I read a bunch of articles about why the makeapp is "evil" "because women don't wear makeup to trick men"...

I read a bunch of articles about why the makeapp is "evil" "because women don't wear makeup to trick men". Then why the fuck bother wearing it to begin with if you're not using it to hide flaws from people you want to bang?


So they can also feel better about themselves.


women all say they don't wear makeup for men, but they wear it for themselves. LOL! that's even worse and creepily narcissistic. The truth is 100% of women wear it to be more attractive to men

>inner beauty etc

And fuck their face and skin up even more? That's fucking retarded.

I think this one's cuter without the extra crap.

1 is ugly
2 is disgusting


They do it to compete with other women. It's an innate animalistic behavior. Same way men compete with each other in physical activities.

I saw someone refer to the makeapp moment as The Haggening

artistic expression. makeups hella fun
though some do use it to hide flaws they are uncomfortable themselves with.

lul The Haggening

> multiple industries based on telling women they're not good enough without makeup
> men refuse to believe that women wear makeup for themselves, or that they'd have any goal for being "good enough" besides getting a man

Id say girls usually only require well shaped natural eyebrows and some mascara. Anything more is a turn off. If you se she wears a lot of makeup and she's superficial, stay away, that woman only cares about herself.

>they're not good enough without makeup

she looks better in the first pic, at least you see the natural color of her skin but int the second she looks fake and creepy as fuck, why the fuck do women do these things?


>are so ashamed of how naturally hideous they are that they can refer to an app that shows with their actual face looks like as "evil"
>So incredibly unintelligent that they develop body issues from other people's opinions
> this is somehow anybody else's fault

Multiple industries that figured out to exploit an easily manipulated market, i.e. women.

These companies wouldn't exist if women weren't buying, same with jewelry and self help books and all the other inane shit women spend money on.

You're into that kind of woman, huh?

> he actually believes makeapp looks real
> he also has no concept of how industries like movie business work

Chicks are for fags

It's like mother and daughter

I'd bang the mom

>tricking men
You should be worried about how its mad chemicals that fucks up your skin

She looks equally fuckable in both.

I wouldn't want to have to clean #2 face off my pillow cases. Fucking annoying cleaning makeup out of stuff.

>actually fucking women instead of just fapping to them


Makeup changes the perception of society towards individuals. Women who wear makeup look more professional, attractive, healthy, careful of their appearance and so on. In turn, women benefit from their improved appearance. Men will provide them with more attention, they'll be taken more seriously at work, they'll seem more attractive to be friends with and so on.

Very few admit it but no one wants to be friends with some really fucking ugly woman, and you'd probably throw her CV in the trash too, and definitely wouldn't consider sex, or even being nice to her.

Okay, who the fuck let the oompaloompa out of the factory?

Ah, I know this species, it's troglodae angliterre,
a typical beastly english woman.

So... To trick people. Got it.


This is true, it does more than hide a woman's flaws. It makes them look more professional and clean, just because they put the extra effort into their appearance. Even a little light makeup can accomplish this goal though, as long as their hair is neat and clothes are clean.

to "one-up" other bitches.

90% of shit cunts do is to make themselves feel superior to other cunts cause they can't just fisticuffs.


So the intent is to trick people.

The same way you shave, wear a shirt, wear perfume or cut your hair. It's not what you'd naturally look/smell like.

the only thing ive done in that list in the last ten years is wear a shirt and yet you dont hear me complaining that people sometimes think im homeless.

make a choice and live with it. dont be a pussy

I wear make up to impress people I want to bang and it works every time.

I shave because I have to not because I want to. I look better with a 5oclock shadow. I wear a shirt because most places require you to to get in. I don't wear perfume. What the hell are you talking about?

Makeup* is paint. Paint can be used to make artwork, which is fine. Paint can be made to accentuate good architecture/facial structure, which is fine. Paint can be used to cover up blemishes or imperfections too.

People of course use both the most for the third option, because most people are perpetually concerned with their status in society growing one inch beyond Dinklebergs. But that doesn't make the paint evil.

Holy shit, her mouth looks like it was reconstructed from a sim

I'm going to go out on a limb and say she doesn't actually look like that without makeup. At the very least you need better shop skills.

>trying to explain shit to a bunch of faggots
>forget I'm talking to total neckbeards

A whole lot of men affect their appearance. Most men wear perfume, use their clothing to fit their social situation, are often careful as to how they act around other people, buy expensive cars, go to the gym and so on. It's the way our society functions and women wearing makeup doesn't stand out compared to other ways we change the way we a perceived. Maybe you two faggots don't do it but most people do it to some extent. And I'm sure you do, you're just too retarded to see it.

women wear makeup because they want various men to want to fuck them. Whether she wants to fuck them or not isn't important, they just want men to want them.

You're seriously retarded. All the shit you described isn't hiding shit. Makeup literally covers the face. The only direct comparison would be a guy having a whole face beard. We weren't talking about shit like push-up bras or spanks or ass-padded underwear or even the type of clothing. You're to much of a sperg to even see the topic of conversation. Fuck off back to euroland you parfume wearing tard.

Women like to look pretty. That doesn’t mean they are advertising for sex.

>most men wear perfume

I'm sorry, what?

Feel better about themselves by wearing a mask? Did you become retarded over time or are you a natural? The best thing for confidence is not seeing a different face every morning until you put your mask on.

My guess is eurotard. Cologne is still called perfume in some places there.

"Sexy" for them is an unsexual term somehow

Then why don't men do it? You can be clean and professional without makeup, wtf are you talking about?

He's talking about Cologne, which is really just a more masculine term for the same substance (or group of substances, rather)

Here's a secret: Cologne is Perfume

Here's a secret: you're retarded. Shit I guess that's not a secret seeing as I even made a comment in this thread saying that.




She looks like shes a bitch it both

Go somewhere else to do your shitty viral marketing for your even shittier uglifier app

gtfo spambot

I'm not advertising shit. What the fuck are you talking about?

it's just liberals trying to victimize men, pay it no attention.

Maybe she just has resting bitch face.

One. Huge. Faggot.

I bet you're the spam bot. I'm just some faggot on his phone.

Dood, like, the fuq. Ur skin looks like ass because ur blocking all ur pores with that shit.

Women don't wear makeup to appeal to men, they wear makeup for the same reason they do everything else in their petty little lives: to compete with other women. If women likened everything they do for the direct benefit of men they would all look and act like pornstars instead of sjw dykes.

Is that not what i just said?

This is true, I can not argue that.

Cuter, yes
Sexier, nah!

I like cute more than sexy. Guess that's just my taste.

Beauty is defined by sexual desire.

If we were living in a culture where landwhale are the most sexual desired, women would try to put on the most weight to "feel pretty".

Thus, there is no such thing as "feeling beautiful for myself".

I would date cute, but I want to fuck sexy...

I guess I've just gotten to old for sexy. It just seems like more work than it's worth going after the "sexy" ones. I'd rather have the "cute" one that's not needing constant reminding that they're hot. But as always, to each their own.

What an App!

Hell yeah, the one on the right is banging!

I feel the same, however you seem to settle for cute because it's easier, admitting you would prefer sexy if they behave the same ;-)

Grill, here. I use a little makeup sometimes but I always use the sensitive skin type, so my complexion is clear.
I'll let you in on a secret, we or at least I don't wear makeup because I feel self conscious around the dudes. I do it because I feel insecure around other females.
The animosity that we blame men for is misplaced. It's always the fucking girls.
>inb4 show tits.

Didn't think she'd still look good without the makeup, but surprise surprise!


Show tits

To be fair though, I'd still prefer a Anna Kendrick to a (I can't remember the name of the blond huge titted cosplayer). But I guess some might say Anna is sexy not cute. I just follow the will of my junk afterall

>I do it because I feel insecure around other females.
>The animosity that we blame men for is misplaced. It's always the fucking girls.
You're insecure around girls because they'll take the men away. Still at a male fault.

And you wonder why you're a virgin.

Here you go thirsty

Because men are the cause of all of women's problems... fucking idiot.

Beauty is power around men and women.

Even as a man, both sexes act friendlier around me since I've lost 45 pounds.
I get away with way more than before, and I was really surprised at first (I was not trying to lose weight for others but for health reasons).

I now understand how this can be addictive and why some people fall deeper and deeper into it.

On an evolutionary level I suppose you're right. But I'm not actively seeking a mate, I already have one so it must be on a subconscious level.
Also, women like males innately compete for dominance within their sexappearance is just one of the ways in which it is exhibited.

Be an okay looking guy, then wear a military uniform. Same effect. All of a sudden you go from a 6-7 on a good day to a 10/10 that women go out of there way to get your attention. That doesn't mean I'm going to keep wearing the uniform even when I'm out of the army. Damn it, I made myself sad.


It's only allowed to function that way because people are still buying into the beauty thing. If you're one of those plastered up whores you're already on my subhuman list.

I've learnt this at business school...

"Be the one the opposite sex want to fuck, and those your own sex wish to be"

Achieve this and you can sell anything to anyone !

But what happens if the opposite sex wants to be you and your own sex wants to fuck you?

still hot

Then you can only sell to LGBT, but don't worry they have shittons of money to spend and so much to prove...

Than youre doing everything right i gues.