

net neutrality is retarded and so are you.

Nobody gives a flyin' fuck what you think. Did Mommy tell you that you were "special" when you were growing up? That's 'cause you're a faggoty fag

fuck off faggot no one cares

>Sup Forums toddlers

Cry about it some more libtard

You must not live in the USA or else you would actually care about this issue. Go fuck yourself, you fucking bitch

>Sup Forums toddler
Not necessarily. A lot of Sup Forums toddlers want to ruin the world for everyone else because their lives are shit and they want everyone else's to be too.

LoL, if they pass the repeal Sup Forums is pretty much all but gone in the US. Do you actually think any service provider will give it any service? Moron.

I live in Oklahoma. we actually support 45 over here


Thanks Comcast!

t. Pai

>is happy about tossing all of his money to jewish corporations
You're what's wrong with the world

retarded too apparently

>double spaces because reading like a normal person is too hard

Or we're sick of seeing this shit when they already won. Nothing you do matters, just the money these fuckers earn. Fucking libtard thinking writing their senator's a love letter will actually make a difference.

You're retarded. Portugal recently killed NN and this is what their internet looks like now. It will be what the USA's will look like too.

What a niggerish, defeatist attitude you have. Exactly how poor are your parents, user?

Check 'em

Stop being poor white boi yo girl be payyin for my internet

>we're sick of seeing this shit
Literally effects you being on this site.
Speak for yourself autist.

Why are there so many shills against this do they not know its obvious

and I actually don't really care, just being a dick. Just come here for the porn. Back to fapping user! Only when that's taken away shall I act. Enjoy being one of the actual autistc outcasts that lurk this site.

We should all be against this. But I guarantee barely anybody posting in this thread will do anything about it. I have called my congressman and stated my concerns. Why haven't all of you other faggots who live in the US?

I typically don't believe in the conspiracy theories that say companies hire teams of people to post on Sup Forums to push a certain narrative.

But seeing posts like this man....

this is their phone internet plans, which are already heavily jewed even in america