Hey user, i need your help

Hey user, i need your help.

Can you find out where this place is it?

This is actually my ex's house, so if you help me i'll kill her and start a new thread of that soon.

Good luck. I'M NOT LYING.

Other urls found in this thread:


By the model years of the cars, its 2006 there so... good luck with time travel.


That looks like 6th Street, OP.

Looks like Pennsylvania...or Ohio

I don't think so.



you fuckin pussy your not gonna kill shit faggot.


That is Elm Street
Search for a guy there called "Freddy Krueger"
She is shacked up with him now

Seems like no one will find it...

Could be Chicago

cool except you failed to narrow it down at all. what do you suspect? what area? what backstory

Well for starters, the state requires license plates on the front of cars.

The license plates seem to be white, so that does help to narrow it down even further.

You had better post pics of the deed if you find her

all new NY plates are yellow

That place could not be in USA, user.

I think the better question is why the fuck does OP not know where his 'ex' lived

>could not be in USA
fuck, I forgot the USA wasn't the only country on the planet there.

Looks like it's up your faggot ass
Stalker fag

What OP can do if that place is anywhere in the planet?

you must live in a rich area user.
most cars around these parts are 5-10 years old

op wont deliver fake and gay dox nypa

Looks like Detroit


No pot holes. Can't be Ohio or Penn

I'll if you find out where that place is it.

Flat as a pancake.

Light poles.

Curbs with one foot of concrete here and there.
