Do you guys shave your dick ? How often ? What does your gf think ? Feel like it's a pain in the ass...

Do you guys shave your dick ? How often ? What does your gf think ? Feel like it's a pain in the ass, I give a scissor cut every week to make the hairs shorter.

Do you even razor?

Trim to about half an inch. Got told to keep it like that, said and done.

No I don't it's annoying when hairs grow back

>Do you guys shave your dick
What? I trim my pubes yeah but I ain't got no hair on my actual dick

Your fault.
Just shave before it grows back e.g. when you shower, that takes nearly no time

Misexplained myself

Yea I use straight razor.

Do thi for like 3 months then it only takes about 20 seconds

straight razor jesus thats an art
now if you can shave your balls with a straight razor you should get a country named after you

this nigga crazy

I've never heard of a girl wanting a guy shaved. Trimmed yes, though I just laugh at them and tell them to deal with it, but not actually razor shaved. That's real or slave shit.

How do you shave balls?

trim the top .. bald the balls ... :D

trim the top
bald the balls
spend my gwap
at the mall

How do I proceed with balls ? Scissors ?

how do you..
shave your balls?
i really wonder
tell me paul

don't proceed the balls with scissors
use the razor
stupid nigga

Razor cream + razor = profit
Same for ass or every other bodypart if you like

i shave in the shower with a razor facing down, works without getting the annoying red irritation bumps, looks good and feels good.

No, I'm straight. Can't give you any tips on how to suck cock either.

I use hair clippers with the 1/4" attachment. at the base oif my shaft I go to 1/8"

but can you fuck me in the ass tho

i've been shaving it for a couple of years now
i prefer it this way
i shave every 2-3 days
every girl i've been with doesn't mind it
i also prefer shaved vaginas so