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Fuck them

Trump has nominated a judge, Brett Talley pic related, and 3 other judges deemed unqualified. He and one other have been approved.

To put this in perspective, George W Bush nominated only 7 unqualified judges over 8 years, and none were approved. Trump is over half way there in about 1/8 the time.

The conservative economic model is a scam

poor Republicans keep getting catfished into making the rich so much richer and making the poor so much poorer.

another Papa John's quote. When Obamacare was being debated he was adamantly against it and said "I hope you're ready to start paying 9 - 12 cents more for a pizza to pay for this"

yeah, 9 to 12 cents. He'd rather have his employees be on their own with no healthcare than to raise pizza prices by 9 to 12 cents.

Fuck, that's pretty good insurance to keep from getting a sick as fuck person handling my pizza.

smh. what a fucking dick.

Exactly. But then again, they don't all seem to underatand how insurance works.

He and Shkreli put a face on how stupid conservative economics is so perfectly.

“Admitted Pussy-Grabber President Endorses Accused Child Molester So Alabamans Can Enjoy Tax Hike”


Kek. Nobody likes economic elitism but until the democrats stop being run by and for the interests of beaners and niggers I'll take my chances.

That said, there's a movement to reclaim the GOP by the working class (futile as it may be) meanwhile the demoshits are lurching more and more towards stupid fucking shit like transgender ideology and immigration at all costs.

You should almost always vote for the anti-immigration party because as soon as your nations demographic make-up shifts too far towards unintegrated minorities they ALWAYS vote as a consolidated mass in favour of even more migration and it no longer becomes an option.

America is on the periphery of never being able to close that border and that's why we need that big BEAUTIFUL WALL, folks.

The GOP haven't committed to a good candidate since the turn of the century.
The DNC is going the same route, but their fans are in denial, thus letting the problem fester instead of fixing it.
I get to see BOTH parties go to shit inside of a decade. What a time to be alive.
But the real issue is congress. Their approval is shit. We need term limits and more accountability from our officials.


>actually thinking just because five random thots in a nation of 360 million say someone molested them you should believe them

Who needs to breathe? Or

Actually the Democratic party officials are wanting to move economically right to get the moderate republicans jumping ship from Trump. And much of their actual base, namely the millennial age group, are wanting to move left to single payer health care, higher minimum wage, and state funded education.

Pretty much this. While I think Democrats are a bit better than Republicans, they aren't really trying to do anything more than that these days.

There is a lot of evidence against him

That ship has already sailed. CA is now a Hispanic plurality. Once they turn TX and FL permanently Blue it's game over. Demographic is Destiny.

There isn't even a single grain of evidence save for the yearbook that Alred won't release for independent study until after the election result. Go figure.

He already admitted he "always asked for their mother's permission".

Dumbass already confessed, just not to anything specific.

>nice try, republican shill

What about all this?

And lets not forget a state official said that the bible says pedophilia is ok. Even of Roy Moore is innocent, that does look pretty bad.

Wow, the things that the government subsidizes for niggers are the ones that have gone up in price exponentially

Holy shit that's funny. Not necessarily causative, and probably a post hoc fallacy, but hilarious.


What this leaves out: women joined the work force in full and are actually expected to work. Meaning all incomes should've dropped by about 50%, and all costs should've stayed the same (or doubled as well). Or anywhere in between. It's a dynamic scale.


So to be fair, with the women fully entering the workforce: workers income rose 60%, min wage workers income rose by 44.5%, average CEO's income increased by 987%. Not exactly I know, but I'm not about to put my old stats class into use on fucking Sup Forums.

>Current year

>Still pretending there's a difference between the DEMs and the GOP

>till pretending that the DEMs aren't a party of rich elites and that Republicans care for whites


I'm a semi-conservative. I want an agreement on a single thing with some more left leaning individuals on ideals.
I will start pushing for a 50-80% estate tax, if you start pushing for 0% capital gains tax. This would most hurt the 1%, and would help people trying to earn money. It would delay WHEN we get the money, but wouldn't degrade the amount. Tax gifts of money above 5k per family member by the same amount.

Purposfully misleading and you know it.

Literally everything in that slate 'article' was pure biased conjecture and hyperbole. It doesn't even ask questions like why four of these five women unanimously waited decades to come out about this and even then wait until after Moore became the republican nominee and before he beat that Demoshit he's running against's ass. And that fifth bitch can fuck off too. -- Am I honestly supposed to believe that Roy fucking Moore genuinely decided to give his prospective rape victim a document signed with his fucking name, the date of the crime and the bastard location he was gonna commit it at before trying to bugger a fucking kid in his car lmfao?

Again -- the only evidence is that year book and Gloria won't release it.

You'd crush small farmers and businesses more than they already are with that kind of an estate tax.

Estate taxes only apply to amounts above 5 million.... How the fuck are normal farmers passing on 5 million? That's well beyond either of our countries average farmer net worth, and potential with their average income.

You dumb redneck. The capital gains tax exists so that we have actual money outside of the market. 0% would basically kill bonds and notes and the world would be solely dependent WITH NO MEANS OF BAILOUT, SINCE ALL THE MONEY"S IN THE FUCKING MARKET on what some computer algorithm decides is the best time to sell short.

I swear to god. Republicans want to sprint towards another Great Depression. IDIOTS!

Misleading how?

Someone accuses you of fucking kids. Do you know what you don't say back? "I always asked for their mother's permission." That's what.

I'm not an American, so not a republican. Bonds and notes I couldn't give a fuck about. And I personally don't believe in bailing out business'.

Land, facilities, and equipment values. They are leveraged up to their eyeballs to pay for the equipment and then get hit with estate taxes.

Also, you're not open to discussion. You didn't stipulate the amount you'd agree to in reduction. Also my country only recently got a cap gains tax, about 3-5 years ago, and we had successful bonds, and bailed out business' and our market and weathered the economic storm EXTREMELY well back in about 2008.

>Stuff that government has put in heavy subsidizations and regulations since the 70's have drastically gone up

Even the highest average net worths are still below the 5.54 million stipulated by the US government.

>This thread

As an accountant, this is it true if you believe rich people earn 40k to 75k and if you earn 17k to 28k is "middle class"

If you believe 40k to 75k is the middle class, the proposed tax from the house IS a tax break for the middle class.

Republican senators however are being fucks.

On to "repealing the mandate leaves 13 million uninsured"... that's true, because 13 million people don't even want insurance but are forced to have it due to fines I.e. the individual mandate. ...that's some spin the dems put on that one.


Sorry, thats for my country. Let me get US quickly.

Maybe that's why they have to subsidize them?

A larger workforce would also bring a larger productivity, allowing more wages to be payed.

And holy shit the college one is pretty impressive. Look at this shit.

I think a better idea would be to we do a maximum relative income for corporations or a maximum liquid asset.

They had to wait because in the 70s and 80s pretty much no one would believe any rape accusations against a white guy. And because because they don't want to see a person like this to get a position of power.

He was also forced to step down as a judge twice. Don't forget that.

>And I personally don't believe in bailing out business'.

Most people who vote conservative don't either, but they have corporate special interests that corrupt their reason much like how Union special interests corrupt Democrats.

Probably a big reason why Trump got elected. No one could buy him, so people thought he was better despite how fucking off the walls the man was.
Your farmers earn less than ours, so I doubt their net is somehow higher. Especially because leasing is much more prevalent in USA's farming than Canadas.

So, you live in a country without a 10+ trillion dollar deficit? Do you have "investment banks"?

>recently encountered the 2nd worst economic disaster in whatever dumbfuckistan country you claim to be from
>problem is capital gains tax

"A larger workforce would also bring a larger productivity, allowing more wages to be payed.

And holy shit the college one is pretty impressive. Look at this shit."

It actually doesn't work like that. The more employees you have, the less you make per employee. You have until X amount for your business until you start gaining less money per employee, to losing money on each employee. It's a manageable growth issue. The larger your business, the more bureaucracy, the more bureaucracy, the less efficient.

5 million in land isn't really worth much while you farm produces stuff...but once you die it becomes liquid. So even if your a farmer who makes 100k and you take all your losses, when you die you're "millionaire"

That's not why the capital.gains tax exist.......Lmao because when the government takes money it's outside a system of governance??? Lmao..ok then

But also most of the things that have increased in cost have since 1978 been more and more regulated. Like government guaranteed loans for students. It means that a college can charge whatever the hell they want, because the gov WILL give you it.

Except when they die, then the land is worth millions.

Everything the government puts their hands on increases in price.

The net and gross isn't the issue, it is how much is tied up in the farm in the form of land, equipment, facilities, and livestock, all of which gets counted for purposes of taxation. Five million isn't that much when you figure in the cost of big equipment. A used John Deere T-260 Harvester goes for about 250-300k . Got 3 and you're almost to a million.
This disagrees with your perspective to some degree, granted in that article it stipulates the change in pricing.
My fathers land value hasn't decreased due to his farming here. However most farmers buy land that was already being farmed, and is sold as farmland, which is actually a lower value. It doesn't suddenly increase in market value upon death. It's still farm land.

Capital gains tax exists to discourage stocks from having the same liquidity as cash, first and foremost.

Get the fuck out of here, fake foreigner.

Oh shit, just googled the issue in the US, wtf. That's fucked up. It does not work that way here.

You're not addressing the leasing component, I'd be very interested in that for Americans.

That's how it works in the US and it's why estate taxes can and have driven family farms out of business. Your plan just makes matters worse.



I think you mean dumb fucking cucks.

Ok, so we address that. Easy. It's stipulated actual market value of the land. Farmland is sold as such, or given to family to do the same. This should mean that farmlands value is calculated based off what it would sell for as FARMLAND.
These are semi-easy issues to tackle. They have complex components to stop abuse of the system, but those can be properly addressed.
How we tackled it in Canada: farmland costs the exact same as normal land, but we subsidize our farmers.

I doubt many farmers would want to lease equipment versus buy simply because of the loss of equity when the equipment needs to be sold. That said, it wouldn't surprise me if leased equipment didn't get counted as an "owned" asset by various assessors because our government taxes everything they possibly can, federally, state, county, and locally.

Yea, that's my fear of big government. It begins to become overbearing. Typically farmers lease certain prospects where a lease pays off better. It's really hard to justify for lower earning farmers an expense at 250-300k, when they could pay 350k over their entire farming career and always have one of the newest models. But you are right about reselling. Some retain value EXTREMELY well, some don't. The bobcat we bought for "kicking up dirt" was 175k used, and we sold it after 2 years for 130k. Not a bad price of 45k for two years.

>Subsidize people who break their backs to do shit on their own

Farmers aren't hutterite or amish. It's done for money. If there isn't enough money in it, you get people who don't follow regulations, or get poorer farm conditions, less qualified/capable farmers.


And, of course, this is all at the Federal level, right? Some states might have some kind of an estate tax set up that still needs to be contended with. Not 50%, but even 5% can totally fuck over a small farm when the heirs don't have cash, so they have to sell off assets, which means fewer resources to put into the farm, and by selling they might get hit with other taxes like capital gains or real estate taxes, depending on what and how the assets are sold off.

They get you coming and going.

0 cap gains tax, at least they don't get you for going.

This is me.
Anyway have a good night all you left leaners who I tried to make a deal with.

>There aren't Amish farmers
>There aren't X farmers
>Going into an extremely demanding and expensive field with very little prospect is doing it for the money
That might apply for some, but it's not the majority. Most have a passion for nature or a drive to take over the family business.

That the extent of your education at work?

>estate tax discussion
>plugs capital gains tax reduction
>muh trickledown

As I mentioned previously, the capital gains tax exists to prevent stocks from being as liquid as cash. Those stocks are companies, not cash. Capital gains tax is a stabilizer for the market.

Could we please get the fake foreigner republican who knows something about economics back in the discussion?

>Trying to insult someones intelligence based on a meme post

Must have struck a nerve

You are doing God's work son. We'll thought out, researched, and written. Wish this was a nightly thread.

>republican who knows something about economics
>loch ness monster
>bermuda triangle

Gotta love how wages and inflation track each other perfectly. What a coincidence!

>A larger workforce would also bring a larger productivity, allowing more wages to be payed.
You don't understand these terms. Productivity is completely independent of the size of the workforce. Higher productivity has not resulted in higher wages in more than a generation.

>maximum relative income for corporations or a maximum liquid asset.
This is, in fact, an ancillary requirement for antitrust legislation. If antitrust legislation were enforced today, it wouldn't be coming down on the big bad companies that everyone dislikes, it would come down on Google and Facebook and Amazon.

Nah, just sad watching someone muster up that weak little display as their best reply because they lack the ability to reply in kind to the well versed posters.

>yeah guys lets tax the shit out of the rich and accomplished
>they totally wont leave and take their jobs with them, ruining our economy and creating massive ghettos and slums r-right?

>Thinking I am going to waste time debating politics on a chinese girl cartoon forum

Lmao now who's the idiot

Post this to /pol pussy

Feel free to try to substantively contradict me. You can't.

Capital gains tax serves a real purpose.


what if im one of the rich?

It's almost like,,,,
A re-write of the tax code with fewer exemptions but a lower corporate rate would actually
Tax revenue.
But no, it must be that Trump is trying to give tax breaks to millionaires. Better stymie that guy so that the dems can "stick it to big oil" by allowing them to keep their single-digit rates while knobbing whatever new degenerate faggot culture is in vogue.

Yeah I mean what the fuck is a Laffer curve? It's almost like economists have been saying this shit for decades.

Then you are a still minute % of the republican party and don't represent the whole. So, the fact that republicans vote against their own economic interests is still mathematically true, even if your anecdotal experience differs as a "rich republican".

The loopholes are even bigger. Fucksakes you're a moron.

You can't read

At least one of those percentages is wrong at just a quick glance.
$10b is not 10% flat of $98b - it’s over 10.2% but less than 10.3% (you’d round down like the other numbers). That’s a $200m difference - pretty significant mistake.
Whatever this source is, I’d take it with a grain of salt because of such an easy math problem giving a glaring mistake that should have been corrected before print.

No, knobgobbler, you read.

Oh, thanks for your thoughtful analysis. 200mil is not a significant mistake when the company is supposed to pay 34.3 billion. Fuck off and shut the door behind you.

Do you know what "exemption" means?

Fucking Reddit spacing

Are you some kind of supermoron?

Can the sophoclean crap and make statement, retard.

Nigger, are you retarded? Wash Post is owned by Amazon, that's number 3 on this list. Of course they're trying to muddy this issue.

Meant socration. tired.

Fewer exemptions, lower corporate rate, more taxes to govt, fairer tax code for small businesses, in case you can't read my original post or crack open a dictionary.




So, just to make it clear you are the biggest moron here...

You are saying the chart of companies seriously underpaying taxes, which you tried to bullshit, has Amazon as a major tax dodger, but you can't trust the veracity of the the WashPo article, criticizing the tax plan that would let them pay less, because Bezos owns both companies.

Think, then type. Try it.