Hey guys! Do you want to pay your cable company an extra fee for the right to reach Netflix...

Hey guys! Do you want to pay your cable company an extra fee for the right to reach Netflix, on top of your Netflix bill, and on top of your already sky high cable bill? NO? What about Facebook? or YouTube? or Pinterest? Instagram? Don't you want the cable companies to subdivide the internet and charge premium fees for sites they might be able to put the squeeze on you for? Maybe you might like it if ISPs were allowed to throttle websites to a crawl if they contain a message that is contrary to their political agenda? This might be okay if everyone had a CHOICE of providers, but most don't! Most people are trapped into doing business with a monopoly. The only people who don't like Net Neutrality are the cable companies and the government representatives that are being bribed to fuck you over. I am not a Democrat. I am not a Republican. This is bigger than left vs right. Obama put the worst possible person in charge of the FCC, and Trump's coming in to finish the job, and he's hoping you're too busy eating turkey to give a shit about all of this.


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Call your representative, idiots.

I actually think this would be a godsend for American internet, because it will force new ISPs to arise, especially municipally owned.


Net Neutrality is important to smaller providers as well.
For us smaller ISPs to be competitive, we need a level playing field. It's bad enough fighting entrenched incumbents. We're out there biting the ankles of the big boys, trying to keep speeds up and prices low. We can only do it because our pipes are the same as theirs, just bigger and cheaper.

Bump. I'm canadian so I can't do much, but once the yanks fuck something up, we follow suit.

Why? Cause I'm not panicking for no reason? The net survived just fine before net neutrality, it will be okay after.

Click the link in the OP, call the number, read your screen, hang up.

Just get it done.

this affects only USA or to any country?

If the big boys do what OP is saying, and start raising prices to serve Netflix or block sites, they will be handing small ISPs a huge advantage.

Amerifag problem currently

>"No reason"
Good one.

Who cares? Internet is just a fad, it's like gen x's answer to bellbottom pants.

How long are you willing to pay sky high prices while you wait for new infrastructure?


Net Neutrality has been part of the net since the internet as we know it has existed.

And no, it will not cause all these small mom and pop ISPs to pop up. Your city still can't afford hundreds of miles of fiber, don't have people to hang it, and Comcast is still wanting a billion dollars a month to rent their lines (Hey, it's not a monopoly, anyone is free to pay this reasonable fee and compete in this market!) to allow anyone to use their local infrastructure.

There is a reason every third for-real computer geek doesn't do it buddy. It's insanely expensive to start and ISP.


Do something, americucks.

It's American for now but I'm sure once the corporations see the billions in extra revenue the Americans companies are making, I'm sure they'll do the same

I won't be. I'll just cancel Netflix. You know Netflix already had a deal with Comcast, right?

>Comcast, the country’s largest cable and broadband provider, and Netflix, the giant television and movie streaming service, announced an agreement Sunday in which Netflix will pay Comcast for faster and more reliable access to Comcast’s subscribers.

NY Times Feb. 2014


>fun pack

>Your city still can't afford hundreds of miles of fiber
tfw you live in Chattanooga TN

>Net Neutrality has been part of the net since the internet as we know it has existed.
Um, no. It's only been the law of the land for a few years.

this thing is serious, I don't want to use the imagination again to fap like old times.

That is one side of the coin.

Let's create a fictional market. I'm a competitive provider, I charge 50$ for my service.
Incumbent sells service for $60, but also sells a cheaper $25 service that gives you facebook and netflix fast, and the rest slow.
Do you think we'd lose customers?

Incumbents have their infrastructure as a sunk cost. Their acquisition costs for a new customer is significantly lower than ours, and their operational costs are lower per customer. We are competitive price-wise because we accept lower margins.

You know that Netlflix only made the deal because Comcast was illegally throttling them, right?

Remove head from rectum.

Call representative.

>small ISPs
>not an actual thing


Those are interconnection agreements. They are at the backbone level.

Once a bit enter's comcast's network, it doesn't matter if it's netflix, google, or anyone else, it currently gets delivered at the same speed regardless.

Point is, it didn't raise prices. So what's the issue?

This is true. Do not worry goyim

Uh, yeah. I would buy from you at 50 bucks. Because I don't use facebook and rarely Netflix. If there are people out there who only want that, then having the choice is a good thing.

>fun pack

You mean “fap-zone central”.

There are thousands of ISPs in the US.

Nice numbers

Nice trips. However, you're retarded because Netflix raised their rates directly following the throttle. "Cable fuckery" Your trips are hereby null and void.

How many times is this going to be an issue already? I feel like this happens once a year or something.

>It's only been the law of the land for a few years.
the only reason it was codified into law was because ISPs threatened its existence
NN is a concept, not the law that supposedly protects said preexisting concept

Yah, you'd be my customer, but I couldn't afford to sell your gran my service at 25$ and all gran does is watch stranger things and cruise for dick on elderly swingers groups. I wouldn't be able to pay off the cost of acquiring the customer for over ayear.

Agreed. They hope you'll get sick of calling your reps. Don't.

I just don't see merit in your argument. All that falls under "Anti-consumer" laws which will still be regulated by the FTC. And any way you fight, they're going to take your money anyways. If the federal government takes it, it's called taxes, and be sure you ARE paying for them to regulate the internet policies. If the ISPs take it, it's consumerism. I'm not sure why everyone is choosing this moment to fight. They've been taking you for a ride your whole life. Taxes on food. Charging your for water and electricity.... but fucking you over on your internet is too far?


I was not referring to laws. I was referring to 'how the internet works'. Net Neutrality is a very simple thing, 'All traffic is will be treated the same'. You can download MSNBC as quick as Fox News. Death Metal as quick as pop. Conspiracies as quick as Quantum Physics papers. Kiddy porn and ISIS propaganda as quick as lolcats and gospel passages.

Laws say what you can and can't look at it, and if your ISP sees something they might inform the proper authorities, but they don't actually block or speed up or shut down anything. That is Net Neutrality. That is how it's worked (I'm guessing) your entire life. Maybe it wasn't the 'law', but it's been the rules for decades.

This is a misleading talking point.

The practices the legislation is meant to stop were starting to happen...

>Your trips are hereby null and void
Your puny digits don't have the power to nullify my helltrips, sorry. :)
Look, I'm actually casually in favor of neutrality, but I'm tired of the shrieking panic and hundreds of threads a day on this subject.
Also, I'm torn. Because the more power we give to the FCC, the more we'll get fucked eventually. Because the telecomms essentially OWN the FCC.

Today on Sup Forums, devil was a retard. Definitely spells the end for the internet...

>choice is a good thing
like the choce to visit anywhere on the web? at the same speed? this is the freedom you're used to, why do you want to fuck with it when it has worked fine until now?

Yeah, but you'd get all the 'full internet' customers.

If they didn't make open access rules for the telephone network, you'd still be buying your approved network hardware from Ma Bell.

How about you get real hobbies and let market forces kill the retards that thought this would be a good idea

How the fuck is this any different from any other service or good you pay for? I'm not gonna walk into a five star restaurant and expect a steak at mcdonalds prices.
You want premium shit, you pay that premium dollar. Don't like it? Start your own ISP.

My plan is to go on a killing spree. then it court I'll say a used to spend my free time on the internet but im too poor for it now.

No, I meant the choice to get a stripped-down version of the net for cheap, if that's all you want.

>before net neutrality

>being this much of an inbred retard when it comes to understanding how the internet works

The smallest hamlet has dozens of miles of road. You have to run lines to every home, not just from point a to b.

An ISP with the legal right to censor all competitors that don't affiliate with them? What could go wrong?

Most people don't have the option to choose their ISP because of regional monopolies. I am currently in this predicament, having already called everyone else in the nearby area.

No, but you might expect the waiter to deliver your chicken nuggers at the same speed as he delivers the other guy's steak.

Don't care. Never have. If the Internet goes for a shit, I'll treat it like I did TV, Movie theaters, Video games and pop music.

I'll say "Well that was fun" and go do something else. I have a motorcycle to restore, I have trips to take with it.

In fact, i'll start going to the public library again and begin collecting old books again. Fuck the Internet. it's been a bucket of shit for quite a while, and I've been online since 1994, when it took a 4000+ dollar commitment in hardware to do so.

>Being this intentionally obtuse.

Citation needed.

Former Comcast employee here, we were actually speeding them up so they worked better on comcast then anyone else.

>things aren't free in life
>therefore you shouldn't care about their quality

Years before Google Fiber, Chattanooga was the first city in the United States to have a citywide gigabit-per-second fiber internet network. And the city's government built it itself.


>Most people don't have the option to choose their ISP because of regional monopolies
I am also in this horrible situation. And it's because of government.

that's called dial-up, dumbass
go get it if you want it

I've got two choices, 5 meg DSL, 54$ a month. Or, 100 meg cable, 55$ a month, 300gb cap.

Heh. Yeah, but you bastards were taking away bandwidth from my baitin’ sites!

This isn't well thought out.

Many countries around the world have been petitioning to keep NN safe.

Information is a different kind of thing from a utility or a resource.

change.org/p/save-net-neutrality-netneutrality Petition!

Ah yes, corporations are bad. But because corporations own the government, we should give the corporations the power.

Great logic there buddy


Right here. There is no real competition for internet. Just like utilities the "choice" is the monopoly or do without something that is a necessity

The sad thing is that the people who lived just outside of the city limits wanted net service from the utility. Comcast lobbied the state to deny Chattanooga the right to build out fiber beyond the city limits.

Nah. paying 5 bucks for chicken nuggets isn't going to come with great service, some high school kid working at mcdonalds isn't going to cater to my every whim in the hopes of getting a tip or return business. However that waiter dropping off my 100 dollar steak is going to do everything shy of giving me a handjob.

Neato. Good for your city. I'm glad the publicity stunt worked out for you so well. The fuck does that have to do with the vast majority of people in this country are stuck with one or two ISPs available in their area?

In my case it's the great satan itself (I actually don't have a big problem with comcast, when it works, which it usually does) or shitty DSL service that is like a tenth the speed for twice the price (And if you know how to follow a flow chart is actually owned by Sprint)

You weren't following the conversation. We were speaking of a potential service that only provided Facebook and Netflix, or something like that.


Ah yes, corporations are bad. So even though corporations own the government, we should give the government more power.

Great logic there buddy.

Yes but in my area the middle school and high school does everything through internet. College student - internet. Need to find a job - internet. Yes, you can live without Sup Forums and porn but a lot of things require internet. It is a core piece of society now.

this analogy doesn't fit the real problem.

>before net neutrality
There is no before net neutrality you fucking moron. Is that obtuse enough for you?

sounds like all the stuff my cable and cellular companies are already doing. what would be different.

Your liberal tears arouse me

I was replying to someone who claimed that cities can't run their own fiber...

>Reddit spacing

The end of net neutrality is yet another example of how the U.S. lives under a veil believing that they still have freedom.

So, we should give corporations the power to censor the internet however they please because....corporations control the government and therefor we shouldn't try to regulate corporations?

You're literally just throwing your hands in the air and going "I guess I'll just let the corporations fuck me, it's a lose lose"

No, you where referring to me, saying most towns and cities can't afford to. Not that it's impossible or they shouldn't.

Yes, there is. It was not law until recently. So that was before the law. You can't have it both ways, either you are referring to net neutrality as the CONCEPT or as the RECENT LAW that was passed to ENFORCE THE CONCEPT.
I am saying that the law wasn't always there. That is a fucking fact. You are being intentionally obtuse.

I thought Reddit spacing was double spacing?

Like this?

Told ya.

oh look its that obtuse jew guy who doesn't understand the definition of neoliberalism or internet history from the last thread!
everybody wave!

The law is there to protect the concept. You really think they'd be getting rid of the law so they can leave the concept as is? Are you that fucking stupid?

What a productive conversation is unfolding here.. which means it will probably be pruned prematurely.

For the first time I’m Happy to live on a third world country!

No, I'm saying that when the government has the power, those companies will use it to legislate away the competition. Granting the government more power almost never works out in our favor. This may be one of the exceptions, I'm speaking in generalities.



Useful corporate idiot detected

OMG OP is such a retard. This is a ploy to give more control to the government you fool. God, were you people born yesterday? Sheep asleep.