Celeb thread

Celeb thread













Roberts and watson fags. Can you post someone else at all? I mean anyone else but these two reposted twats that always takes up 50% of the threads.



Something the matter?




Whoops, linked to the wrong post.


Underrated file name


Have you tried contributing? Or are you going to continue baiting for the remainder of the thread again, newfag?

yea mine


>Celeb thread


Why is love not fair?


But sure

Hello Herman


So damn delicious


>posts a literal who
>thinks has room to judge others
This is rich somebody screencap this shit

Dadfu has become a full blown BITCH, he cares more about a tall co-worker he likes than Kenzie these days.




My goddess

I'm still rofkmao'ing over here



Damn right


Be careful what you wish for. They'll be vomiting Taylor Swift and that tranny Cara Delevigne all over the fucking place again.

Hi kimmy


Ass to ass





It is accurate though, right?

It gets better at 18, bitch.


Love Nikki. She was prime fap material in my younger days


I'd love some ginger cheese pizza.



Still better than Roberts, can't stand that fucking skank.
And I just lost interest in watson when the harry potter series was done, haven't seen her in much since

Sorry but it's just how it is...
That's not what I meant



Yes it is. I 100% agree with you. I love her work in Glow, definitely want to fuck her in that


Dem titties tho.

This new? I love how she's starting to look how she used to but she's still a slut.




Who wants some 319|-|7 chan content

H...hi again cara...


I know

Livin' on the edge


Winning, literally








Nigrifag can't post celebs but requests alternative celebs from others. Rich, but I can post other girls. I shall deliver, because I'm feeling kind.

My Ronanbro

Throbbing for vjuice

Do it fagit ;)


What a class act. Jesus Fucking Christ.

Did I ever tell you I had a thing for asians once upon a time?



Shut up, I can post other celebs too
Like this one



