Hey Sup Forums, doing acid for the first time tmrw

Hey Sup Forums, doing acid for the first time tmrw.
1 tab @ 105ug

What can I expect?
I’ve heard the comedown causes motivation and sleeping issues, anyone else had this?

Idk about motivation, maybe demotivation. But yeah, sleeping problems... Holy fuck. Don't do it at dusk, you'll stay up all night and apparently you don't realize how fucking exhausted you are until it starts the come down. Also, you're neck's gonna hurt tomorrow.

hmm... better have a good playlist ready

some have sleeping problems some dont im usually up for a full 24 though also i have never known any one who actual has had joint pain the next day or even during if its real lsd

Do it in the comfiness of your bed, with the lights off and nobody else home. Keep a water bottle nearby for the come down. Who cares if you don't sleep, it's a small price to pay for those 8 magical hours.

Get some Xanax bars and take 1-2 10 hours in to sleep. Don't smoke weed your first time one of my faggot friends did and freaked out for some dumb fuck reasons brought on by weed paranoia. It'll make the experience way more intense. I recommend watching finding dory with an ear bud of whatever 60s-70s rock you enjoy or music you like in general. Travis Scott's birds in the trap sing McKnight is trippy af. I've tripped over 100 times on a variety of psychs ask me anything you want to know and I'll probably be able to answer.

You'll smile so hard for so long, your face is going go hurt. I found doing it in the dark is best. I've taken 4 tabs at 300 a piece. And ive done the pure liquid at 2 doses at 500-600 a dose. As long as you can remind yourself that anything you hear or see is because of lsd, you'll be fine

I highly doubt you've remained coherent at 1.2mgs of lsd. 600ugs is a pretty hefty trip double that is literally insane.

Not Op here.
Did you try Al-lad?

I don't like lsd, so no. I'll list everything out.
Some type of nbome- I'd stay away unless I new exactly what compound/dose it was
Those weren't really the best trips, but being inexperienced it was cool
Shrooms- almost top tier
2cb- only acid like high I've enjoyed after the 50th trip mark, but eventually it got to be too much so I quit taking it
Dmt-top tier psychedelic, the only one that has had lasting impact on me
4-aco-met that was fun, kinda a cross between cid visuals shroom feeling/headspace
4-aco-dmt- snorted 60mgs one time was a very intense trip, very shroom like almost identical
Lsd+ketamine was top tier, but that was when I still enjoyed acid and wasn't as diverse
Lsd+3meopcp+500mg thc edibles - turned into a nightmare trip when someone showed up unexpected but I kicked them out of my place and enjoyed it, I lost all sense of things touching my skin and had intense auditory hallucinations
Various combinations and abuse of these drugs led to me getting over 100 trips and losing track of the amount. Shrooms/dmt are my personal favorites although I probably won't take them for years.

How is anxiety on LSD? Is it like weed, where your mood can swing from super good to hell in a few minutes? And is it easy to get out of the bad mood again (asuming its just bad tought, not something from your unconscious mind)? Also is it usefull to start out with smaller doses, so that you can test the substance without risking a too bad trip?

Off topic but it's a kek so I'll share.
>be me first time with ket
>snort 100mgs
>get insanely fucked up
>yelling at my friend about how it's the best drug I've ever done
>call someone and tell him how fucked up I am
>I've been on the floor for a good while
>want to go pet cat
>basically for 3 minutes did half ass push ups and slammed back into the ground laughing because I'm on a tranquilizer
>somehow get up
>ket wobble to another room
>slam onto bed and pet cat laughing hard
>come down and felt the happiest I've ever been (dealt with depression since I was 12,20 now it's not so bad just occasional suicidal thoughts)
>lasted for a week of the happiness
>tfw I can't even get any of this shit anymore

anxiety is the same a little heavier obviously and with how tolerance builds with lsd its better to just take the does you think you can handel that day then if it wasn't enough try it with more another day

I usually take low doses of benzos with lsd for the anxiety, but it's manageable without if you're in the proper setting. The set depends on the person, I love tripping on lsd without benzos if I'm hiking 6+ hours, but if I have to be around people it can be a bit much. Psychedelics effect everyone differently so ymmv

is 1p-lsd worth a try?

that would also have been my next question :D
Thanks for ansering guys!

I've heard it's very similar to lsd and you'd definitely be getting close to advertised dosages, so I'd say go for it if you're interested.

expect it to not be real acid.

I'm about to get off and go get some shit done, so stay safe anons. Read some trip reports and psychonaut wiki about drugs before taking them and don't go too heavy the first time.

Real lsd isn't that hard to get, just got to be connected. Test kits eliminate most if not all risks of ingesting the wrong substances.

what was the question and the answer?

I fucked it up, wanted to ask bout 1p