Will link related pic below

Will link related pic below
This chick is intense and her pussy is so tight but just intense and crazy....woke up to these texts how do i respond


go blow that guy at the gym that's been not-so-sneakily staring at you as you run on the treadmill. you log in 5 miles and he works on the chest fly machine the whole time, trying to be subtle but trying to catch eyes? no one works that long on one exercise. it's just not practical. he wants you to notice. just accept it. you might be happy.

The fucks the problem? Just say “ok”’

nobody goes on a treadmill except girls that are trying to advertise wtf are you stupid

>just say ok
desperate virgin fag detected

best way to talk to said girls, mr no game hambeast

orrr.... guys that wanna log their daily 5 miles in and not slip on ice in the winter. not everything is sex-related you obese neckbeard.

Ok is the most alpha thing you can say in this situation. True virgin detected.

People don't think it be like it is, but it do.

who the fuck asks Sup Forums for help when its an open goal? fake as fuck

Wait, you have hairy eyes?

run... outside?
why would you ever pay to run on a treadmill. I live in snowland and still have no shortage of 100% free of charge outside running opportunities

no i am hairy like a bear and simultaneously have gorgeous eyes friend

enjoy your fractured ankle and torn ligaments.


Hairy eyes. Now the fucking furries went too far! I'm getting a flame thrower!

Either that or he's just old. Speaking for myself, this shit is just cringy. If these two are like 19 or something then sure, but eventually you get over the dumb shit.

ran 25 miles a week every for 6 summers straight, enjoy your obesity you mong

im 28 years old and she is a 27 year old police officer in burgerland. she is certifiably insane but goddamn the body

Jesus christ dude, how are you not tired of the "shall I compare thee to a Summer's day" nonsense already? Did you just start dating or what?

i stopped dating over a decade ago are you retarded or what i literally dont get what you are trying to apply but i will accommodate for special needs posters

>not running 30 miles per week. on hilly routes. all year long.
>running only during summer.

you're one to call someone fat. nice try. bet you have flabby mantits too. go ahead, have another donut this morning. you no doubt "earned it" for being a summer runner.


you got some more nudes from her? :o

show us your cock you fag. let's see what you're working with.

how has this not been posted yet? guess its summer all year long these days. smh.

>hairy eyes

I don't understand how someone your age could stand texting like a 14 year old with a crush, while presumably giggling like a girl and kicking your legs in the air. But ey', to each his own autism.

>living in niggerland
bro it is below freezing 7 months of the year here, if you ever leave your basement try running

why does everyone focus on that part... i get it. you are all 15 years old and completely lacking bodyhair but girls > 25 years crave secondary sex characteristics. oh look at me im an androgynous male that make 20k a year, yea good jiob lad. I wear a lower cut shirt and i literally have girls clawing at my chesthair

This kinda gay shit is the reason Sup Forums starts getting into my nerves. Fuck this shit. That faggot can go fuck himself and fuck off to whatever cancerous normie shithole he resides. SPIDERMAN FUCK THE SHIT OUTTA THIS GAY CANCER

>hairy, breath taking eyes

u fuckin wot

she is 26 years old lol,whatever alternate universe you need to warp reality into to defend your desperate attempt at a life you are more than weclome

>doesnt understand independent clauses

hence why treadmills exist. to run all year long. are you that fucking dense? this isn't a hard concept. snow and winter isn't an excuse to be a fat slob for half the year. but whatever, as long you're a "summer runner" enjoy your nightly desserts.

You said she was 27? Getting this butthurt, that cringe-worthy texting, this grammar, that fact backtracking... Alright man, you're the 15 year old, admit it. No one here is going to make fun of your hairy eyes.

don't just say okay, but be direct. Be honest about how you feel about the situation and give a direct straight to the point response. Don't ramble like a little bitch. One or two sentences will do.

Seriously, do you have a fucking vagina? Why does anyone need to tell you this shit.

if its independent
>i want your hairy
even more wot

wow this virgin he is so asspained he deconstructed reality to fit his lonely masturbation. fuck youre right lad whiy even bother with this girl you couldnt pay to fick

girls like alpha males
i am hairy like a fucking bear, only virgin are unaware how attractive being hairy is to women.......... a hairy chest is the male version of big tits

lol. hairy, breath taking eyes? if you weren't just making this up yourself to pretend you had a girlfriend, that would literally be the most retarded downs syndrom bitch on earth

nope got this text from pic related


obvious BPD woman on the upswing and probably cocktail of drugs

enjoy the train wreck

i mean i understand jealously but why to that extent hmmm

Literally stupid. I like your hairy, breathtaking eyes is the dumbest sentence ever uttered.

more of dat bitch, gtfo my pool table

>i mean i understand jealously but why to that extent hmmm

lol jealously. its a warning bro. those text are huge red flags.

she is totally crazy + drug addict + illiterate tier lol.

exact type of women that should be avoided

"i want your hairy" is not a fucking sentence

also, being hairy is pretty unattractive, unhygenic and disgusting

she likes the fact i am hairy, and i have breathtaking eyes are you this sincerely retarded

this pic is from 2014... might want to sanitize your file names retard.

The fact that you think that sentence is correct proves you wrote it.


OP, tell me again about your breathtaking eyes. I can't get enough of this thread, I'm dying

>is not sentence
that was an expression of love my friend, it was a sentence entirely formulated on being a grown ass man
>this pic is from 2014
ok yea? good point? why does nostradumbass always think he has cracked the code for providing such a trivial task as providing a file date

fucked both of the girls in pic related that night

From OPs responses and the texts in the pic. Well stupid is as stupid repeatedly insists that he does. With his /SPECIAL EYES/

>Well stupid is as stupid repeatedly insists that he does
are you okay? are you receiving the proper medication?

ITT: fat neckbeard tries to tell everyone being hairy is sexy because his imaginary/doesn'texist - gf told him so. at least give us a pic of your manly eyes op. you double nigger.

No need to get salty just because it went over your head, bruh. Would it help you if I broke that down into nonsense separated by commas? Stupid is, as is hairy, passion, does stupid to, stupid.

ITT: hairless faggot masquerades as a man

You do realize you are attempting to criticize defining male characteristics to the anime you jerk off to right?

I hope one day you lose the weight and lose your virginity

2/10 b8 m8

If you two have fucked why would you use english which isn't your 1st language in a private chat? Makes no sense

For talking about people warping reality to suit their argument so much, you sure are making a lot of baseless points, in'ya? Calling you a dumb fuck isn't baseless, QED, this thread.

i literally have to tell her to fuck offf, burgerland aint a joke for women