She wouldn't let him to do if she was awake and he wouldn't even try if she was awake so its rape. get over with it

she wouldn't let him to do if she was awake and he wouldn't even try if she was awake so its rape. get over with it.

except the photographer says it was staged and she was awake... and it was her idea...

rape = penetration.
Nothing being penetrated here.

There isn't any physical contact

not trying to defend him, but it doesn't even look like his hands are making contact with her body...

"he raped me.. through two inches of steel and Kevlar"

also he wouldn't have felt boobs anyway, he would have felt the armor plate in that carrier.

porcelain actually. There's no steel or any metal for that matter



Rape is how real men spred genes.
Women have no rights.

This whole thing is fucking stupid. That dumb playboy bitch is just jumping on the sex abuse band wagon. That picture is meaningless. He ain't even touching her and if this bitch is so ok put off by him why is she falling asleep around him? If you look up this woman you can see she just wants a career boost.

>blaming the victim

Then why would Franken apologize and not say this.

Cause if you try to defend yourself you are going to get a portion of the population who will loudly pronounce you way worse than if you just meekly apologize and minimize....His apology was also pretty weak , he said it was a bad joke so meh isn't like he said Yea I grabbed her by the titties to get a good feel over that combat armour!


Oh no. Someone took a picture of her with someone hover handing her flat chest. What a fucking victim. Let's get together and have a big old fashioned pity party just for her.

Please. This cunt is obviously on the bandwagon. Sorry to let ya know.

Rape is defined in court as unwanted penetration. That would be sexual assault.

>weak bait

you're either a retard or this is some high-end bait

>fingertips touching the chest area of body armor
puh lease, bitch. though I'm glad frankin is getting shoah'd

public lynching when

How about if he just drew a dick on her face? I've done that...

Anything done to any woman is rape.

He's obviously some kind of idiot anyway, who knows what else he has or thinks he can get away with. As will others if nothing happens

It doesn't matter if she's the devil incarnate. He shouldn't be doing this

Get rid

you're right Columbus was the real victim. He governed over a colony of criminals who lied about his cruelty, and repeatedly feigned friendship only to stab him in the back time and time again. Because of all of this, his governorship was strpped from him and his lands and wealth in Spain were ceased. By his 4th journey he was a crippled old man who needed to find a way to make what wealth he could to provide for his children and family when he died. Now he is blamed and labeled a tyrant. it's just pathetic

a comedian with a an ex Hooters Girl joking at a party - lets be honest, it isn't rape. it isn't anything.

Yeah, EX Hooters girl, let's treat her like a slut.

While we're being honest, are you still in school?

ITT people who haven't actually read the accusation. Hint: It's got nothing to do with the picture

>Use body/tits at strip club Jr for tips. All okay how powerful.
>"Comedian" grabs your bulletproof vest over where your tits are. Fuckin rape.

You used to shit your pants, you will always be a pants shitter and you'll never grow up

Also it's OK for everyone to point that out and hold their noses when you're around

Shitty pants

What is it then? And you're right, I couldn't care less about this.

wrong look? rape
breathing too close? rape
thinking about a women? rape

Inserting a tongue where it's not wanted = rape

Bandwagon is the key here. Even ten years ago, people who had dealt with BS like whatever Franken did would either go to the cops, or just deal with it and let it go. I'm not saying he is noble for anything he did, but it seems pretty minor, and the chick's life doesn't appear to be terribly fucked-up.

But now, with #metoo and all the other social media bullshit (which buffs people's egos for stepping forward), shit is getting dredged up which had been put to bed years ago. Why? Because people fucking love attention. A week ago this woman was a virtual nobody, and now her name is on everyone's lips.

Fucking sad to live in a society where fame and attention are so incredibly important and sought-after. A society where anyone gives even a single fuck what a Kardashian thinks about anything. How far we have fallen...

Oh yeah..and she is a confirmed Republican. Coincidence? Methinks not.

She also got her start working at Hooters and has posed (non-nude) for Playboy. Attention whore much?

Apparently 2 inches of steel and kevlar isnt enough to protect her from being raped

Simple answer is leave the locker room shit in the locker room and back in your childhood. Then you won't have to deal with it when you're an adult and should know better.

Lose the dickhead, he's a liability

hoverhand, to a flak jacket, not rape

He had jet fuel


>no contact
>fully clothed
>a hand gesture

yea ok

This is all bait from Roger Stone. If that picture is rape then we are all rapists because we've all been that close to another person before without making contact.

the military has had a harassment problem both real and imagined for decades. this was done in poor taste and both should have known this. they are both egocentric dullards.

Has everyone just forgotten the term "molestation"? Everything is either nothing or rape now...

You either fear for your life and the direction America is going with Dictator Trump in power, or you are a nazi racist white supremacist that needs to be punched in the face.

> extremes are what the cool kids are doing nowadays

Because people with the same ideology as 50% of the people in this thread would publicly shame him until he did so. The fuck is with people and this new definition of rape. This photo is nothing but distasteful satire, and defining it as rape discredits all actual victims of rape.

Tl:Dr I hate people and you are wrong.

You must watch alot of CNN and frequent twitter huh?

it's not though

I guess I raped my mom so many times... zomg

im pretty sure it was sarcastic

then why does my local paper have a huge section with franken saying he's disgusted by his own behavior?
i know he's tried to do some good stuff but seeing pictures of him doing crack i've always been kind of apprehensive about having a crack head political representative.

Trump was a hypocrite for tweeting this considering his own history with women Gave Roy Moore a pass..

By this logic, Trump should be gone tomorrow, as the Access Hollywood tape was pawned off as "locker room" talk. I'll trade you Franken resignation for one Trump resignation. Right now.

>touching a woman’s chest through body armor is rape

"Haha! Good thing I'm never running for public office!"

Staring at a woman for more than 14 seconds is sexual harassment. What he did is way beyond that.

Talk and action are different, got anything else?


...and this too

just one more.... with Joy Behre!
Grab that tittie Albert! Yeah!!

OMG I can't believe it. The Australians will never forgive us


What the...