Who else is pissing FIYAAA?! Payed $60 for a craigslist BBBJ couple weeks back. Wife is not happy lol

Who else is pissing FIYAAA?! Payed $60 for a craigslist BBBJ couple weeks back. Wife is not happy lol

That’s nasty as fuck bro, cut it off. That isn’t from a blowjob...

that's the danger with random strangers.

Go to doc man u got some serious shit

you deserve it

Welcome to herpdate mother fuka


That my friend is syphillis. Go to a doctor.

Wtf dude, I get bjs and barebacks from sluts and whores all the fucking time and never got anything

Wtf is that alien looking piece of shriveled flesh???

Two STDs are transmitted easily via receptive oral sex, gonorrhea and syphillis. That is syphillis.


you got two years OP
You also deserve it for cheating and getting caught faggot

>OP will have a mashed brain and impotence within 6 months, then die
Not like he's losing anything of value

Kek, stupid fuck

a) You're retarded
b) You lucky bastard

We're pissing FIYAAA lmao

If you haven't had the clap ayt least twice you're not a real man

Wouldn't worry too much, this didn't turn out to be an STD

what a waste to ruin such a pretty tight cunt

Looks like a sliced up dick to me

Traps are gay

Sure am glad I don't have sex.
Heh heh.