Hello Sup Forums

Hello Sup Forums.
Black friday is coming up and I have little money to buy anything. I found a really good deal on a PS4 and I am asking a kind soul to send me $200 bucks worth of bitcoin so that I can get it. Thank you.

1Dqa jJ2o 3Dkd hz8SR ebYS dDMs ynQc UFxwp

And what are you willing to give in return you neet

What would you like?

Hello! Gib moni ploz
Kys nigger
At least the kikes are willing to work for their shekels


Dude. I can afford basic bills like electricity, water, gas, and internet. But I haven't really had the funds to afford anything fun. At least I'm asking when the price is going to be $100 off.

Bumping your own thread doesn't work.
You would know that if you actually posted besides when you needed free money.
With that in mind,

Well do you have access to any type of drugs? Anything that would make someone want to pay for this?

No. I don't have anything like that. I don't have very much to offer.

I can only afford shit that's essential too. But I also have fun things. I wanted a new bed frame, I found one, got out my welder and welded it back together.. BAM, new bed frame! I wanted a water cooler, I found one, re-wired it and cleaned it and now I have a water heater! I wanted a massive TV. Found one, repaired the power supply, 64' TV that cost me maybe $12 in parts. Go learn some repair skills and buy some broken PS4

+44 7943 541641
Call me and we can work something out. I'm feeling good today.

No one has the Xmas cheer? Help user out Sup Forumsros
It will easily be the coolest shit anyone’s done this week

*Cooler. I'm not trying to be a cunt, but I know what it's like to want nice things. Except I worked out just how to get them with what very little money I have left after each pay.

Get a job faggot

This guy gets it lol or he’s giving you the local police

you're ridiculous, asking money for a console it's the childiest thing anyone can do

Those digits

Go away police.

user may do better panhandling online for small increments, though it never yields much success here on Sup Forums

Them reoccurring numbers tho

Why cant you just get a job