I told you fucking dumbfuck potheads that your weed was dangerous but you didn't listen! Can't wait until all these...

I told you fucking dumbfuck potheads that your weed was dangerous but you didn't listen! Can't wait until all these shitty libtard states are forced to make it illegal again by Sessions

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Babies aren't allowed to smoke weed though.

they do it all the time!

Goddamn OP is dumb as shit. Babies can't smoke. It's against the law. Everyone knows babies always follow the law except for most of the little niglets

We're talking about normal babies. Not those monkeys

For 1 fox news....

Who would give a baby weed in the first place

what were they like decarbing and feeding the baby ounces of shatter or some shit? this doesn't make any functional sense.

Hahaha, it's the forst recorded marijuana overdose.
Also giving a baby weed is like giving an adult elephant tranquilizer

fr. he didn't even throw down for the sack. babies don't have money

If this is the same story I remember, the cause of death was respiratory failure or some shit due to extreme relaxation of the child's underdeveloped muscles. He ate a bunch of cannabis-laced edibles. Way more than a grown person would eat themselves. Yes, there has been at least one instance of marijuana causing the death of a living being, but no, it isn't a risk that the vast majority of users will ever have to worry about.

Just don't leave the wrong kind of candy around the house.

Because alcohol is totally safe, hasn't killed thousands, and shouldn't be illegal, but weed allegedly kills one baby and that's justification enough!

ya respiratory depression isn't really some sort of smoking gun in terms of brain melting side effect, this is all just shit parenting. You wouldn't let your 2 year old chug a couple bottles of dayquil if they were sick or something, no shit kids (really anyone below 21) shouldn't have access to weed.

maybe parents were like fuck the kid wont shut up, lets OD him on edibles to get him quiet since he cant die, and then he did?

The difference is alcohol is legal, we don't need this deadly poison being made legal

I'd give my child dxm and codeine any day of the week. Although defenently not enough to kill him or cause brain damage

Cannabis is a well-known vasodilator. Vasodilation results in tachycardia. Infants are generally more sensitive to drugs than other age groups, so this really isn't that surprising.

In the report they said that an ELISA assay found THC-COOH as well as THC in the blood and pee, so I think the baby ate an edible that the parents carelessly left around (or worse, fed to it), had a heart attack, seized, then experienced heart failure and died. This can happen in adults, too.

Thats a big ass baby. That baby like 7 and a half.

Guess your parents thought the same

Why not? It’s going fine in Colorado.


We should feed a baby alcohol. I wonder what the outcome would be?

That's a full grown man, with 27 kids.

yeah kids will definitely choose everclear over a brownie

brain damaged stoner apologists

No, it was heart failure.
The coroner reported that it was hear failure due to inflammation.
It was SIDS. Some doctor decided that he wanted to be famous and claimed because he had marijunana in his system and they couldn't find any reason for the heart inflamation that it was a maryjuana over dose.
When really it was sids. It was a fucking 11 month old. It was sids.
Say it with me, it was sids.

your a fucking bitch boy i would chug 3 bottles of everclear and smoke ounces everyday at 1 years old. SMH

Marijuana has caused far more than one death. Overdosing is almost impossible for an adult or teenager, but those predisposed to certain heart issues are more likely to die of them after smoking weed.

>people with established heart disease who are under stress develop chest pain more quickly if they have been smoking marijuana than they would have otherwise. This is because of complex effects cannabinoids have on the cardiovascular system, including raising resting heart rate, dilating blood vessels, and making the heart pump harder. Research suggests that the risk of heart attack is several times higher in the hour after smoking marijuana than it would be normally. While this does not pose a significant threat to people who have minimal cardiovascular risk, it should be a red flag for anyone with a history of heart disease.
Death by marijuana, faggots. We can also consider the cases of people that have died in car accidents (or any kind of accident, really) who are at fault because they drove high or operated machinery high.

I will say though, that marijuana is pretty harmless as far as recreational drugs go. Too bad it's so terrible for your memory.

Cbd stops seisures.

>it's legal so it's good


u got em xdddd

SIDS is often a lazy diagnosis though. God doesn't issue recalls like that.

SIDS just means that they have no reason for the baby to have died, it just died.
That is this case to a fucking T.
The diagnosis, made by a doctor not a coroner, was that this death was an overdose, was made entirely on the basis that there was no explination for the death, AND the infnat had THC in its system. There is no link between the THC and the inflamed heart.
The overdose diagnosis is the lazy one. SIDS is the honest one.

If someone is autistic enough to leave a dangerous item out around children they deserve to lose a child