ITT: We describe movies badly and others guess what they are

ITT: We describe movies badly and others guess what they are.

Volume VI

that one about that nigger

>Man with posh English accent wears his hair in a pony tail
>Someone gets stabbed with an unusual object
>Annoying ginger girl has bad credit
>But here's some salt water

Describes two very different movies released within one year of one another. One literally, one figuratively. List both if you're the fucking man.

>Be me, single father with two digit IQ
>Not surprisingly, I'm black
>My son dresses like a gang member and almost gets kicked out of school
>Like most blacks, I drive like a fucking retard and practically kill a bunch of people whenever I'm behind the wheel
>Eventually, I meet this big, scary motherfucker.
>He turns out to be a BeeGees fan.

>hero is annoying dweeb
>nothing much happens
>annoying faggot finally makes out with a hot girl
>it's his mom

>"It puts the lotion on its skin!"
>Bad guy is a psychopath who tucks his peepee between his legs
>He's making a people skin coat
>Damn this guy is scary. He could be a video game's final boss.

>A gay Scientologist abuses an opiate
>A man gets deeply bummed out, just not in the way you're thinking
>Someone you thought for sure would live dies
>Someone you thought for sure would die lives

>refugeeloses job
>becomes assistant to professor
>professors turns into a tomato

Silence of the Lambs, this one was way too easy

>Candy names
>The Mario Brothers

Dark Matter?


Harry potter or starwars?

That's why it's the wrong movie.

The key is in the last clue.

resident evil?

Star Wars.

>Batman snorts coke
>Gets HIV off camera
>Brutally murders a bunch of people
>Based on a true story
>Probably not the Batman you're thinking of


>Arnold's wash day is tomorrow
>He needs clothes now

Back to the Future?

>Star Wars.
No. Curious how you came up with that.

No to Harry as well.

I'll give you guys a hint: There is an English guy with a ponytail in both movies. Different actors, obviously, but also different roles. One is the villain of a movie and another is a supporting character. Hope that helps!


No. There's a film for Man-Bat or is there a movie unrelated to the DC character? Now I'm confused.

Kind of a longshot but I'll take a guess: Ghostbusters

>There's this cop who wants to kill an Irish kid
>And I'm his friend. I don't want him to die.
>So I go to work down at the steel factory and try to make a difference
>Along the way, I learn Spanish

Hey, would you look at that, I won. As for Manbat, I was just making a shitty meme.

Nope, I could give a hint, but maybe it might make it too obvious.

>Hey, would you look at that, I won
Now you post a movie, user. Hell, post five. I'll try to guess 'em all.

Post half a hint then. If that's possible. One thing that helps is hinting at who the actors are without giving too much away.

Pretty sure Obi-Wan had a ponytail, light sabers are weird objects, something with Padame and the last one I'm not sure.

This is me: Mm, I don't actually now actors' names that well, but I'll give you an extra hint.
>Mona Lisa.

You can post more than one movie, user. I give you my blessing. (It's also how we keep the thread from 404ing and get more people to join in).

>Mm, I don't actually now actors' names that well, but I'll give you an extra hint.
>Mona Lisa.
The Da Vinci Code?

Nope, and as for posting more movies, I don't watch too many movies, but I'll try.
>Fun as hell movie.
>There's one gimmick to it, but it adds to the fun.
>Also a guy keeps dying.

>son gets kidnapped
>dad goes and find son
>Mentally ill woman helping dad with search

Finding Nemo.

Groundhog Day

I should probably add:
>It's very action based.

Decent guess, but no.

>Robots look human but aren't
>Humans don't always act humane

>Boat is hailed as unsinkable
>It sinks
>Movie ends

The Titenic.

I'm thinking Freddie or Jason die constantly and return in their movies. But then, those aren't really action, per se. Hmmm...


Well, the fact that the same character keeps dying is explained, but it isn't the most important thing in the movie.

>Chinks fly around on wires
>Ugly old bitch used to be young and hot
>She's pretty bitter about hitting the wall
>Not very happy ending

Edge of tomorrow

Nope. Also let me just focus on the gimmick, it isn't anything story related. It's purely done for the viewer.

King Kong

Is he undead or a mutant or something?

Nope, it's a camera gimmick. Now I'm giving a lot away.

Been posting this one for weeks, no-one ever gets it:
> Troubled psychic raped by her dad and his scary friend.
> His scary friend borrows her dad's face.

Is it skyrim?

Need a hint or two.

1. What decade is it from?
2. Can you give a hint to the actress?

Work with us, user!

>Ryan Gosling
>Stylised alternate L.A
>SADBOI Character


Blade Runner 2049

Too much, user. Way too much.

The Little Mermaid

>crazy guy says "nuke russians!"
>president says "no"
>everything goes to shit


Why would I give those hints? Git gud

Correct! Wait, are you the guy who guessed this before but couldn't get the first? Because it's really a description of another movie that I wrote. After writing it, I realized it also describes the Little Mermaid pretty well as well.

The credit clue was supposed to be literal, not figurative, in case you wondered.

Reds? Dunno. Just a guess.

A little girl who took way too much acid once...

Because you actually want people to guess your movie, you autistic fuck? Why else would keep posting it like a broken record? Or maybe you just like copypastaing the same shit ad nauseum while complaining no one gets it. Whatever. Do it if it makes you happy. I just don't see where you get off complaining when people don't solve it.

Alice in Wonderland

>dude makes (and loses) a robot
>musicians teach robot to be a nigger
>they kill wolverine
>chicks personality and memories fit on a flash drive

Alright let me add the hints.
>It's very action based.
>The gimmick is based on the camera.
>The main character is a robot.

hardcore henry?

You got it, I know I gave too much away with that.

I wasn't complaining, idiot, and what's the point in adding clues and making it easier until someone gets it? Why compromise like that? Just how weak are you?

Is it skyrim?

nah I thought about it at your first post, but got thrown off at "also a guy keeps dying"

>chicks personality and memories fit on a flash drive
is this sly cooper nigga

It's Shrek.


>a white man and a black man in suits
>white man dies half way through
>white man and black man get breakfast at the end

Pulp Fiction

Men in black 3?


>Guy is a detective in a suit that hides his identity
>guy lives with some druggies to find the dealer
>guy takes drugs and suspects himself of being the dealer
>ends with guy picking flowers to make drugs


requiem for a dream



Well, Jimmy does keep dying.

Blade runner

>I wasn't complaining, idiot,
Yes, you were. Why else would you say you've posted it over and over again and no one gets it? That's called whining, faggot.

>what's the point in adding clues and making it easier until someone gets it?
Because you can move the fuck on with your life and pick A NEW MOVIE rather than posting the same one that no one has ever seen or heard of ad nauseum, you fucking idiot. Fuck you.

>Why compromise like that? Just how weak are you?
The definition of insanity is repeating the same action over and over again expecting a different result. Yet according to you, you've been doing that for weeks. For weeks! You're either a lunatic or an idiot. Or both.

You have the mental age of a 12 year old. You're obviously an underage faggot who shouldn't even be on Sup Forums, or a fucking grown man who is about as dumb as a little kid. Get raped, get AIDS and die.

Dr Strangelove


goddamn right

Yep. No one was getting the easy ones, so I made a super easy one. And still no one got it until now. Is it me or is it them, user?

>A nigger takes a white man's cock into one of his orifices off camera
>John McClane is pissed the fuck off
>This other white guy doesn't have a sign out front that says "Dead nigger storage"
>And this definitely isn't the movie you're thinking of

oh right I forgot that

>A Keanu Reeves movie not starring Keanu Reeves

Pulp Fiction


Look at the big brain on Bret! You got it, user.

Now you post a tough one, okay?

not a movie, but a show
>4channer jerks to cp
>has to deliver a cake

Wow you're so mad cos you can't get it, hahaha! I post it now and then, I'll wait for someone to get it, no rush, no stress. Problem?

>The 10th, 11th and war doctor work together to save the world

>Be me, homeless smart mouthed faggot
>I look about as bad as I undoubtedly smell
>Despite this, a loli who uses crucifixes as dildos wants the D pretty bad
>Did I mention my best friend is a Chris Farley wannabe with the IQ of a fruit fly?