What would society look like if murder was legal?

What would society look like if murder was legal?

It would look redder

Not much different, I imagine.

Assuming it's been that way since humanity's earliest days and most people are not morally opposed to it

What are you talking about? There would be no society if murder were legal. Society was created, in large part, to protect us from exactly those types of acts. What's the point of interacting with people if they can, at any point, turn on ypu and kill you? What is society, if not the security of being protected, by others, as long as you agree to protect them? People would stagnate.

we'd all be dead. one person would kill one, then that person would get killed by someone who liked that person, and so on and so fourth until we all died. society doesn't work if we aren't all on the same team.

Better and worse. Here's why lets look at each standpoint. It opens of jobs(body cleanup/disposal/hitmen), population control,less people in jail,people buying more weapons and more but those are at the top of my head. Bad things are it encourages other crimes such as robbery and home theft, rotting bodies in streets(unsanitary) and more

A select few amoral, powerful people would be in charge and most people would simply fall into line.

Just like now

Doing the purge thing?

>oryginal yes

Nothing much would change

I think there would be constant wars of tribe-like communities where people agree not to kill each other to protect each other

This. Can you imagine what it would be like knowing that you couldn't go to concerts, school, church, or even a street/music festival without getting shot or killed?


GTA around every corner

People who were against it would move away to find like minded people where you're not allowed to murder.

These places would grow in size, due to no murder.

Eventually the world would be like it is now.

Bullshit. Normal people aren't just waiting around for a chance to kill someone. The people that would kill (murderers) already do kill, except in this society they'd just be summarily executed for killing and life would go on as normal until the next psychopathic killer came along.

Sure there would be revenge killings, but people would avoid killing for fear of being killed themselves, like they avoid it now for fear of going to prison.

Murder is legal its just sanctioned by the government.

They decide when its legal to kill and why. Which is the ultimate power in the end. And faggots want to turn all our guns in to the gov.

A loss less crowded

>And faggots want to turn all our guns in to the gov.
Nobody wants this. Stop making this bullshit strawman argument.

You make interesting points there with the new job openings. I think there might be even cult of murder where the greatest killers are like celebrities

Like a black neighborhood

That's why i think lone murderers would be rare and killings would mostly be committed by groups of people against other groups

Some chemists would probably fuck us all over through drinking water. or a large corporation would start to rule with fear and take over the government

Under populated.I'm


A lot less police time would be wasted having to deal with all the muslims in my town. As a result, our local police would be able to do much better with the money they'd save from not having to go from mosque to mosque

Holy shit you are stupid
Society was not created so people didnt get murdered you fucking idiot

Every other post is shit

Society would adapt to that in interesting ways. Sure, it would be much less safe but there would be ways to avoid people taking advantage of large crowd gatherings. Security is still a thing in a society like that.

A cemetary

You fucking moron. You misunderstood me. Society was created so people could have security in their interactions. Taking away that security takes away their willingness to interact. God damn, you are fucking stupid.

It would look better. Rather than trying to rehabilitate criminals we'd just kill them on the spot

This. People are gonna become hungry and desperate

More interesting sports events could exist. Martial arts would be much more brutal when people fight each other to death, and professional athletes would be even stronger, since they had to fight to the death to become one in the first place.

This is a hypothetical society, retard. Use your imagination. Just because it's not the way our society is doesn't mean we can't theorize.

>Martial arts would be much more brutal when people fight each other to death, and professional athletes would be even stronger, since they had to fight to the death to become one in the first place.
t. someone that never took a competition seriously.

Most competitions are a fight to the death for athletes participating. Other than a handful of super popular athletes, wining a match/competition for an athlete is difference between starving or having a decent meal.

Your society as a whole has been the amalgamation of many different ideas over an incredibly long time, all formed because of entirely different reasons, all by all sorts of people. Perhaps consider this before saying something as mind-numbingly ill informed as:
>Taking away that security takes away their willingness to interact

Inner city black violence in a nutshell

Fence them off and let them have at it.

We could have colosseums like the one in Rome with modern day gladiators, it would be spectacular to watch.

Death races like the movie of the same name would also be awesome, imagine cars with fucking miniguns and rocket launchers racing and shredding their opponents

Fucking wild-west style duels with revolvers, how insane would that be?

Military would play a much larger role in society, enlisting might actually be safer than being a civilian. War industry would be massive.


New user jumping in. In a society as we know it, you need police and laws to keep people that don't kniw each other from destroying one another. In a hunter gatherer group, ones the cause too much trouble are outcast. Being outcast us a death sentence and since everyone knows everyone else, things don't get as bad as we are accustomed to.

depending on what time it was legal

There might be communities formed of people like that, they would be the "criminals". Those who were lucky enough to be rejected and not murdered by others.

This is more of a modern day society that formed with murder being always legal.

After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans was the murder capital of the world. The MSM would not report on it because that would be racist. But man, it was a war zone

I imagine it was mostly minorities doing the killing? White people are much more civilized, even the poor ones. Poor blacks and spics on the other hand are why we need police.

Bunch of dead niggers and leftists

I agree, if you weed out those who resolve to stealing and robbing in order to exist, it would be safer for everyone. The less people, the more for everyone.