I'm a 28 year old alcoholic. I haven't had a drink in a few days...

I'm a 28 year old alcoholic. I haven't had a drink in a few days, but am not doing shit tonight except playing video games and listening to music.

Should I go out and get some booze? I know I probably won't be able to drink in moderation and will feel like shit, but it's fucking boring being sober.

Also, what's everyone drinking on this lovely Friday night?

drinking cheap-ass vodka tonight. being sober is boring indeed - and i get cold feet when sober.

Just get a hooker and wear her out

Too expensive for a decent one and honestly too much effort to get an escort in this part of the country.

Really itching to go get something good, but fuck I'm on the fence.

bumparipoo for a drinkypoo

I'm in a similar vote user. Border alcoholic can't go two weeks without and will eventually give in. Going out tonight with drinks with friends. Good news is I've been focusing on drinking less and working out more and it's definitely working. Drinking a lot less than I used to which was daily. If you are really an alcoholic fight it.


I am a 30 year-old alcoholic. I also travel. Right now, I am on the Florida panhandle, feet from the ocean, sitting inside drinking. I recommend you do the same. Quitting is for quitters. Manage your vices.

Fuck off kid


Don't do it. The Jews are trying to keep you drunk and stupid with that stuff.

Why the Jews?

Because Jews scheme. That's what makes them insidious.

if you cant handle the booze you shouldnt drink. Substance abuse, whatever substance that may be, is a motherfucker and should be handled with care

i drink wine as it doesnt taste like motor fuel like hard alcohol and gets me far drunker than beer

Yeah true this. If not caught your life can go to shit just cuz you got drunk cuz your bored every night. Maybe find a new hobby? Like masturbate while doing one handed pushups.

Alternate. Go ahead and have some tonight, cut yourself off tomorrow, repeat.

Get some outside-the-house hobby and do that instead of drinking.

Keep doing little things to decrease your intake, and you never need to go full 'ohmuhgodtheDTs' alcoholic.

Also brandy+coke.


That was the only response really.

I heard you. I would like you to clarify your reasoning.


You've got the wrong guy me lad.

I used to do a bottle of jack a night, fuck that life. Moderation is the key my friend

Drink when you're NOT going to do something impulsive and stupid. Drink when you're in control, not to get out of control.
You're a good man OP, with a fine head of hair and a strong cut-o-the-jib, even if your accent makes me a little suspicious.