Today's my birthday Sup Forums

Today's my birthday Sup Forums
I'm 24

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And you're on here..... Why? Go out dude

Happy birthday dude.


Happy Birthday OP

Spent the first half of the day at school studying for a physics 2 test for tommorrow

Don't own a car, so can't really go anywhere

As someone about to turn 22, anything after your 21st birthday isnt worth celebrating. Nothing new comes into your life after the legal ability to drink except more soul-crushing responsibility and the reminder that you're a year closer to death.

Happy birthday, anything special planned for the birthday boy?

You're younger nigger you can't give advice

I knew that before I was 21
And I disagree with that view point now, lifes what you make of it

Happy birthday man, sending good vibes your way

Not really, explained further here
I never really celebrate anymore

happy bithday

*intercepts vibes*

I love those feels

Thank you

I'm 25 and I really haven't celebrated my birthdays after I was 15 or so. We have a dinner in a nice restaurant with my family (my mom and me are a day apart), but nothing else really. Maybe I have a bottle of sparkling with my fiancee, but yeah, one more year where I've accomplished nothing every year.

OP here
Life's what you make of it
work hard, don't quit and you'll do great things

It just takes time and effort

Life experience is fluid, everyone knows at least one thing you dont. Case in point, find something else to shti on me for, there's plenty for you to choose from.

sneep sneep

OP here
Please don't start a flame war

Not trying to, just pointing out some truth. Happy Brithday my dude

Thanks man

And dude, i grew up around tac-tards (Cops, military etc etc)
Life can always get shittier, but you gotta have a positive attitude, a friend who has your back, and a fully loaded 1911 with lots of spare ammo for those moments when shit gets real

When's the last time you ever had to use dads 1911 you bootlicking faggot?

I know, but I think I have my standards too high. I realize that I have accomplished more than others consider acceptable, like having a fiancee, good family ties, I study biomedicine and I have a fairly nice place to live. I'm a Finnfag and I feel like that even if I were to win a Nobel prize wouldn't be enough for me to consider myself a failure.
It might be a cultural thing or not, but I think that I'll be dissatisfied with myself even if I fulfill my dreams

Happy Birthday OP

Smoke a bowl and watch some nature channel shit

Happy birthday OP

Never, My dad is a legal immigrant that snuck into the US and got caught

My brother (former military) once gave him a SigSauer in 45acp loaded

My dad looked down the barrel with his thumb on the trigger
So my brother sold that gun

My dad can't be trusted with guns

I don't have much to be positive about. Im a lazy piece of shit, everything Ive ever had in my privileged life was given to me by someone else. I have a great group of friends that Im thankful for but I can feel us growing more distant year by year, while they head further off into education and thier careers and thier relationships and Im stuck living at my parents house working dead end jobs and embarrassing myself every time I try to be with someone.

If you only live for your dreams then you're gonna be sad no matter what. Every happy ending has the day after, and the day after that. No single thing is gonna come along and make you happy forever.

So your dads an illegal alien but you're still a police/military bitch? Hope the old fart gets deported.

Still OP, i'm studying engineering and we're happy with "good nuff", not really a perfectionist

All I can say is, watch BoJack horseman on netflix, no joke

Happy Birthday...!!!

Thanks anons

Dubs of nice nazi ass
I love Sup Forums

Thanks user

Id smack that nazi tramp stamp off her hoe ass

My grandpa work in a military base near Mexico
He saw dead bodies fly in from Vietnam and Soldiers fly out

So my dad grew up in Mexico, but my grandpa applied him for citizenship

My dad never belived him, but kept the paper(for whatever reason)
When he got caught by border patrol, they saw the old paper

Well, my dream is just to have two beautiful children and be a good dad with a job that pays well enough that my family is middle class. I realize that nobody asked, but just want to say it.
I hope that you have a good birthday though, I have love for all lonely Sup Forumstards, at least on their birthdays.
How's the show and what's it about? I don't have Netflix, but when I did watch it, it was barren and had content so little I nicknamed it Noflix, but yeah, later I watched the Castlevania 1st season, which was breddy gud.

How are the bodies relevant to any of this? I didn't ask for a biography either.

My grandpa saw dead soldiers from vietnam and didn't want my dad to go to war

Instead of a Nam vet dad, I got a backwoods rancher


And a draft dodging illegal

OP here, i'm a lonely Sup Forumstard, but I've gotten use to that : )
I know i'll meet someone some day

BoJack is very down to earth, every character has real flaws and emotions, but it's still set in a cartoon world
The best way I've heard it is it's a cartoon, but no action can be erased or reversed

And the show only says fuck once per season when the relationship can never recover

How do you dodge a draft for a country you weren't born in?
You never served in the Russian Army

Just what I've always wanted
Thanks user

You don't know me comrade

I've gotten enough attention from girls to make me sick of them, mostly. Enough so that I'd prefer to be lonely, but grass is always greener, right?
Anyway, I'll check the series. If you wish, I could recommend a cartoon series called "Drawn together", which is pretty fun, although I've watched it for maybe 2 seasons.
I hope that everything'll turn out fine for you, and you get your wishes come true.

Wow it's your birthday? Happy birthday

it's Gordon Lightfoot's bday too

I've seen drawn together
I'm a big fan of animation, but "kids shows" tend to be more mature and adult tackling real emotions and feeling

where adult cartoons toss shit a the wall (With exceptions like South Park, Rick and Morty, American dad etc etc )

I like offensive content, but nothing but is just empty
I needs more, but that's just me.

>Gordon Lightfoo
I never knew that

Thanks user
I was expecting Sup Forums to bee Sup Forums

But I always love it when you guys are supportive

Happy birthday OP, hope it's a good one. Here's a nice comfy pic.

It's been good so far
Thanks user

Happy Birthday user.

Fuck everyone :)

Agreed xD
Thanks user

'it's cold on the shoulder
and you know that we
get a little older every day'

Happy birthday!

this is me too. Celebrating birthdays is such a stupid tradition. I don't even care if anyone says 'happy birthday' to me. I've worked on my birthday for the last few years and I will again this year. I usually treat myself to a good dinner out and maybe some higher end liquor or something but its pretty much just another day.


OP here
I'm usually the same, but I was curious what would happen if I told Sup Forums

