shit. I think people cling onto glory days like it was something special. It's definitely died on its arse tho. Even moot jumped ship.

>What is natural selection you might ask me?

Well Natural selection is the process by which heritable traits increase an organism's chances of survival and or reproduction in a negative or positive way in its environment. Leading to mostly only organisms with positive traits to continue and breed. seeing as the one's with negative traits will tend to die in there environment.

>How does the theory of natural section apply to this situation or conversation we are having now?

An individual who is far more prone to addiction through genetic or in this case can be environment has far less desirable heritable traits to pass on, And is far more prone to die from it's negative traits in its environment, in this case would be drug addiction and not pass on its genes seeing as it would cease to live from dying from its negative trait in this case was "addiction".

Do you understand? :)

The withdrawals are the worst part. Seizures, your entire body hurts, and it lasts for weeks. Gotta taper off or you're fucked.

It's crazy to think back on the shit I was doing almost a year ago, and it really was because i didn't give a fuck about my life. Xanax, ecstasy, coke, dropping shrooms and acid like a dummy, smoking weed like a fucking chimney, drinking every day of the week. I quit all the dangerous shit, moderated myself, and went to therapy. Still struggle to this day, and know I can still slip up at any time. That's why I can relate to this shit so much.

whoops i posted the same one twice.

>tfw you've taken fentanyl "Xanax" before
His death was definitely confusing on the come up. I took 2 bars with a tolerance and smoked a bit, went completely retarded and eventually unresponsive. Woke up the next day wondering what the fuck I took.
>inb4 die degenerate junkie, I'm 3 months sober.

I took 500mg of etizolam and 100mg of Xanax in 3 weeks, the wd was fucking terrible but it set me towards sobriety. Had to start a taper 2 days into it too because the rebound anxiety and risk of seizing up was real.

Goobye faggot

Yeah man I feel you. I've pretty much abused everything there is abuse apart from the super duper hard shit. I'm in a fairly good place at the moment though. Glad to hear you're doing alright.


haha fair play. Not even triggard. Well done user.

why the fuck are you laughing assole?!

Damn son. I never went that hard on the bars, just because I was usually drinking or popping codeine or hydros or oxys with it. Took several wake up calls to stay away from all that shit, hope you are too.

Same to you bro. Just gotta keep moving forward and doing better things.

>Good night sweet prince

Let me fix it

>Good riddance shit princess