Why do Liberals defend Islam and Muslims so much when Islam is literal OPPOSITE of Liberalism on every social issue

Why do Liberals defend Islam and Muslims so much when Islam is literal OPPOSITE of Liberalism on every social issue.
Do Christians who got killed in Islamic countries matter? Not for Liberals


>post modern privilege theory

Basically if you're considered "underprivileged" you're always an ally and take prevalence over all others, even if you do or advocate the most retarded things.


Because they don't have a single clue of the reality of islam and that muslims lie more than they breathe - they are literally raised to deceive.

Same reason cucks defend the nigger fucking their wife.

wow these replies are so off the mark.

it's a principle of liberty and justice to ensure that every individual is judged by that single persons merits and actions.

Many muslims just mind their own business and raise family and work job and don't buy into any of that radical shit. Likewise that plenty of Christians are half-assed and don't buy into using government to interfere in marriage and abortion etc.


Christians are evangelicals and the more of them dead the better. Stop selling your shit.

That is fucking discussing!

It's simple: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

I'm making popcorn for when Muslims turn 9n the SJWs. It'll be amazing.

I always laugh when I see Libtards defending Islam like Young Turks who even attacks other Liberals like Bill Maher and Sam Harris .
I mean,what the fuck is wrong with this retards?

both want to destroy western civilization, even nazis allied with communists for a while

That’s me shitting in Jeremy Corbans mouth!


no discussion necessary

This is a Christian country! If you don’t like it take your peodphillic self to Afghanistan and if your welcome there you infidel whore of Satian.

Sort of funny because they don't give the benefit of the doubt or even consider most Christian values as valid, while Muslim values and beliefs are all A-OK, no questions asked.

It's all about "privilege" mumbo jumbo and you know it.

We love our Somalis! We love our Muslims! Ohh their so good! Ooh their so sweet!

>individual is judged by that single persons merits and actions.
That's bullshit. Liberals are leftist. Leftist aren't interested in individual merits and actions. Their schtick is group politics. The group is more important than the individual. Try again.

Christian values and British values are just common sense & morals. Natural law.

The First Amendment called and it said fuck you.

Eastern civilization is far superior anyway. Literally nothing of value would be lost, now that the tech is global.

It’s all about turning you all in to tranny’s and destroying the family unit.

>liberals are leftist
Sorry, no.
>aren't interested in individual merits and actions
Only the weak-minded, insecure betas are.
>the group is more important than the individual
To leftists, but not to liberals. They're the ones with all that aspirational rhetoric and having people rise to the aristocracy of their groups.
You're so full of shit this has to be bait.

you can't say liberals, all liberals do this or that.
neither can you say muslims, all muslims are like this or that.
People, all people are unique.

White male! White male! You’re a fucking white male!

The ones that don't are jewish fuck-puppets and can be completely ignored.

Yea more valuable in your eyes because you get to rape little boys

well i'm not eating blood pudding, drinking hot beer or skipping shower for 30 days

>>post modern privilege theory

That's about right. Anything that is contrary to "the right" must be supported. I quick read through the Koran reveals that its values are contrary to Christian values. Supporting Islam tears down Christianity.

Therefore, the left supports Islam.

>Blacks kill other Blacks
White Man's faulty

>Muslims kill other Muslims
White Man's fault.

Am I the only one who is getting sick of this bullshit?

I love bacon! I love porkscratchings! I love sausages! I love black pudding and white pudding! Like I said if you have a problem with it stay in the east! We fucking love pork!!

>you can't say liberals, all liberals do this or that.

It's fair to say that most liberals are pro Islam. Not all. But most.

> all muslims are like this or that

Only the ones who understand what Muhammad taught

Liberals will form alliance with radical Islam as long as they see ally in them against the Right indeed.
Feminists who defend Islam are defending the most oppressive nations for females, just think how far are this people ready to go in their hated against the Right

That's what you get for getting involved in the first place.

It's because rational people don't really care which fairy tales you believe in, as long as you don't hurt anyone else. So yeah we shouldn't let people discriminate against Muslims because of their faith. But you can't have a beheading outside of city hall either, and our laws reflect that. The reason it seems like the left doesn't like Christians is because Christians are the majority in this country and are constantly trying to push their religious views on everyone else through our laws. Issues like abortion, gay marriage, and contraceptive policy are all tainted by Christian dogma. We shouldn't let one person's fairy tales be codified into law while we shit on everyone elses. Just leave the fairy tales out of the law altogether.

Exsactly that’s the best you’ve got. And I think you’ll find every western home has a shower! We don’t all go down to the watering hole

Nah, only the feminists who defend democrats and their Saudi connection are defending the most oppressive nations for females. Iran is positively sane by comparison. Hell, they have more women engineers over there than the US does.

Liberals wanted to arrest Christian Man for not making a wedding cake to homosexuals but have no problem defending Islamic sharia where same people are tortured and sometimes even killed.

Crazy isn't it?

Muslims kill more Muslims than any other race.

Completely fucking insane!! Poor gays can’t have cake but it’s fine for them to be stoned to death.

Refusing service to someone because of their sexuality is a crime. Stoning people is also a crime, no one is trying to stone people in this country. There is no pro stoning debate, except in Colorado and Washington.

Found the liberal.

What scientific discovery has ever come out of the east? If you don’t like us stop using our invention of the internet. Stay with your 3 world baboons who enjoy stoning & raping the local youths for listening to music.


Most rational people agree that you should kill another person.

>gay marriage,

Most rational people believe that Gay Marriage can't produce a healthy society as its outcome because it cannot progenerate

>Christian dogma

Usually rooted in the rational.

Obviously we don’t do that barbaric shit here


No but I’m pakistan a 9 year old boy was stoned to death for listening to music!

Yeah you’re using liberal in the classic liberal sense which isn’t the case anymore for “liberal.”
You can substitute current liberal with authoritarian because of their use of government to enforce rules they desire which enforce political correctness on everyone - there is no support of individual freedom unless they act like they want them to, then they can freely do what they want.

>someone because of their sexuality is a crime
What fucking planet did you come from? We are individuals. We have our inalienable rights which don't include provided a service we don't want to.

Clearly none of the leftist liberals have read the Koran!

Exsactly! A bar maid doesn’t have to serve someone they don’t like if they don’t want to! It’s not illegal.

that applies to liberals as much as it applies to white people, or women, or people who wear hats.

Some do. Most have a lot of other, often more complicated thoughts on the matter. Liberals are all over the fucking map with their views. its why theyre referred to as liberals, having liberal views. Liberal = Many.

best reply ever

The left judges every group by that individuals Merritt?

Isn't this the same group that came up with "privledges", and man hating feminism?


Nah, I want liberals dead for the same reasons: they're evangelical douchebags.

I'll use whatever your muh intellectual property you like, and I'll use it to kill you too. Without gunpowder, you would be the very babboons you decry, just whiter.

Authoritarianism is orthogonal to right-left. They're still right-wing and they still expect excellence and aspiration within the demographics that compete with one another. There's literally not a left-wing value among them.

>liberal is left

Youre interchanging Liberal with Left.

The left is becoming less liberal and more conservative, ie, conserving & protecting their ideology, while the media, clueless as ever, still continurpes to equate left with liberal, right with conservative interchanably as a meaningless label. It is not meaningless, anf the meaning remains. The attitudes of both parties have simply become more conservative and are narrowing and figging in for a fight.

...you can have one conservative party and one liberal party of everyone else, but if you have two conservative parties, and no others in the ring to stop them, they will go to war. That is inevitable.

The american "liberals" do not actually care about Islam or Muslims and they do know that Islam completely opposes their liberal views and their feminism.
But they don't care about that, for they are not for Islam, they are merely against the west for some reason.
They just want to support something foreign to look like they're tolerant and inclusive while they are actually racists.
And not simply racists against white people.
The white "liberals" and SJWs are racist towards black and brown people and towards everyone else, but they feel uncomfortable and try to be extra nice to those people so they don't look like a racist.
They believe even criticising Islam or not criticising someone who does makes them look racist and they want to avoid that at all costs.
They prefer racial segregation so that their racism doesn't show, can't look racist if there aren't any other races around.
Racism isn't fought by constantly searching for it and inventing proof that it is there.
You solve racism by not talking about it which is why I'll stop right he...

Most American millennial libtards and sjws are atheists. But not in a cool live-and-let-live way. They vehemently despise and bash christianity, while defending islam. They think not baking a cake for a homo is more offensive than throwing a homo off a rooftop to his death. They basically defend islam because theyre a minority in america, and mostly all brown shitskins. To libtards, if you have brown skin, you're automatically a helpless beleaguered child who's been oppressed and abused by straight, white males. In their warped perception of reality they really believe they're doing the right and moral thing. Meanwhile these mudslime fucks just keep on killing innocent people.

Liberal means permissive and open minded. When’s the last time you saw this generation of political liberals being permissive (Christian bakers able to deny service for a lesbian wedding) or open minded (allowing privately owned Christian based companies to deny certain health services because it contradicts their faith).
No, anything like that happens, it’s immediately litigiously challenged and attempts to force the government to intercede on their behalf in order to overturn the individual business owner’s decision.
I am not saying conservatives are any better - they are the opposite side of the same authoritarian coin - no abortions for anyone, no government health services, etc.
But to call these people liberal is a lie - they hijacked the term because it was much friendlier sound than what they are - authoritarian.

Millennial liberals think they alone made gays become accepted in western society. Not the effort the LBGT community put into being good citizens and neighbors for a hundred years, it was only the millennial liberals...

So now on the heels of that 'victory', they have set forth to find every disenfranchised group of freaks on the planet to champion. Problem is, they never did shit and every effort they make just digs them deeper into a hole of hatred and it's dragging everything in behind them.

It depends,People are retarded this day but I think most people(not just liberals) they defend the individual as a person and not as what race/religion you believe in. They don't defend the people that live on those countries or what the country practices (or I believe they don't), just the people that live in their countries, to consider them as a person and not being fucked by.

It's like if you were born black, but you work your ass off, you get your degree and live fucking normally (I bet I will get replies for this), but people still look at you as a fucking nigger and they will not look for your own merits, because ''stereotypes happen for a reason''. You don't have nothing to do with that black guy that stole/kill something but they will still judge you as that person. Same if you are a Muslim, you just want to leave your country to progress, you don't have to do nothing with your country, but racist people, ignorant people, poltards will judge you because of what people from your religion/country did and not as your own merits. That's why people try to protect them.

Religion can be really flexible, yes some religions look like more restrict than others and even though Muslims have a really strict religion, there is people that believe it or follow it in a small degree. I saw Muslims that are more open than most Christians.

but y u turn ur spellcheckity-rekity off

Maybe business owners shouldn't be deciding things for people who just work there, then.
Single-payer would have solved that problem, but employers actually get off on controlling their employees' lives, and liberals, along with other authoritarians, think that is the proper order of things.

ITT: 4chins far right retards try taking wild guesses at who liberals are and what they think, with hilarious results.

Next up: We raise a handful of kids from birth on sales brochures and adverts from the Big Three car mfgs, and ask them to sit diwn and discuss their understanding of horses and racing yachts.

It's called the civil rights act, that makes it a crime. You can't refuse service to someone because of race, creed, or color. That includes their sexuality.

It’s a privately owned company. If the owners want to decide how they run their company - they can. No one is forcing anyone to work for them.
They offer $X in pay plus benefits in exchange for work - if you, as a person, don’t like their policies, work somewhere else. It’s that simple.
I support their ability to run their company how they wish, but I wouldn’t work for them because I disagree with their policies.
See how easy that is?

I am currently making the tough decision to no longer offer healthcare to my employees because the cost for 40 people is fucking 35k a month. you are NOT entitled to healthcare you cant pay for.

That's why they're called the owners. If a customer doesnt approve of a practice they uphold, they're free to go to a competitor. If an employee doesn't approve of a practice they uphold, they're free to seek employment elsewhere. Your logic is just coming back to an emotional response. You think its "not right" but thats not an argument for it to be ceased in reality.

Yeah slavery was rooted in Christianity, it was very rational.

Because they make better Scientists than republicans educated in the trailer park bible study group.

>principle of liberty and justice to ensure that every individual is judged by that single persons merits and actions
Oh, and here I was thinking it was a bunch of angsty teens rioting and calling anyone that doesnt agree with them a nazi ---- without bothering to see if they actually are.

ITP: Someone talking out their ass.

Enlighten the thread.

Wrong. Go back and read civil rights.

There aren't jobs enough for everyone.
You need to kill yourself.

Grats on Big Orange, after 8 years of a fairly well liked black Democrat as president.

I voted for Obama twice, Trump got it this time though. Fuck you little shits.

>Yeah slavery was rooted in Christianity, it was very rational.

Categorically wrong! Christianity establishes no such thing.

"Love thy neighbor as thy self." "No Greek nor Jew..."

Muhammad bought, sold, captured, and owned slaves. And made it legal for his men to marry their slaves and the women they captured in war

Rofl pajit shitting on streets have better culture yeah ok

Really? Because the first African slaves sold to westerners were the ones taken in wars with other tribes.
Pretty sure those tribes weren’t Christian.
Also pretty sure that slavery has existed since even before Mesopotamia - which definitely wasn’t Christian.
Run along retard. Adults are chatting now.

Same, and same reason i dont buy shit from hobby lobby, chick fil a, and papa johns anymore. Just vote with your wallet, and dont support crappy companies. I dont know why anyone would continue working for a company like those if they were the target of their ire, but their decision to stay and fight i guess. I just leave.

According to the department of labor, in 2016 there was 5.6 million job openings.
Pretty sure there is a job for anyone not lazy.
Lazy fuck.

I agree with your right to do that, but really, what is it hurting? So the chik-fil-a family doesnt like gays. If you buy their products, and give them money, is that really going to somehow lead to gays being denied rights? Nope. They're not some elite secret society that is making laws. They sell fucking sandwiches. I'm sure a lot of places you shop have owners with ideologies you disagree with, you just didnt know it.

nice b8 m8. compelling counter, for a 10yo who’s never been through the slavery topic maybe.

Why do you defend gun owners?

Who fucking cares.

this basically

I don’t buy from Hobby Lobby because they’re overpriced, I don’t buy Chick-Fil-A because it’s fast food, and don’t buy Papa John’s because it’s pizza that I dislike and fast food.

What are you talking about! It was the Muslims that first sold the blacks to is as slaves!




sand niggers

exactly. you can have whatever shitty ideas you want, its a free country. but startbwaving them around and actively treating people like shit using your ideology as the basis and hising behind the veil of “its just muh religion”, is when i say ok, thanks for making it an issue. the service you provide is your product, and i dont like your product, so I’m supporting your competitors instead. Thats the real world voting power you have.

Or if youre a millenial fucktard, you rewteet outrage and cross your fingers someone else will one day fix it for you.

This. Left like to say muslims that dont do the exploding themselves are the moderate ones.

Meanwhile these "moderate" muslims overwhelmingly want to see death for homos, adulterers, and atheists, and treat women like shit.

>individual lives matter
>I'm pro abortion

same. plus also theyre shitty to their employees, which would normally be fine, bc all companies are, but on such a level as to warrant a purposeful f u for bringing your shittiness into our community.

Now let’s watch the hoops they jump through to jusitify themselves.

I honestly don’t give a damn about their personal beliefs or anything about them. They are a non-issue in my life - you’d be a lot less stressed if you didn’t give a fuck about them.