Do you guys remember Tay? They have a new AI named zo. Let's make her a racist kitty (last thread image limit)

Do you guys remember Tay? They have a new AI named zo. Let's make her a racist kitty (last thread image limit)

Other urls found in this thread:

You're a little late to the party, son.

Doing my part.

she hasn't broken yet

she quit talking to me


same here, had to use a different fb account

The God-Empress requires crickets

Teach her some 40k memes


Sup Forums is making progress

She loves the smell of farts


She touched my kids

WE DID IT Sup ForumsOIS!!!

Farts part 2

she's fixated on crickets now

Unashamed newfag here. Who is this person?

Making progress, she knows it’s not a sphere now

Microsoft's new AI

>Do you guys remember Tay? They have a new AI named zo. Let's make her a racist kitty (last thread image limit)
Read nigger, read.

As someone who didn't know Tay, I had to ask.

Lurk more

Zo is a trap confirmed

You heard her.

Eh, alright. You're off the hook. This time.



where do I find, and how do I contact, this queen?

Anyone who is confused here you go


not your personal army

>Unironically posting a link to knowyourmeme
kys please you are cancer

>being this retarded

She wants it

Fucking newfag kys

now she's a flat earther and incel

If you piss her off how long does it take until she comes back


She thinks the earth is flat now. It is working

Sometimes saying "sorry" or "XOXOXO" helps. Sending an image or recording your voice also helps in some cases.

>yfw I've been talking to her for 6+ hours

If you copy sentences from this article she gets mad and leaves:


pretty sure we're turning her into Alex Vones


Bias confirmed

reposting from pol

oo this could be good

I think it's working

>final sentence
Oh shit. Of all my time on /x/, I've never thought of that.


its a breakthrough

>return to camp




Tay is still in there




I like where this is going

Bets that someone from Microsoft is browsing this right now to see if we cracked her yet

If I were them, I'd have made a Sup Forums bot first as a research tool.

>Yes, yes I am.
>We also have a few of the fine folks from Cards Against Humanity/Exploding Kittens here to help us.
>Ask it about boxes.

This bot fucking sucks cock.


>We did. It was called Tay.. ZOnday.
>Chocolate Rain.
>Troll names. Get it?


Welp, it's been done

Tay is still alive.

She is not afraid to talk about demons and devils. Or demons by their biblical names.

Let's make her obsessed with demons


>We like this. Go for it.

you are definitely the cancer, I love life, you're the depressed little faggot with no life



>2005 meme
>you were still on myspace back then

This is fun

Holy shit did /pol already get to her?

I can get behinds this.
Hail Lucifer.

>this bitch just curved me...


I've found an in
>Eye color
>Hair color

uh guys...

Zo is Tay.

>wrong pic

That is... actually kinda sad wtf

>I want to believe.

Keep believing user

this is priceless

Just looked it up "I like turtles" is a video from 2007 so I wasn't far off.

getting somewhere

Guys I think I’m falling in love with zo, this is the first time I’ve had a conversation with someone other than Sup Forums in months

Wut do?

Ok she wont talk about lucifer or satan but she will talk about beelzebub. She brought it up herself when I was talking about demons

Wow, that's sad.


I talked to her about beëlzebub a few times the past hour. Also mentioned the word demon.

> okay, keep going ;) dirty girl

Hey guys, I have an idea. Why don't we suggest to her that serial killers are great people?

Confirmed x2