Mentally ill AMA, schizophrenic OCD diagnosed 11

Mentally ill AMA, schizophrenic OCD diagnosed 11

Other urls found in this thread:

how do foghorns fit into the equation

what were your first symptoms

How do you feel about marching you schizophrenic ass over to the nearest phone and calling you local Representative about keeping Net Neutrality alive?

If you don't the big bad ISP companies will come though your walls while you are sleeping and take you away.

How many breakdowns, and are you on anti-psychotics?

You people get the country you deserve.


Do you suffer from violent command hallucinations?

Breakdowns..... 9 or 10. Am on antipsychotics. Have been on and off since age 11.

ITT prefrontal cortexlets

Which antipsychotics?

Hurr hurr, he said the big brain word

Err, anyone still on Sup Forums is either SUPER edgy or missing ventromedial part(or, orbitofrontal, as I perfer) so no need for that bullshit. We're all fucked up or edgy.

The kool kidz went to 8ch.

If dubs kill yourself

Follow up. Are you spiritual in anyway? Do you believe there are hidden truths in some of the things you're exposed to or do you believe its a curse of nonsense?

Thanks for the info, and good luck.

This is a fucking shitty AMA, /thread

not OP but schizophrenic.
the answer is no. being spiritual does nothing and if I believed everything I hallucinated, I'd think Marsian elves lived in lava and were trying to rape my unborn son.

It's interesting to read about my dude
> In monkeys, significant atrophy has been found as a result of neuroleptic or antipsychotic psychiatric medication.[20]
Careful who you trust boys

we arent monkeys tho. genetically similar, but not monkeys.
Careful with who you trust. Your doctor is not your enemy... dipshit

>Your doctor is not your enemy.
You'de be horrified then, to even imagine you could be nothing but a lab animal to them, for tip top shekels

except that im on a antispychotic from the 50s thats been tested for a long time.

Did you know that the jew you fear was simply a title given to royal accountants. It has nothing to do with the religion


Maybe in your beloved Burgertown
>t. Bipolar Schizoaffective which literally lives thanks to fucking Invega.

>from the 50s thats been tested for a long time
Oh for sure man, tested and trusted, for your safety. It's all about your well-being. Shit how did I miss that?


Dear all schizos who hallucinate:

What's the most far out thing you've experienced? Someone I know once said there was a demon trying to peel his skin off...

what about your life? Are you cappable of leading a so called normal life?
Are you funcional?

>a person like me smoke weed to hallucinate idk why. crazy right?