Be me

>be me
>24yo femanon
>meet guy off tinder
>he's super cute
>invite him over to my place
>we have sex and he stays over
>he leaves in the morning after i cook him breakfast
>he LOVES my cooking
>he practically inhaled it and asked for seconds
>says we should do it again sometimes
>later that day i see him panhandling
>he just had sex with me to have a meal and a roof over his head

Other urls found in this thread:

So whats the problem?

man that dude had a good day

Sounds like a strong independent man who doesn't need no woman to me

fell for the bait, got the kek
not bad op



this dude is living the life. I have heard of this before though. Do you live in new york?

Cool, now you get to wrap him arround your little finger and make him do chores arround the house to help out cause you get worn out easilly

you better get checked for hepatitis.

you can't get hep c through sex and im vaxxed for A and B

Isn’t that the main reason women have sex at all, a meal and roof over there head?

> free sex
> free food
> free bed

What's not to like.

So femanon, are ugly or naive?

i guess im naive. i thought he liked me

ok cool now show your tits and put sharpie in pooper

>24yo femanon
why dont you get your sex change already you queer...and then kill yourself

hmmm, this is true

This is equality

Ok, I'll take the bait.

You're going to tell me a homeless man has a facebook account with photos of himself not being homeless, and a functioning smartphone with access to wifi and gps and a charger, and somehow had clean clothes and body.


He could like you... why so pessimist? Fucking shit i need to improve my english

Why do you keep making these stories up? Don't you have anything better to do?

if he pulls this scam often he probably showers at the girls' place. and smartphones start at £30 and there's free wifi and sockets everywhere

he's probably homeless by choice

>acts like a whore
>expects him to be boyfriend material

does a whore make her johns an A+ english breakfast?

Is this you acnekun?


>does a whore make her johns an A+ english breakfast?
who cares about breakfast? a whore has sex wit some rando off twitter on the first date ahaha

I mean, are you ugly? Was he sweet? It could work out for both of you...

>tits or gtfo

26 posts in. You faggots disappoint me

OP how many men have you slept with?

i dont count

so 50+ and a possible Hiv situating.

You fucked a homeless guy? That means I have a shot right?

That sounds like my brother. Fucker has been homeless by choice for like 12 yrs now. Has knocked up four chicks during that time. I know he has even got with some guys in the past while traveling, just so he can shower, sleep in a bed, etc.

Too many to count

OP haven't read the thread replies. But any chick that sleeps with me on the first date, I know she ain't keeping material. No matter if she makes me bfast or washing my clothes or whatever.

Guys will bang you if you let em. Of course we will. Doesn't mean we want to take it further because we know you put out straight away so we will think you've had too many partners already and probably can't be trusted. We just don't respect chicks that are easy. Never have, never will. Not trying to be an arse hole here because you seem like a decent person .

Do a couple of dates, at least three before you get any hint of sex. Come on, didn't your mum teach you that.

You actually can, it just a extremely low chance, is rare as fuck.

>26 posts in. You faggots disappoint me

Hey guys check out the Sup Forums guy here
..... look he follows the rules .... yeah you know the rules on Sup Forums
Talk about the stupidest dickhead around

Actully most pan handlers arnt homeless.
>he fell for the $600 cell phone meme
You can get a decent android smart for $50 that functionality does everything that Samsung does

god humanity is gross. why do ppl even have sex. that shit is disgusting

tits with timestamp or GTFO

THEY WOuold RATHER HUMP HOMELESS CHAD then decent guy me.
My ontius used to hook up with asometimes homeless drug addict that beat up a homeless dude once for kicks

hello bb is that pic rly u? my pinus is cum. plz show bobs

hmu i'll fuck you and mean it

Oh shit that's hot....

I think I have a new fetish I'm not proud of

Op is a faggot copy paste

just a radical idea:
maybe he does.
Maybe you just made him one of the best evenings of his life.
Maybe he would become your bf, if given the chance.

Are you a gold-digger, or do you w8 for mr. perfect?
Because a decent guy sits right in front of your door, if you could adjust your standards a little and get comfortable with the idea that you will be the material provider in this relationship.

>implying panhandling doesnt provide
They make more money then you if they are in a decent area, and they just have to sit there all day


You're the faggot

Over qualified. Next.

Its been too long, remem/b/er its dead Sup Forumsro.

bla bla bla... you know the drill fag!

>Having seks with someone you just met online
>What could have possibly gone wrong??!

Pretty much. Any woman on tinder is not relationship material.

I kinda feel for femanon. She is trying and her hearts in the right place. Making brekky was a sweet thing, but means nothing when only 8 hours beforehand she was swallowing his cum

pLeASE gO to /r9k/ and never come back

well he was attractive and that's all that matters right?

FFS leave OP alone
Everyday new OC and keks are delivered

mfw I never get matches on tinder, ever.

I haz a bad case of ugly

Hanging on tinder for a quick fuck doesn't sound like trying to me. But hey, I come from a different time.

Are you actually retarded? You have no fucking idea how the world around you works if it's not something straight down your lane do you? I know plenty of people who have become homeless and still have their phones, and WiFi isn't fucking gold dude, McDonald's, libraries, fuck most grocery stores even have free WiFi you ignorant nigger.

Worth the read

Wew bro, I strike a nerve or something? What, your dad homeless or some shit? Calm down buddy.