Why are women so retarded?

Why are women so retarded?

Every woman that I have ever dated has showcased varying levels of Willful Ignorance and Cognitive Bias. Even women who are well educated are not exempt, my current GF is a pharmacist and I had to explain to her why I don't want to be friends with her exes or guys who pursued her.

She had a puzzled look on her face when I told her it would be Awkward and Undermining to our relationship for us to hangout with these guys while they attempt to flirt with her and I have to pretend to get along with them.

Seriously Sup Forums, what the hell is wrong with women?

>Simple Solution:
Ask her if she wants to be friends with or thinks it would be alright for you to hangout with your ex girlfriends.

Guaranteed she will say no, ask her why, then end the argument with "EXACTLY". Unless she is next level and claims that what she is doing is somehow different, in which case you go No Contact and dump her ass.

That's what happens when you date white blondes


Used to describe the way that women use rationalization to resolve mental conflict and avoid cognitive dissonance. The core mechanism that allows women to say one thing and do a different thing.


Lying to yourself to make yourself feel better about something that you know is wrong.

First off, is spot on. That's a good tactic that I've used.

Secondly, I've noticed the same thing in most woman. My wife does similar things, just not with ex's. Once you "win" a few debates or disagreements with logic, you can reference those in the future with, "Didn't we already cover this with (insert topic here)?"

Women are naturally illogical and the fact most of them have been raised as "daddy's little princess that can do no wrong" hasn't helped the situation. Most have never experienced discipline and that makes them self centered and not considerate of another person.

I've got a buddy that, no joke, a week after his mom died, his wife started bitching at him for not helping her around the house when she's a stay at home mom and he works full time.

Good advice, I have used this in the past but it almost never works because women are incapable of seeing things from another person's perspective.

She is white with brown hair.

Nailed it.

>I've got a buddy that, no joke, a week after his mom died, his wife started bitching at him for not helping her around the house when she's a stay at home mom and he works full time.

Holy shit, I seriously hope that he dumped her ass right there on the spot. What an inconsiderate bitch.

Married with a kid. He stuck it out with her. She's getting better, very slowly. And he has more patience than anyone I've ever met.

lol your gf already knows why that shit is all fucked up. she just thinks if you can't explain it then she can get away with it easier. now shes just going to be more careful about getting caught cheating on you.

well protip if she's hanging out with her ex's and guys that are flirting with here, it's one of two reasons. She's letting them flirt with her, because it makes herself feel good, or she's fucking them, because it makes herself feel good.

either way OP, people do what people do. Because it makes them feel good. I do something nice for someone? why? it makes me tingly, I did heroin tonight? why? it made me tingly. Your girls talking to a guy wit a big dick? cus he tells her she's pretty, makes her feel good. Or she's letting him put that big dick in there, because that feels even better. Women aren't that stupid.. I mean there's more stupid men and women, then there are smart ones.. but from what I've witnessed, we all play stupid because it benefits us. It's easier to act stupid, than say "I'm a piece of shit who's just playing with your emotions cus it feels good"

That's a possibility.

I'm going to go with women are just that fucking stupid. They don't think anything of it even if their intentions are innocent. They just don't think of how we men are scoundrels, nor do they consider how an action effects us. Just self centered is all. Takes a lot to break them out of that.

My wife is 27 and I've noticed with age she's become more selfless, but that took constant effort on her part and a long time job in retail. (Customer Service)

I wonder if he was ignoring the Red Flags prior to marrying her?

This. Women know what they are doing, also Emotional Cheating is still cheating.

this... sorry OP, he doesn't know your situation, and nor do I. But he's probably right.

Couldn't agree more. Playing Dumb protects us from realizing we are doing something wrong.

This. Women are like overgrown, petulant children. Not all of them, mind you. I've found I only get along with secular, ashkenazi women.

Otherwise, yes, women seem to have no ability to recognize that other people exist for reasons other than to give them money. Dating is like legalized prostitution.

He was. For sure. Her mother is the exact same way. In high school she masked those symptoms much better. He was/is head over heels for this girl. He's very intelligent and has the "alpha male" type persona, but when it comes to her he has remarkable patience. It's just her being lazy on her part. She doesn't want to work on bettering herself. He has spoiled her and now he has to fix it. It's an uphill battle, for sure.

There is no Sup Forums in projection.

>Every woman that I have ever dated has showcased varying levels of Willful Ignorance and Cognitive Bias.
>Every woman that I have ever dated
>that I have ever dated
>that I
Ever consider that you just have shit taste? You're a moron, go find better women and your perspective will change.

I told my GF that at least 90% of her male friends are sexually/romantically interested in her. She doesn't believe me, even after I explained that men don't waste time or attention on women that they are not interested in.

It's like trying to explain the sky to a person who's been blind their whole life........

She was probably just playing dumb to see if you'd let her get away with it.

They're not retarded, you are. They see you for the moron you are and play dumb so they can take advantage of you. Smarten up, OP, you're gettin' cucked

Again, self centered. Women don't think like that therefore no one thinks like that. It's the basic foundation of all feminism but on an extreme level.

That's a tough one. My wife is a little more open minded so I always relate to food in a situation like this.

>Do you like this food?
>Ew! No! That's disgusting!
>How can you not like this food when it's so good?!
>I just don't user! Gross!
>Ok, that's the difference between men and women. You need to understand that I, as a man, am telling you that this is how men think. You don't understand it, and that's fine. But you need to acknowledge this is how men are and guard yourself against it.

Now I've got her watching her surroundings, not being in same room alone with males, not riding in vehicles with males unless a female is present, etc.

Also, someone else mentioned earlier using her tactics against her. That's a good one too. That's how I got mine to stop going to lunch alone with a coworker when we were dating. I started going to lunch alone with the attractive sales reps at work and telling her about it.

>See? That's how it feels when you go to lunch with him. Do we agree to both stop?

you are either a woman or a male with very very limited dating experience. the majority of women are exactly like what everyone in this thread are describing.


You should know that feminism states that the most inclusive form of intercourse is anal sex. You want to be inclusive and socially just, right? Use their feminist ways to your advantage.

They purpose is to produce and care for offspring. You don't need to be especially gifted to do that. Men are hunters, you need a certain amount of intelligence to be able to do that.

>Also, someone else mentioned earlier using her tactics against her. That's a good one too. That's how I got mine to stop going to lunch alone with a coworker when we were dating. I started going to lunch alone with the attractive sales reps at work and telling her about it.

Its sad that this is often the only way to get them to understand.

No, you're a jaded bitter faggot whose upset someone dares to contradict his point of view. There's way better pussy out there, you faggots just aim low.


sounds like you're too fugly/shallow to get a girl that isn't a shallow stupid bitch, stop looking for women in bars btw, women in bars are 99.8% trash

>Why are women so retarded?
that is a really good question

This is the case for most of the faggots in these threads. Why do women suck? Because these guys aren't picky enough. It's like buying a bag of bruised peaches knowing full and well that they're sub par then complaining because they got moldy faster. They get what they pay for, they really need to invest their time in more wrthwhile people.

>b8 lvl: good goyim

Lmao you're all dumb

This is just not true, i have female friends that are single and in relationships and I don't flirt or want to get with them. If they proposed sex of course I wouldn't decline but I'd fuck any 5/10+ if they offered. I duno why men and women think that you can't be genuine friends with someone of the opposite sex. So fucked up lol this day in age for people to be that insecure

you are the retard here, I had very similar experiences to OP, and i'm pushing my 30 now.
it doesn't matter background, education, nothing. Always the same level of stupidity
it doesn't shock me that many men in business sees women as inferior

I think you're the retarded, its just ploy to get maximum attention and most likely to get her real love interest jealous, who could be you or some of the other douches.
Women do this machiavellian shit all the time, and the worst part it's that's not even conscious, it's like an instinct and it cant be stopped.

tl:dr you're being played

>I had a similar experience to OP
Ah, then you have shit taste like OP too. Chin up, soldier.

>Lying to yourself to make yourself feel better about something that you know is wrong
you are 100% correct. I had found multiple cases of that in my 12 years in the "dating-game". I dare say, the vast majority follow this philosofy


Its simply the woman triyng to take control. Shut da hoe down

Wtf are you talking about, I was telling OP he's being cucked. I'm not the one with problems unless we talking drug problems homie. You sound like you got mad communication issues, fugly and shallow.. so far from the truth lmfao. I got myself a good bitch anyways. But lmfao she isn't hanging out with her ex's or flirting with guys hahahaha like OP and yours probably are. Shit man I'd cheat on you too, you're obviously retarded.


I’m in this exact situation with my gf and she is completely incapable of letting go of an ex bf due to the history they have together. It’s utter bullshit

women know full well that 90% of men they encounter would fuck them at the drop of a hat.your gf gets hit on everytime she leaves the house. whether they act on it is another matter but dont listen when they plead ignorance it's total bullshit.

Dated both sexes and can say it varies. Had shit girl friends as described here as well as just as shit boy friends.
There's go in both sexes tho however the stereotypes do live up for the shitty men or women out there. Simple solution, break up and move on. There's better out there.

Thank you based bisexual.

Every time I hear stories like that, I can't but wonder, why men willingly adopt a child-like person, happy that she might be trained into a full grown adult.
Isn't part of a relationship being able to rely on one another? How can I do that, if at the same time, i must assume she thinks like a child? Same goes for innocent/helpless/weak women. How is that a turn on? I'll be spending most of my time trying to boost her confidence, until she thinks she's too good for me and picks a 'better' mate. Isn't that supposed to be what your actual children are there for?
Must be the daddy daughter dynamic.

i call bullshit on this user. every woman is fucked. don't try to blame OP for women being shit

This. There's seems to be a John "you will call me your father" Podesta dynamic.

>every woman is fucked
Prove it.

peaches = bruised on the outside
women = bruised on the outside
how to x-ray these cunts

It's exactly why you said you'd fuck if they proposed sex that men and women can't be friends. You could subconsciously make one of them cheat after realizing you were there for them as a friend and you wouldn't decline. It's not just about actively pursuing sex, but keeping a girl friend around so if one thing leads to another, they're your backup sex supply.

It depends on what you want. The best roasties will probably have ptosis (MK Ultra droopy eye).

If you want someone who isn't a histrionic nightmare, make the same objectionable statement to her three times changing it slightly so she won't catch on to the statement being the same. First, in a monotone voice. Second, with upward inflection. Third, with a varying inflection. See if she reacts at tone and inflection rather than substance of statement. If so, run away quickly.

platonic friendship does not exist, you are getting attention from females and therefore emotional gratification. many/all of these women view you as a rainy day dick. all relationships are predicated on a power exchange



I'll remember that when I hang out with my lesbian friend.

>Every woman that I have ever dated has showcased varying levels of Willful Ignorance and Cognitive Bias.
>every woman that I have ever dated
>that I have dated
Don't blame the flies for being drawn to garbage.

it's true, women are a fucking nightmare but then so would most men be if they could obtain ficky ficky just by going outside.

I just got out of a situation like that. I was so stupid. If your girl is "over" her ex she isn't worth your time. Simple as that. If she is flirty with other guys she isn't worth your time. No matter how perfect she seems, no matter what she tells you. Those are BIG red flags..

you idiot.

> be woman
> have long-term male friend
> start to talk to him about sex, cause he's a good friend and we talk about everything
> all his buddies tell him, I'm giving him 'the sign'
> he moves in on me, destroys the dynamic and makes me wonder if he only was my friend on the off chance of getting laid
> never talk to a male friend about sex again
Not a girl, but I can see this scenario happening over and over again. Which is one of the reasons why woman can't be friends with men, who are willing to sleep with them on being offered.
I like to think about it this way:
If your friend came up to you, somewhat drunk/emotional/etc and offered to have sex with you. Would you refuse on the grounds that she's not thinking clearly and it's obviously not the best course of action, for the both of you, or would you jump on the chance, not caring, that she might feel worse or regrets doing it later on.
> inb4 who cares
You should, if she's really a friend and not some random bitch.

On the male side, it does make conversation easier and with some women, you'll end up being chased, for not reducing them to their sexuality.
Not in a good way though, more in 'notice my sexiness goddamnit' way.

Also, who's really the bitch, if the man is constantly waiting for his chance to play, while the female gratuitously grants him playtime, or not, at will.

So there are two types of "Willful Ignorance" and "Cognitive Bias" in operation here. So behaviors like not knowing where the gas tanker filler is on a car or how to use a hammer or why you shouldn't drive a car when the oil light comes on or thinking you can put a toaster in a dishwasher that's just how a chick's brain is wired. But when they ask their current boyfriend to be cool with their exes or dudes that are interested in them means your relationship is bad and likely she's a whore. So good luck with the truth.

not really, i have female friends who i'm not and never will be sexually attracted to.
you're speaking from the desperate thirsty perspective, not everyone is on that boat.

> look, women are just stupid and we men should not try to hold them to higher standards, let's just do whatever they do not want to and we're fine

You do realize you're a fag for that, right user? You know better right? Right!?

Well, then you do not fall in the category of 'men who are friends with woman and would fuck them given the chance, but they're not given any'
May I ask why you wouldn't fuck them? Cause if the answers is something along the lines of 'they're not my type', the argument doesn't really work, because you're circumnavigating the problem, by not regarding them as sexual partners.

The keypoint, at least for me, is to know why you desire and chose not to act upon it, because you hold the relationship with your friend in higher regard, than the possibility to fuck them.

You're absolutely right, that men do not in general act this thirsty, but a lot of them still do. At least that's what I see on a daily basis. I mean sexual conquest and all that is still very much engrained in male culture.

u hav littl pipi

Everyone here's a fag, fag.

blame society and shit education

its harder for a women then a man too, genetically different yet inferior

That's a very mature way to say
"No u"

Don't get mad at me because you like men