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Rem claimed

I don't know who you are

I don't know why

-loves Splatoon 2! and splats you excitedly!-

goodnight rem

goodnight sonata~

Uhhh, in pixels.... 144 x 1440 I believe? That's what Photoshop is saying anyways.

And something along the lines of this.

-kisses your cheek and reminds you to just take it easy and remember those of us who love you. Better times are coming, you'll see-

Is that the smuggest you have? You're going to have to do better than that



Bai bai, Ika
Don't strain yourself

Pfft. Same with gimp. Oh Jesus. I'm not an artist but I guess I could try

I guess

-refreshes the tea cart for you all before wandering off to play some call of duty, world war pew on his pi ess foar before bed.-

I believe in you smugs. I BELIEVE!

Come back to Alice's chat we miss you.


M8, as much as I'd love all their company again, I'm going to choose to stay away from the drama that that place seems to thrive on. So, sorry, but that's a no.

good evening...saying hello for my brief stay tonight

Bring your little girlfriend with you.

Hello hello

That's gunna be a double no, m8.

Fine fine fine. Don't expect me to come up with it over night though

You'll come back to me, you've always been that kind of person.

Got plans or work?

I mean, I still have to practice using this tool anyways. So you've got time.

Dunno who you are, but lolno.

shine on you crazy ritsu


The classic late as fuck response
True, cyber monday seems to be a much better time to shop for things, since the range of products to buy is so greatly increased.
I'm was munching on some raisin bran
>mount and blade
people still play that?! I loved that game back when it was real popular.
Hero academia is addicting tbh, no need to rush on starting on season 2, it's fantastic so far, but the later you start watching it, the less time you will be waiting for season 3



Perfect. Is there a deadline or nah?
Yup! No crowded stores either. Idk about fights since I've never seen it happen
Dude krave is the best cereal
It's still popular dude what do you mean when it was? Get the Full invasion mod for fun times. Can't wait for bannerlord to come out though
Oh you're right. Words of wisdom tbh
Hey again!
What are you drinking?

Discount kurumi LOL

nah just feel like sleeping early

I took a week off


Nothing yet. Soon to be Jack n coke

appreciate the sleep
Ive been trying for over an hour

Preferably by the start of next week if possible. Plan on cooking next Saturday with it, and I wanna get the etching done before waterproofing, and the proofing needs at least 48 hours to set and dry out fully.


yeah had a rough night last ...just would not konk out...anyway

adios for tonight...back tomorrow I am sure

Rory drinks tears

Hi sista

Today was much better than I expected, and so will the rest of the week be too.

Nice to see you all again, how are you?

Doing well thanks. I'm very glad to hear things went better than expected.

Gimme something to watch next. Just finished relife.

Fights are pretty interesting, neat to see how they are able to use their quirks in different ways.
>krave is the best cereal
got me there, that stuff's delicious
How is the game still popular?! How old is it by now?

Thank you very much. I'm glad you're doing well. What has the day been like?

Without knowing your tastes, an interesting anime is Mononoke. It isn't in any way related to Princess Mononoke, just happens to share that name.

Alright. Still in slight pain, and a tad tired, but all in all, getting shit done and wishing my work would catch fire.

I'm sorry about the pain. Glad you're getting shit done though. What're you up to atm?

>wishing work would catch fire

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Just dark, cold, and windy, which I sort of like. I spent most of the day programming and reading punctuated by brief stints of exercising. How about you?


Hey tomo

Hi Tomoko
Hi Donut Loli

Eh, it'll go away in a few days as long as I keep eating better.
Atm, I'm sitting at work. Wishing I wasn't. Not really doing anything other than trying to think of how the hell to do etchings. There's gotta be a catch to it I'm not getting.

And if only. On the bright side, I may be quitting very soon.

Hi user

Howdy folks

How are you?
Hi Kyoko

I had an intense morning, up through to about 9ish am I think. Slept for about 12 hours, and woke up well because things had a good resolution. Now I'm gonna catch up on some sanity with the holidays. Programming and reading are kickass. What do you read?



Hello Tomo, how's things?

Hello, sorry I kinda flaked away last night/this morning/whatever, I had a bunch of important stuff that came up. How are you today?

That's good, hope it goes well with eating better and such, what's brought on the diet changes? I have no idea how to do anything, let alone etchings.

Good luck with quiting too btw, any other job opportunities you're looking into?

Hello. What's up?

Oh nice. That's cool. Any plans for the holidays?
I want rum and coke now
Gotcha gotcha boss man
How are ya?
Fine can't wait for the holidays. You?
Assassination classroom
It's like stands with jojo in a way. Creative ways to utilize them to advantage
It gets me craving for more
It's an underrated game. That's why. Even though classic swbf2 is popular, mp servers are still up
About 8 or 9 by now

Hello user, how are ya?

Enjoying what's left of my off day until the crap week ahead of me, you?

sitting right now. You?
Ehh. Not ready to work again

Hemorrhoids are suck, all I can really say.
Neither do I. Should probably watch a few videos, maybe even lurk around /diy/ for some help.

Waiting for an interview for an electrician apprenticeship. 5 year program, starting pay is $16 an hour, which rises over the 5 years, ending at $40 an hour. Pretty much a guaranteed job coming out of it, that might even pay more than that!

Thanks m8.

I can give it a try.

Sup fags are deaf girls allowed?

Hi user

How was work

It's whatever, I'm good

Same. I look forwards to food, friends, drinks, and merriment.

Just watching some anime and chilling atm. Had a very stressful yesterday which had a good resolution. Why's the week gonna be crap?

I know the feeling, I haven't been ready to work again for the past few months myself : P but nah I kid. Did you have a good break at least?

Fair enough, I gotcha. Bummer about that. I'm sure those resources will help with the internet though, everything's online so I'm sure you could get at least a little bit of an idea or something.

That's exciting! You're gonna be rolling in the doe (at least it feels like that to me haha), good for you! Is it a job you're excited to do too?

Lemme know watcha think.

Sadly no. If she were just hearing impaired we may have been able to swing it. Sorry for any inconvenience.

That's good. What're you up to atm?

Good morning everyone
>0 claimed

Oh my sweet summer child
Someone once claimed a hand.

>12 hours
Your morning must have been very intense! I wish holidays helped my sanity but often I think it makes things worse (dealing with people and family I don't see often).
Lol well most of what I read was about programming but also a little bit of history (the different approaches Newton and Leibniz took to discovering the calculus- very interesting, Newton's was expected tied to motion, while Leibniz' s was more geometric). Yes exercising sucks but it is necessary. Sometimes it's nice to just take a step back and mull over new concepts or problems on a wall though. What do you like to read?

Only if I can whisper in her ear
I didnt today. Just models and sat in bed

I guess. I dont want thanksgiving to come though

Good old memories of Hand-kun

Cool cool, that sounds pretty sour but I hope that good resolution made things up. I work in retailer and I'm reminded that I'm gonna have a long day on thanksgiving

Hey there

That's.... Okay... Right... Yeah....

Yo yo
If she's voiced by Saori Hayami, she's good in my book friend
I just want my mashed potatoes ;_;
Obligatory claim

Doing well thank you, how are you?
Just laying down. Sort of hungry. Played any games lately?
How are you?

Well can't argue with dubs... Can I whisper in yours ;)


Heya Shinoa

Yeah. Exacly that. Was such a nice user too

some final fantasy and fallout new vegas
No im not deaf.

Work going okay? I feel like it's been a while since we chatted

Its going alright. Kinda just sucky but thats the fault of the people working there

>retail & holidays
I'll never miss working electronics at Target, ever.

just sitting

oh right, i forgot you dont work tuesdays, i even saw you on ffxiv earlier and forgot somehow, hitagi and holo both got characters on my server btw

im good, you?

Ya. I think I have a rough idea, but I'ma bug the shit outta them regardless. Better do this once than twice, since I only have the 4 boards to work with.
>This is my current progress on it
The rebar that holds up the pot is also a locking mechanism to keep the legs sturdy.

Mhmm. I've always been rather fond of making stuff, and having good electrical knowledge will make a lot of stuff easier, as well as allow me to wire up some neat shit. Plus, more money. Way more money. About 4 times what I make now.


>Worked for both food retail at Thanksgiving and general merch for Christmas
I'll take a bullet before doing that again.

Ah hello there!

Oh man, just collecting my thoughts before the storm that is black friday

Target was fine, I was an unloader/flow team or whatever you want to call it so I'm there overnight, had the day to enjoy with the family but walmart is different..

None of you fags will be able to ascend my next dmt trip heheheh

Usually dont work tuesdays at least. Thats cool. Where are they at in the game?

You guys are all right, if I wasn't such a closeted depressive fuck I might actually hang out here more often.

Uh ok then.


The only thing I have tripped on was Dramamine and 4HoMet. I regret ever doing the former, the latter was fun though.

Morning Zero

>trips noticed

Invention of calculus is damn fascinating, cool stuff. Programming too. Do you have a language preference? Waddya codin' atm?

I should definitely exercise more. I used to walk daily, now I never leave my room.

I like to read a lot about religions or like occult stuff I suppose, most my books are of that nature. I rotate interests regularly though, and focus on different stuff.

Why's that?

That's too bad, god have mercy on your soul with Thanksgiving retail. Indeed, it really made up for things with the happy ending, today and kinda the rest of my life would have been very different otherwise.

Mashed potatoes are like the pinnacle for sure, love me some myself. Sadly mine are going to have to be different this year cause diet stuff, not the usual buttery goodness, but I can only hope they're still good.

Well, it's better than standing, but not quite as good as laying, at least in my opinion. I feel like I've had this conversation before though, so stop me if I have.

I know nothing of nothing, but itlooks impressive.

Also, money is great! Yay on that. Also, that's awesome. Good luck with that! Mad respect to that too, shits hard.

Hey, I'm a closeted depressed fuck myself, you're welcome : ). Well, maybe not so closeted anymore I suppose. (insert joke there I suppose)

With you on that. Retail on shopping holidays was crap, but restaurants on days like Valentine's, Mother's Day, etc. was awful too.

Yeah, huge difference between Target & Walmart. Target wasn't so bad since they paid better and employees got treated better, but not much has to be said about Walmart. Hell, their corporate has had tons of layoffs this year. I can only imagine what it's like at the bottom.

It's pretty laid back here, lots of people go in and out, while some stick around for a while. Doesn't matter if you're looking for small talk or maybe some perspective.

Easy job, can't complain, just wish Thanksgiving day wasn't from 2 to 11pm, shit's going to be dead in the evening and I will have gotten everything done so I'll have nothing to do for the last hour but be bored shitless

Is there something you want to talk about?

I see, damn that's good tho. Glad to hear your life won't turn out shit

Too bad Target will die off one day, they can't compete with Walmart.

Because it sucks

don't hate me user, she's just perfect

How is your morning
He came back as hank a while back iirc
How are you whenever you live?
We're all depressed though
I swear people are so scared of butter, cheese and all. What does your diet consist of? Are you losing?

Sleep was a mistake...

both made new characters, im probly gonna be playing with hitagi for the next few days, holo made his character but said he cant play til the weekend, you should totally server transfer your character now that gilgamesh is open

mashed potatoes are fucking great


I am a Kyouko claimer as you see.
Texas is where I reside.

Sleep is essential

Thanks. It's a rather simple design, but quite effective.

Mhmm, not super hard, but mess ups can be serious, both in terms of fatality and property damage.

I can fucking imagine, no thanks m8!

Go backs, get on it. :^)