What do you think of chloe moretz's body Sup Forums?

what do you think of chloe moretz's body Sup Forums?

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This bitch got super ugly.


did that man below eat her?

Her body genetics are just terrible her and kesha

she went from a solid 9 to a bad 7

Fucking pig faced wall of meat. I'm so tired of seeing this bitch and that Lil Peep faggot.

Who am I kidding, I would still wreck that

she has nice calves, that's about it

She is the dictionary definition of "mediocre"

but she has a cute face and nice cameltoe. i still would

i mean; i'm no supermodel either

is it me or is she looking a bit chubby here?

ok for a kitchen appliance



she's got the swollen travolta features at 20whatever it took him a lifetime of alcoholism to achieve

I would have sex with her













moar like this

these pictures ALWAYS make me lol.




aight thats all i have this is now a ylyl thread

This girl makes Chloe Moretz look like a fucking man. youtube.com/watch?v=XCvr4vxc2ag






Great analysis. She had a really cute bod when she was a kid. Chloe is still cute, but has become a little round and awkward looking as she ages. She hit her prime early in life. At least she had one.

it's a damn shame

what is?

mmmmm fucking deliciousa'

She's cute it's how she's dresses that make her look strange