What does Sup Forums think of Nicholas Cage

what does Sup Forums think of Nicholas Cage

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He has to find the book of secrets

He's pretty cool, and smart.

He doesn't say no to movie roles and seems to keep finding new ones despite how shitty some turn out, he's acted in more than one movie at the same time which is usually when his shittiest movies come out.

He doesn't have an 'h' in his name and that's weird.

He works hard, sometimes too hard when looking at the quality of the roles.
For every leaving Las Vegas or The Rock you get 4 like Rage or Bangkok Dangerous

look at his filmography holy shit
he did 5 movies this year

One of the ugliest and worst actors of all time. Only got roles because of his famous uncle ffc.

national fucking treasure

He named his son Kal El.
Fucking Kal El.

Like the guy. Shame he lost his penis.

i like his nostrils

Doesnt like bees

My opinion he should stick with comedy or crazy/insane roles. Don't really care for his more serious roles.

He makes me feel good.

He is obsessed bout his (lack of) height

His best role was as Ben in Leaving Las Vegas.
As an alcohol i really get the feels from that movie.

Seems like a pretty good guy.
Good actor, but terrible at choosing his movies.

Was good in adaptation, unfortunately those days are long gone

Great in deadfall. High fuckin Yahhh!


Just going to leave this here...

Try again faggot, he changed his name to distance himself from his famous uncle... He's a good tier actor and you are just a sad pleb compared to the cage ksy faggot

i saw a couple of good movies with him.
thats all.

Eh's a pretty cool guy, doesn't afraid of anything.

Yeah he conquers planets and doesn't afraid of anything