I propose the following

I propose the following.
As the triarch of Kekistan I approve of this motion.
Thank you and have a great fap ~

But I liked Infinity Ward better...

Take a step back, grasshopper ~

Purple is fucking gay bro

Green all the way hey

Pink is gay. Purple is heteronormative. I know because praise Kek.

Maybe then for the principality but the royal court has to be purple because history and also because praise Kek.

It has been decided.
Long live Kekistan and the triarchy!

this whole 'kekistan' thing is cringy and you should feel bad for taking part in it. It's not funny, it's only hip because it's become a mainstream tool to involve the socially deprived normies to joining Sup Forums

You read that shit?

Every single one of you is a faggot, except this guyThis guy is right

It was a joke.

Aren’t jokes supposed to be funny?

Hence the purple.

Yes ofcourse
Becouse we wand more normies on this site we made this flag.

good thinking user.

Your right joining together is cringy if your white.

Purple is a great color choice.
It's a color that represents royalty and power, and even gods, because it was so expensive to make.
No flag in the world older than a century uses purple as the primary color.


Zone Walker approves.


no link to any porn how this helping?

dont move since we got a spot