Why does this make me so angry?

why does this make me so angry?

cuz you're a beta fat cuck who cant any girl to like you.

Thats coming from a filipino man who have a bulgarian 10/10 woman.

Jealously, obviously.

>Because you let media change your view on the world
>Because you are a sad piece of shit
>Becuase you didn't kill yourself

sage in all the fields

Because you think you deserve to be the chink in that pic. Because you want being white to be a bonus in women's eyes.

Mainly because youre a jealous uselss piece of shit

think of Maria Osawa

and you (image)

i love the white dress see through

Because YOU are THAT kid, and your mother and father are brother and sister!!.

YOU poor fuck.


Because you realize that BLACKED is virtually nonexistent in the real world.


Because your a beta fuck who can't get laid by any race.

serious: why are white guys so against asian guys with white girls when white guys are already with asian girls in huge numbers?

im East Asian married to a french girl and ive never really experienced any racism or hatred irl but online its like everyone is against it ? Why is it so wrong? your race is not going to "die" because of some small interracial couples.

Because the vast majority of Sup Forums are cowards irl. They just vent online anonymously.

I think the same

Gee it's almost like the minority who is against this are very vocal online.
My question to you is why would you say white guys as if they are a homogenous group, while in the same instance lamenting something you find racist.
Seems a bit hypocritical to me.

ive read a lot of shit on reddit linked to white supremacist forums like storm front and alt right subs with many examples of white men married to asian women having very negative views of asian men and white women

it puzzled me

Bigots are gonna bigot, doesn't mean they represent the feelings and opinions of all white men.

gis comes back with
>u mad white boy

faggots like OP are morons. theyre just fueling their own crap

my bad dude i think i should have worded it better...

I know rigth? It's the same thing with me except pic related makes me angry.

Yeah, I'm not really offended, I just think it's silly when people complain about racism while generalizing an entire demographic.

because your deep-seated insecurities from adolescence have been allowed to be exploited by people that you should be smarter than. these exploitations have been formed to meet a specific ideology and express themselves in the form of explicit racism. (read: you played yourself or rather have allowed yourself to be played.)

I dont mind white and asean mix, either way.

It is two cultures that are supreme.
Their kids wouldnt blow themself in a mall

At least the kids white what would you rather see her go with a dirty nigger?

gooks are ok