
>it's the dealers fault when an addict OD's

I shiggy diggy

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he wasnt an addict, also you cant OD on xanax ffs, it was laced with fentanyl (not OP btw)



look at him, his days were numbered anyway

Yeah he looks like a nice, upstanding young gentlemen

yes the 21 year old who wasnt addicted to any drugs but did do them socially and not heavily in recreation's days were numbered

honestly who gives a rodents rear end?






so this is hip hop in 2017. fags and a jewess.

WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THIS STUPID FUCKING UNKNOWN RAPPER! The dude romanticized fucking drugs like lean, xanny bars, etc. He was a piece of shit who should have double died.

If you have even a ounce of sympathy for such an obviously no talent fucking nothing I truly feel bad for you .
Interest yourself in real human beings doing real things who actually give you a reason to look up to them or follow their lives.

I would have put a gun to this faggots forehead and pulled the trigger , no emotion.

You don't pop that many xannies if you aren't addicted to drugs don't talk like a retard it's a pathetic and sad situation all around with an idiot and yes men that are supposedly friends yet let their boy abuse xanax, when benzo withdrawal CAN KILL YOU. Fuck with something more dangerous than opiates then die because your so called friends are just as retarded as the guy downing 6 pills and drinking.

honestly fuck all of you faggots, you dont even know who he was, or what he stood for, you just take him as some retarded soundclout rapper who says random shit in his songs, HE WAS ANYTHING BUT! he was painfully honest about himself and the world we live in, his lyrics actually MEANT shit and werent him just talking about his bitches and money, in fact, he was openly bisexual, dont judge a person you only know about because you googled him

He stood for the abuse of drugs and the outlook that doing these drugs was cool and you should too. That kid knew nothing of the world. He only knew about how to get high and promote getting high.

What a top notch individual. NOT.

LMAO your lyrics are supposed to mean something that isn't a fucking accomplishment. And apparently being bi sexual earns you an award?

that many? nigger you can pop 25 and its not even close to the amount you need to "OD" it was fucking laced, all you fucking idiots say is that he glorified drugs, NIGGER YOU'RE THINKING OF LIL PUMP FFS! this guy was more than just "drugs" he was an inspiration, he was someone people found when they were sad, he spoke to them, he gave them HOPE, sorry to say looks like there isnt any hope for you people, and there's no hope for us anymore, a goth angel has fallen, and so begins a new era of sadness and desperation
(lil pump is the one in the pic if ya dont know)

0/10 Come on, put a litte more effort into it.

listen to this song, and i mean LISTEN, tell me this is about drug glorification, yes he did drugs, and maybe he did glorify them, but thats not ALL he was ffs


Welcome to anyone who is sad and finds a new fucking artist pussy.

Just because this guy talked in a way that made you keep you're made up manliness through drugs you think he was influential? HAHAHAHAHAHA fucking priceless fucking teens. Grow up you angsty bitch.

for the first time in HISTORY OP is not a faggot, instead, the people replying to this thread (except for the guy taking on the virgins) are the faggots

I didn't say shit about glorifying drugs. Doesn't change the fact that if you take 6 0.5 mg xannies and then drink you're still a retard. You're a retard for not testing the drugs, and I know he's a retard because he apparently hangs out with retards. You're an average of your friends. Both the rappers you mentioned are complete garbage with amateur rhyme schemes and no technical skill. Not even debatable, that's math.

How can you faggots defend this idiot .
Give us one example of these "different lyrics"
Give us one example of a coherent thought , idea or concept that he laid down .
He was a fucking waste case and you are why society is burning from the inside out . The media ,
Including the internet has dumbed most people down where complete losers like this somehow gain validity because oh he was bi . Take your liberal nazi blue hair fucking thinking and just kill yourself already.


What the fucking cuntbags is going on?

just because his music and his personality wasnt your forte doesnt mean you can just be assholes to him and his fans, fucking hell, you dont even know him, you just found out on google "Lil Peep dies of suspected Drug Overdose" and think
>Hey look a soundcloud rapper died lets go and see if anyone on Sup Forums has made a thread about him so i can start some shit

Yes it does. Why doesn't it, fuckwad? Do you realize you're on Sup Forums.

Holy shit, you ACTUALLY care. Like, for real. Hahaha. Fucking pathetic.

Do you realize how much of a faggot you sound like right now?
It's more like
>What the fuck is this idiot doing posting like this? He clearly isn't from here and I can't think of a reason to like his shitty wigger post. Let's bag on him.

>faggot junkie dies because of his faggot addiction
who gives a fuck, faggot.

>didnt even listen to the song
>skips to the part about drugs
>thinks that one line is enough to prove his point
>is a loner virgin faggot

Some shit rapper that no one important has ever heard of overdosed on drugs like a pussy.

I bet you're an annoying fucking liberal.

No that's exactly what we have the right to do.

Just because your brain hasn't
Developed yet so you can see it for what it really is does not negate the fact that you are wrong about it , you also did not know him but give it a few years and you
Will agree with us .
He was a no talent fucking loser with nothing to bring To the table .

If this guy is your lyrical prophet , you need to expand your mind and start having standards for yourself .

This guy was a goof,
And died like one.

You said the song wasn't about getting high, I skip to the meat to give it a chance and that's what I hear. You lose.

sorry i didnt mean to green text it, i meant to use quotation marks the point is you're all a bunch of assholes

Im laughing my ass off, this fucking thread man

>you cant OD on xanax
you're a fucking idiot

Who the fuck cares cunt, this irrelevant fuck dies and every acts like he was their idol. This shit needs to stop

No actually I've been lurking on Sup Forums since 2006. This is the first time I've taken time to stop and type a few posts out. This guy is trash. He is the Soujah Boy of today, except dead.

This guy has never hit the headlines until a few days ago with his death.
I took a listen to his terrible music and it's on par with any shitty mumble rapper out there right now. It's nothing special and i hate when people lift these terrible artists and put them on a pedestal.


>nigger you can pop 25 and its not even close to the amount you need to "OD"
your stupidity fucking hurts. i like peep as much as the next guy but the dude was troubled and escaped with hard drugs.


Honestly how can anyone be such a cuck to try and defend someone like this.
If this man is someone you respect ,
you will probably live a life of people constantly out performing you and eventually having a black man fuck your wife because long ago your little nut sack was completely stripped of testosterone.

Have standards , grow up.
Read books.
Learn the cognitive ability to detect bullshit artists like this quickly and not be distracted by "yolo"
And face tattoos and drug promotion.

Think about it .

You are a fucking idiot google it its true

I went through the real emo days bruh. 2006-2008

Go listen to Hawthorne Heights.

user, jesus christ, I meant your OP.
It's nothing like any thread you'd find right now, it reeks of you being a huge newfag.

LOL. This little nerd was too weak to face his own problems, associates with retards then dies like a retard. Not only that, when he has a chance to be responsible he fails miserably. Now go get 18000 tattoos you whiny little girl.

you're not depressed, are you? you dont actually LISTEN to his music, you just hear the same shit that everyone hears in other rappers, but seriously i cant believe how much shit he is getting for being essentially assassinated one of his fans!!

Thanks for the cancer

Just listened to about 45 mins worth of that garbage, wanted to give Lil Peep a shot.. NOPE that dude is a punk bitch and his so called music fucking sucks...

Who cares? This guy is the definition of white trash.

You seem to not understand doing xanax is fucking stupid in the first place... and this is why your brain is underdeveloped....... Go smoke weed like a normal person.

The truth is who gives a shit. You can take one look at that fucking idiot and be glad he's gone.

>cant OD on xanax
How fucking retarded can you be? Of course you can. Read up on something before you post some dumbass shit like that.

I don't know who you're talking about.

why would someone do that? Isn't the tiniest bit alone almost lethally potent? And how was it proven beyond panicked tween conjecture that they were? Heavily from the conjecture of it being impossible to OD (regardless of other physical circumstance and activities) on around 6 xanax's?

Maybe you should google it and come back.

find the woman so we can give her a fucking medal

This guy 100%
We live in a world with people doing fucking amazing things.

We've got people working on the forefront of space exploration, building intelligent machines, discovering new and insane things.

But, a wanked out little shit with zero skill, no foresight and who is stupid enough to get themselves killed is somehow worth caring about.

They guy was pond scum and entire waste of atoms. Thank fuck he's out of the gene pool.

So when does she start with porn.

As if being depressed gives you some special insight into his music .
All you fucking degenerates are the same.
"I have depression ... you wouldn't understand cause your not diagnosed like me ... it's a disease I'm dealing with ... you just don't understand "

Actually we do.
Every single person on the planet is depressed and confused and deep down knows everything we do is pointless .
However to insinuate that our trials and tribulations are in anyway less important or hard then yours is the ultimate form of entitlement / spoiled little brat.
You fucking suck that's why your depressed.
You should be dead that's why your depressed but your heated home
And wifi keeps you alive.
Grow the fuck up and stop the pityy party and realize that you are using depression as a crutch to be a overall shitty human being .
Now please if you can't handle the truth go kill yourself and being with your lyrical miracle of a prophet and do is all a solid.

Go pop 25 bars then to prove it u pussy.

Stop defending your shitty point. I almost died form a benzo overdose. You have no idea what your talking about. Just because "you can take 25 xanax and not OD'" doesn't mean you can't OD.

When Xanax is taken in combination with alcohol or other medications, particularly those that affect the brain, life-threatening Xanax overdose symptoms are more likely to occur. Often an overdose on Xanax occurs because the patient is addicted to another drug or substance and is taking Xanax at the same time.

That doesn't change the fact (since apparently were typing in caps) YOU ARE A RETARD FOR ABUSING XANAX TO GET HIGH AND DRINKING ON TOP OF IT. No rapper with actual skill or talent would ever fuck with someone like this. You whiny pathetic white "emo" kids should get the fuck out of hip hop. It's not your genre or lifestyle. It's cringe, and your cringelord is gone.

the "real" emo days? you mean dressing up in black clothing, putting on makeup and kissing other dudes right? thats the "real" era i guess, the "real gay" era
yeah, the media says that he died of suspected overdose, which is true, he overdosed on fentanyl laced xanax from one of his "fans" (0.2mg is a lethal dosage btw, used to treat cancer patients, only used in VERY small amounts)he was poisoned, they dont know shit, they report what they think is good news, they dont give a shit about the real details, there wouldnt be as much of an uproar if they reported he was assassinated, but if they say he OD'd then soooo many people (such as yourself and many of these other plebs) will be saying "oh look dont do drugs kids" among other things, they dont give a FUCK

He was degenerate scum. Social drug users don't pop six Xanax.

It's the only way. #Pills4Peeps

With out his intellect how will we ever cure cancer, heart disease or build a space station on Mars?

Tell me about it. (((They))) are winning.

Ok, Sup Forums, we hit a new low level of shitpost there. Congrats, bros, not everything is lost

What is the qualification of addiction? Dude is a rapper covered in tattoos. Dude looks high in every pic there is of him.

Anyone that tries to defend an addict by saying "he wasn't addicted" like you knew him personally and checked his blood every week. Fuck you, you mouth-breathing junkie. Get your proportions straight.

Everyone in this thread is tard but fake Xanax is pretty common, He was on twitter showing himself eating 2mg bars, the one he kept dropping on his face looked like it had too rigid of edges to be a real xanax bar. You can Def OD on xanax, but 12mg isn't really the OD level if it's just alprazolam

Yeah....I was about to say. Xanax in and of itself is pretty hard to OD on, but when you're mixing it with alcohol or other drugs, bad shit can happen pretty easily.

you think she wanted this to happen or was just dumb? Possible she didn;t know they were laced? where is there evidence she knew they were laced, and where is the evidence they were?

Eat a dick.

Could have easily been real xanax too though, fucking 6 bars deep could imagine you wouldn't remember how many you actually ate fuck it 6 more

And so * WAS he
And yeah, everyone can see his fans are Oh so angsty teens you whiny faggot

Woman is a hero

read below, thats the same point ill make to you
first of all im not even fucking emo, im depressed yeah, but i mean you guys are looking on it from a different perspective from us, we have listened to his music and seen his life, you guys just heard that he died and started spewing shit about drug abuse, also, you cant talk about drug abuse, unless you have had drug abuse/been affected by it, also, im not a millennial faggot okay? i dont live off of wifi and i do cope with depression, i dont often use it as a crutch and make people feel pity because thats just pathetic and belittling to people who actually have mental illness
i never said you cant OD, obviously you can, but he couldnt have unless it was laced

While that true he probably had a decent tolerance. When I first started I would black out off 2 bars. When I was at my peak I took 8 and i wasn't even close to blacking out.


How do you know he didn't have other shit in his system? How do you know he didn't drink any alcohol? You have the toxicology report?


As opposed to getting fucking lame ass tattoos, dye half my hair, look scruffy, romanticize drug use, and still be bisexual and kiss guys? So Lil Peep?

Yeah, you're right.................. LOL

What if I told you no one is about one thing. What if I told you your desperate tries to redeem his worth are in vain.

He was skinny ass dicksucker with shit music. His lyrics are "oh so deep" and his beats fucking suck. Glad he died so he doesn't overshadow an actual artist with his faggot shit


um? REAL xanax is doctor prescribed xanax, its an anti anxiety/depression pill, he got it off of a fan so its not like he EXPECTED it to be laced with fentanyl

Yeah, retard, because everyone in the world is eating xanax or alprazolam like M&Ms. The dude was a fucking addict and kill himself thanks his own stupidity. And he is not the first one achieving that.

hardcore truth here. listen to this man.

okay listen everyone, just fucking listen, i typed in "how many people have died from xanax overdose" and GOOGLE'S answer was this...
"Some people have reported taking up to 2000 mg of Xanax and have experienced only minor toxicity. At more than 1000 times the normal daily dose, this medication is incredibly safe and very difficult to overdose on when taken alone. 4. Do not take Xanax other than prescribed.May 3, 2012"

link to website below


end of discussion, he was poisoned with fentanyl laced xanax, this wasnt an overdose perse, this was an assassination.

Lol if you literally can't see past this "laced with fentayl" shit. Serial and public drug abuser just happened to take the hardest opiate available, just like by accident.

He's dead because he didn't value his own life and neither should you

I don't get why people mix fentanyl with stuff. Surely you can get more for it on its own..

If every person on the planet had depression then depression wouldn't be a thing

He wanted to do it. Fuck it. I didn’t know who he was but it was his own fault. Lil is so lame.... lil anything. Unoriginal trash, a fucking child. Some die from drugs and some grow old to see how fucking dumb we were.