What proof is there that racism is wrong?

What proof is there that racism is wrong?

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>what are morals

Morals is to preserve your legacy and not race mix it away whit niggers.

Being moral makes it factual?

>implying morals are objective

The statistical fact that racists are more likely to be uneducated.

what this user should have said:
>modern philosophy of egalitarianism and all ideas that stemmed from it
racism isn't wrong tho lol

Proof is a social construct.

unless youre a mathematician, your proof means nothing.

i was happy until i saw the diaper...

richard spencer has a masters in philosophy from an ivy league school lmfao




This depends on what you mean by racism and proof, and through what lens you want to look.


Prove that proof is a social construct.



that's purely subjective, although I will say that the colour of somone's skin is not a factor by which you can discriminate against and still call yourself rational.

good thing race is deeper than just skin color

Is that true though? I know most people just dismiss it as nonsense but they never give a reason why.

What constitutes race in your eyes?

Because supremacy! Hyah! That and this:
... And white women

Isn't the burden of proof on those making the claim that there is a difference worth caring about?

AFAIK it hasn't been demonstrated that one race is superior to another.

races are just like any other "race" of animal formed by nature.

>animals separate for tens of thousands of years
>completely different environments, wildly different selection pressures
>animals are selected for different traits (yes, both physical and mental) depending on their environment

just takes some simple understanding of darwinian theory

I don't know, but for some unknown reasons I don't mind these niggers
But I absolutely hate those American niggers who can't speak right. Just want to gas them.

Because it's all assumptions and misreading information. Nature vs nurture, culture, etc. If younare gonna assume a black guy likes fried chicken or is violent, and find out the guy was raised in britain by budhist passifists, y'all gonna look retarded. You gonna assume an asian is good at math so you don't check his math on a construction project, y'all gonna look stupid. Gonna cower in fear when you see an arab, find out he's an atheist florist, y'all gonna look stupid.

"superior" is a loaded word regardless of what reality looks like. given that races are different we'll obviously all be adept at various different tasks. some easy examples are Bantu domination of sprinting events in the Olympics, Germanic domination of weightlifting

Sure, but why does any of this matter?

You too idiots know just enough about biology to make uninformed opinions. Go look up the "species problem" and realize that species/breed/race/whatever the fuck is humans trying to put nature into cute little boxes and lists because we like them. Nature doesn't give a flying fuck about boxes and lists it just does shit. Macrotaxonimists have been arguing over how to correctly categorize species for longer than you two faggots have been alive.

Intelligence != education. In either case that doesnt prove that its wrong, just that people are educated in liberal echo chambers. 100 years ago everyone educated thought women shouldnt vote and a bit further back everyone educated thought niggers were subhumans that should be slaves. Logical fallacy means nothing.

Also racism is perfectly natural, and the only reason it is relatively in check now is because of an abundance of resources. Its easy to pretend everyone is equal when someone else living isnt directly taking food out of your mouth. If we keep expanding our population as we are now, unless something drastically changes that will not always be the case.

Of course, Africans have the self-determination of their own culture and soil, american apes ruin the country by being anti-social and rebellious.

You're vaguely describing how evolution works and then calling it race, and it makes no sense to me.

animals separated by different environments with different selection pressures eventually become different species, I suppose, but do you mean to conflate species with race?

If a dog barks 99% of the time, I'll expect it. If it meows I'll be surprised. Next time I see a dog, I'll still assume it will bark. I'll be right 99% of the time.

jeez, i sometimes forget how deep into it the average person is. why shouldn't it matter? why is it pushed on us so hard that we're all the same?

like it's literally to the detriment of all other races when you try to judge them by same standard. Asians fucking obliterate any western academic program while the majority of blacks struggle greatly with it. obviously this fucking matters lol

new species can't be created lol, where are you getting this from? I think you're confusing the theory of evolution with the theory of natural selection. evolution is purported to be the origins of all *species*, natural selection is the effects the environment will exert on the species.

you see the thing about other races being other species is that yes they began to drift in that direction but not nearly enough to even be considered a subspecies. by the way if you don't plan on having your bloodline "tainted" then you shall be the different species much more retarded than the humans.

Superior is not a loaded word at all as I understand it. It's a fact that something is better than another thing at a thing.

The races being different does NOT necessarily mean they will be adept at various different tasks at either the individual or average level. Going from necessarily different to necessarily inferior/superior is a nonsequitur.

We should all be treated under the same meritocratic standard, to decide which people nature decides to breed out via the free market.

So a black guy raised in asia is the same as one raised in africa, is the same as one raised in america? Nice strawman though? What about biracial people? Do you even get out? The fuck? Seriously go talk to an african and then talk to an american, and tell me all black people are the same.

difference = inequality
inequality = something less or greater than
am i missing something here?

t. user

3/10 for a second response

racism is normal and natural

I don't know if this is a troll or not. It's so weirdly hairsplitting and semantic that I don't know what to make of it at all.

What did you mean by races, then?

no, black people would survive, they seem to make good entertainers.

Everyone is racist in some way
Anyone who doesn't see that some races are superior to others are just mentally retarded

Problem is you can't do that in modern society. If you knee cap people for hundreds of years, then see who wins in a fair race is it really a test, or masturbating your ego? Now if you raised children in the same conditions, in a close environment, you'd still be a jackass for trying to say some peoples lives, experiences, and emotions are lesser than others.

Of course races exist. You medically treat different races differently because, surprise, their bodies react differently. You have trouble matching transplants because they have mixed genes that are hard to find matches for.

You cant argue the statistics either, IQ, crime, poverty, obesity, STD rates. It isnt a giant fucking coincidence that certain races are "better" represented in these stats (and before you SES me, disparities remain even after correcting for SES). It isn't just end effects like this either, you can measure differences between the races, hell an anthropologist can tell you someones race from just their bones.

No you fucking retard. I cannot tell you that THIS nigger is a retard but I can tell you that on average niggers are retards, muzzies bomb people, and chinks are good at math. Of course standouts exist, and I wouldnt expect every german to be albert einstein either, but just because there are exceptions to the rules doesnt mean you cant have rules or that it implies "misreading information"

yeah that last post was a bit messy, but i really don't understand why you're not getting the axiom i gave. is your confusion over my usage of the word race instead of species? races are subcategories of species, plenty of examples of this: foxes, bears, tigers, etc...

Right and Wrong are entirely dependent on your goals and desires for society at large.

Racism is wrong if you care about other human beings or want a harmonious society. It also doesn't really have any basis in science, since "race" is wholly culturally defined. See: The Irish were not considered white 200 years ago.

Yes. You are making a jump from things being unequal to things being inferior or superior.

For instance: desks are not chairs, but one is not objectively superior to the other, and insofar as one could be, it would not be a necessary result of their inequality.

free market is gay, begome a fascist

What proof is there that racism is right?

Thats because it isnt PC to call different races different species, even though they probably should be.

I agree completely, I don't wish to control the outcomes of society, so I offer the freedom of humanity to decide for themselves.

but when we judge a chair and a table by their ability to comfortably sat on there will be differences, one will obviously be better than the other. yes different objects are built for different purposes, but again back to my example, olympic sprinting is something that judges all competitors by one metric and there are very clear results that show a dominant category

I wish I could trust authority to be noble, but it never works out like that.

you're all wrong and approaching it the wrong way.

it is slowly coming to trying to be official. pay attention here...

there was actually a story that a media outlet put out for a minute and then it disappeared. it ACTUALLY went as far as to suggest--as a DEFENSE of black people--that they 1. naturally get angry easier 2. are more ornery and 3. belligerent.

we all know these things about black people. in fact, it proves that they are the WORST race in the world to try to make a "slave" because they're the hardest to get to do fucking ANYTHING you want.

they scrapped the story but they're still approaching our ACCEPTANCE that we should never, ever even barely poke at them or it's OUR fault when they get uppity and we have to kill them.

watch it happening.

so you trust people with no higher motivation than profit?????

You don't medically treat someone differently based on race. Black folks are more susceptible to sickle cell anemia, for instance, but they don't necessarily get it. This is what is meant when liberals scream "painting with a broad brush."

No one's saying that any of the statistics regarding racial differences are coincidences (although they could lol).

Controlling for SES seems to be circular to me if it's to provide you with a conclusion that the problem is based in race. The very sample you're investigating is already defined by race.

I'm not saying it's objectively not an issue of genetics (although I find that improbable given what little I know about genetics), but what I am saying is that it's not a guaranteed fact one way or the other. To be clear: I am not ignoring incontrovertible data that shows difference in race across fields such as IQ income education et al.

Well, then, yeah. I have a beef with the conflation of race and species. Maybe it's a matter of setting the boundaries, but how specific would you have to be to set the boundaries that allowed you to say that black people were a different species?

If black people are a different species (which seems to be synonymous with race unless I still misunderstand you) then what the heck are chimpanzees to us?

Wrong or right, who cares. Most important thing is racism is fucking hilarious and very fun to participate in. I don’t need to prove anything about something I enjoy, I do it because it’s fun.

To really do this youd have to end all entitlement programs, otherwise niggers nig and collect welfare, then randomly fuck women and impregnate them and let the state raise their shitty genes that they themselves couldn't provide for. I am ok with this but no modern country believes this is a fair way to handle things. As it is, someone responsible enough to delay having children ( by responsible I mean an iq above the average nigger with an ability to think ahead more than a week), is penalized for their responsibility while someone who doesnt give a fuck and games the system can have litters of children the state is paying for. The system is designed right now to propagate genes that cant think ahead, which is why whites are becoming a minority.

>The statistical fact that racists are more likely to be uneducated.

... says the liberal, when left is widely and mostly supported by uneducated people : young retards, refugees, poor people, etc.

Yes they are. Look at how blacks behave/live in Haiti. Then look at how they are in zimbabwe/south africa/ANY FUCKING COUNTRY OR CITY THEY ARE A MAJORITY IN

Yep, same outcome EVERY TIME

i'm certainly not an anthropologist or anything, but i think the difference between a black person and a chimp are fairly easy to see lol. like i don't think we have to get too autistic with the science of it, we can interbreed, incredibly similar stature, entirely bipedal, etc. not hard to tell they're like us.

but if we do want to get autistic with it we could base it off of genetic distance. Europeans have a variation of I think 0.2% between them, compared to their distance to Africans which is around 0.8%

Its not wrong. It's just a waste of your time and everyone else's time. Just makes everyone feel like shit. You may have a laugh or two but youll eventually realise you dont honestly give two shits about black skin.

racism = hate = bad
realizing niggers are subhumans = fact = good
let em live in africa in peace (or wars they make)

>not wanting to conquer the world under an Aryan imperium
u are weak


still doesn't answer the question

idiot go conquer penguins , who needs those shitholes

>knee cap people for hundreds of years
Who has this happened to? Oh you mean the Irish? Or the italians when they were invaded by the negroids? Or italians when they came to the US? Or the chinese when they came to the us or any other asian that was once held down by the man at some point in history and is now doing equal to or better than white people in the us? Its funny because indians and asians come here broke as fuck and become doctors in 2 generations, niggers have been here since the start and cant get off welfare.

>when everything is brown so you have to put some green on there

Gordon Ramsay would be proud

>white neoliberals who all went to the degree factory voted democrat
imagine my shock. you seriously think a working class white family in the midwest gives a FLYING FUCK about transgender rights and all the shit they talk about?

Get out of here with that teleological nonsense. There is nothing about a table or chair that makes either inherently comfortable. If I sit on a chair is it impossible that is is uncomfortable? No.
If it was, the very concept of an uncomfortable chair would be a contradiction. It is not, and neither is a comfortable table. So what can we conclude here, and how is it analogous to your statement about how race correlates with performance?

>south africa
you disgrace your conqueror ancestors with your weakness


Even if racisn is totally true black people should not be prevented from reaching their full potential. Rounding them up and taking them to jail for smoking weed, ten times as much as white people who actually smoke more than them, probably isn't the best way to help them to achieve something

Yeah. Totally. And what little I know about genetics doesn't tell me that it makes any sense for that genetic discrepancy to be the cause of the sorts of statistical discrepancies that people in this thread are talking about.

theres nothing that white and yellow race needs

>You don't medically treat someone differently based on race
Yes you do. Just because you're not aware of it doesn't mean it doesnt happen. Niggers respond better to calcium channel blockers than other types of medications like ace inhibitors that they might give a white person for hypertenstion, for example, although plenty of examples like this exist. Closing your eyes and putting your fingers in your ears doesnt change reality. We "paint with a broad brush" because the races are different and we treat them medically different.

Also controlling for SES was done to prove that it was being poor that was keeping the blacks down, problem was that even when they do this, the numbers get better but still dont go away so they resort to dumb theories about white privilege and how racism stress makes niggers act a fool or whatever stupid thesis someone comes up with to get their doctorate nowadays.

Also yes there are such things as subspecies, not completely different but also not completely the same. The concept of species is not really well defined either, and LOTS of methods of categorization exist, none of them perfect. The problem is that when one species becomes multiple it happens slowly, sometimes a species will even gain new genes in the new environment and partially separate and then come back and mate with the original species to form a hybrid, sometimes species incompletely separate and form a continuum of species all able to breed with the species next to them but not ones further away (in nature "further away" would be both geographically and genetically, but in humans of course geography is not a consideration).

I care because black genes are likely intertwine with my DNA at some point in the future which I don't want.

I'll admit that I'm not certain of this, but I have seen no facts that lead me to conclude that it is true that we have to medically treat ethnicities differently. That was the entire point of my reference to things like sickle cell anemia.

How much white needs to creep into their system before we don't have to treat them with calcium channel blockers, for example?

As far as your second point is concerned, I really have nothing to say. Stupid people will do and say as they will do. You already agree about blacks statistically under-performing, though, so I don't know why you have a beef with topics like white privilege outside of the phrasing/framing.

Blacks are in a bad place. It's too early to conclude anything about them genetically (IMO) and I think we should be in a helpful mindset towards them.

>Muh bloodline
>implying you'll ever get laid let alone pass genes

Which shows exactly how much you know about genetics, fuck all.

ONE base pair mutation can make a fetus not viable. In fact a lot of very bad diseases we have traced down to a single mutation on a single gene that happens to code a very important protein. If ONE base pair out of billions can cause crippling disease, any statistical significance can cause huge changes. My favorite statistic is that all eukaryotes share something like 30? percent of their genes. I think you share about 40% of your genes with a mushroom. A lot of genetic material is devoted to cellular machinery that all similar cells happen to share.

We all die, user, who cares what happens after we're gone?

apparently you dont know, inbred nigger

it's a form of collectivism and that is proven to be idiotic

So there /is/ proof, but normal debate ussualy doesn't use it.
Philosophical proof exists. It's uncommon to see, but it's ussualy something like this

All humans are mortal,
Socrates is human

Therefore, Socrates is mortal.

There is much more complicated ones, but you get the gist. It first puts down axioms, assumptions you can get behind (This is needed in anything. In mathematics one would be something along the lines of 'Two parallel lines will never touch'), and then you might write the steps to get from the axiom to a logical conclusion, with everything written down. It can use mathematics, if you'd like, or 'set' logic, or boolean, or formal logic, etc. Just anything that can be proven objectively true, given a set of axioms.

A lot more can be reasoned with this than what might seem obvious. I'm afraid I'm not presenting it well enough, sadly.

>proven to be idiotic

>It's too early to conclude anything about them genetically
Youre right, they were the first humans on the planet but still live in mud huts in one of the most resource rich continents on the planet. Maybe after another 6000 years they will evolve to the point where they live in 2 story houses and dont think they should rape virgins to get rid of aids. I would go on but obviously my facts are irrelevant to your feelings.

Okay. I mean, all of that lines up with what I think I know about genetics. What is your point? I should also ask what exactly you meant in your previous post.

Is it that europeans vary genetically with africans by .6% or is it that the genetic difference in european populations is .2% on average, while africans have a higher range between them of .8%?

Are these genetic differences shown to be the cause of differences across things like IQ and SES and the like? How are we controlling for these genetic components in studies?


"race theory refuted", 9000 years in a search engine later

The whole reason I asked him to prove that proof was a social construct is because he equated socially constructed things with being meaningless unless they were (arbitrarily) mathematical.

I honestly have no idea what the heck you're talking about here, or why you're talking about it.

What does any of this have to do with social construction outside of the fact that our language is constructed and therefore all propositions are represented in that construction?

>europeans vary genetically with africans by .6%
That doesn't sound like a lot to me but don't humans and chimps differ by only a few percent?

by 2%

You are correct that they are proven to be more closely related to human's closest, primitive ancestor, as far as I know. We are also related to that ancestor, though.

Something being more primitive doesn't mean it's worse, either. Again, we're both related to the same thing, and the genes that we have more in common or less in common aren't necessarily going to present themselves in the form of intelligence, competence or whatever measure by which you want to claim we are superior.

I understand we're far beyond the main point here, but have you heard about chimpanzee working memory, for instance?

They're not only stronger than us, but research shows that they can hold more pieces of information in their "short term memory" than we can.

I'll tell you what they are. They're subjective - nullifying your argument.

Perhaps it's more that educational establishments actively manipulate you with a constant barrage of anti-racist sentiment.