I have asked in the past but i will ask again...

I have asked in the past but i will ask again. I am wondering if its possible or if someone is able to hack into an instagram account. Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Yes, it is possible.

So how is it done?


if you know them, contact them pretending to be instagram techsupport and flat out ask them for the credentials. or create a fake instagram app, install it on their device, and then steal their password

Who's your target and what do you intend to do once you have access?

I just want to see what they post. I don't intend on anything malicious.

How do you do that?

It is possible but it is Illegal to tell someone how to hack into someones instagram with malicious intent. For I do not want to be responsible for damages done.


google is your friend

Like I said. I don't want to do anything malicious. I just want to see what they post.

Like are you just trying to see a private account? Or have access to the account itself to see dm's and stuff?

Trying to see a private account.

Then all you have to do is create a convincing account and follow your target. Depends on whether or not they accept the follow so you just have to be smart about it. Who's account is it?

I've tried making a convincing account but to no avail. There's only like 80 followers to the account so they don't accept any joe blow.

Well if anyone wants to do some instagram magic the account is akn.priv

In case *someone* figures it out post some contact info so they can send it to you

I can help you. But only if you got her email

Like I said. I don't want the account. I just want to see what they post. Meaning just make the account public, not private

I don't have her email, unfortunately

Then you need some other info. Her name, and possibly phone #

Her name is Alexis Nabbefeld and this is the phone number I have for her. I'm not sure if it is still. 16084590099