So this is it America... This is the "freedom" you boast about, this is the "democracy" you tout...

So this is it America... This is the "freedom" you boast about, this is the "democracy" you tout...You live in a "free country" right?...

America is the biggest joke of a country, maybe of all time.

A country that is run based off a 300 year old piece of paper that hasn't changed in forever. A country that has it's sheep vote for it's overlords but not it's laws. A country run by people who quietly make decisions in hotel rooms who are puppeteered by corporations. A country where 3 million more people can vote for a president, and have that person lose anyway. A country that had the opportunity to have the major influence of Nikola Tesla, but instead chose to have the influence of John D Rockefeller. And now one of the only good american contributions to the world, the internet, is in jeopardy... How long until this country totally collapses on itself and becomes a 3rd world wasteland? How long until the stock market, job market, nation debt, education system, and pretty much everything else totally collapses on itself and everyone is left broke, unemployed, and out of school... After the internet collapses, what will America have to offer to the rest of the world? Honestly what's stopping Kimmy from launching his missiles? We've pushed the world around for hundreds of years now, this shit is going to come back to haunt us... Way to go America, you started off as a red white and blue turd, and now you're going to end up the same way... Ya done goofed.

i feel shame for living in america

>We've pushed the world around for hundreds of years now, this shit is going to come back to haunt us...

More like 60 or so years

I dont. Fag. If you were a real american youd beat up pajeets like op pic

hundreds... 60... is anyone really? Does it really matter?

is anyone really counting*

>America is a joke
>I know who their president is I use their products I know about their news and politics I watch their movies I watch their shows. I can't stop thinking about America all the time because I'm a big faggot cuck for sandniggers

this is what happens when White America becomes subservient to its kike overlords.

A country where you don't get shot for saying that? A country that grants you the power to fight tyranny, provided the government becomes what you fear. They cut clits off in the middle east, take 50% of your income in Canada for a health insurance that is worse than African River water, and the kill your children in China if you have too many, but no, go one being the edgy little 12 year old you are. Come back when the perks of hard work and capitalism rears it's forgiving and profitable head.


Retard saying lesser evil is an arguement.

>A country where 3 million more people can vote for a president, and have that person lose anyway
People who don't know why the electoral college is necessary are retarded.

It's not

it's ok, i understand, it can get a little rough sometimes when your attention is diverted away from 24/7 news networks. its ok u can go back now.

Yeah its necessary to rig the election i get that

Don't breed. Nigger-filled cities are already over-populated.

Riddle me that. Humor me.

Letting LA and NY decide every presidential election subverts the notion of less populated states having any say in how the federal government is run or represents the interests of anyone outside of the states those cities are located in. We live in a republic, not a democracy. Mob rule by two cities was never what the founders wanted, hence why they implemented a measure to limit it.

Really something that you should've learned in middle school.

>Trump relaxing regulations that help keep businesses in check is a major victory for the American people

t. retards

I'm sorry, I forgot we live on a planet where we can just travel to other planets that are void of total social and economical issues. Psh and here I thought we only had a few decent countries to pick from... Dur Dur Dur silly me!

>being this retarded

our founding fathers were barely literate the electoral college had literally one job prevent demagogues from coming to power and it has done the exact opposite of that. time to axe it and let the majority of the population decide how the country should be run for a change.

>having no argument
>our founding fathers were barely literate
Not a criticism someone who writes like you gets to make.
>prevent demagogues
Sorry your side lost. That happens.
>time to axe it and let the majority of the population decide how the country should be run for a change
Nope. Mob rule by people uneducated enough to not know why the electoral college exists isn't going to end well. Feel free to either rebel or leave. Fundamental changes to the government that gave you city cattle your quality of life aren't coming cheap.

>the electoral college had literally one job prevent demagogues from coming to power and it has done the exact opposite of that
he just explained why that's not the case

by 2050, 70 percent of the population will live in 15 states, meaning 70 percent of the population will only be represented by 30 percent of gov't.

So hillbillies actually voting in a rural wasteland state with a population of 600,000 can overide the will of the majority of Americans. Yes we need the Electoral College.

>muh rights

Good thing the founders decided to not let the people outside those 15 states be ruled by people who don't have a clue about their local issues or grievances.
>i lost this round and want to change the rules of the game
Absolute state of city cattle. If you don't like the rules of the republic which are meant to protect the voice of someone other than the mob, feel free to leave.

America has never been an amazing place, but it's been okay, and this presidency has taken all the subtlety out of fucking people over.

> implying that where you live matters in a country
> implying that two cities would actually control the vote when every single person's vote counts as one fucking vote
> implying the current system that just throws those people's vote away is fair

Buddy just shut the fuck up. I live in rural Tennessee and my vote has NEVER mattered. Because I live in conservative bible country I might as well not even bother. Is that fair for me?

Get out.

This is Sup Forums? Rather than doing something about all this and doing what Sup Forums does best, by fucking shit up and changing the course of something. Instead you all argue like the inbred retards you all are. Have fun with garbage internet. Prove me wrong by doing something about this, but you won't so whatever .

die fag we are a republic fat fuck

If you hate America so much why not get the fuck out?

I don't think the trolls realize that we literally won't be able to get to Sup Forums anymore.

>implying that where you live matters in a country
It does. Different regions have different economic and cultural needs.
>implying that two cities would actually control the vote when every single person's vote counts as one fucking vote
See above, absolute dunce.
>implying the current system that just throws those people's vote away is fair
It's fair to people who live in places that aren't NY or LA that they aren't being ruled by people who will only represent those region's issues. There would be no reason to do anything but do everything possible to benefit those regions if you want a guaranteed win and re-election.
>Buddy just shut the fuck up
No thanks. You live in tennessee and I live in NY, therefor my voice is more important than yours.
>my vote has NEVER mattered
That's the most niggerish, defeatist thing I've ever heard. I'd like to point out that if you want your vote to matter, you should move to LA or NY since the electoral college doesn't exist and tennessee will be ignored by every democratic president (every president, since that's the only ones LA or NY will vote for).

The Electoral College is an anachronism from slavery. Designed by Madison to give the South more influence in presidential elections counting their slaves as 3/5ths of a person. The Electoral College has no place in the modern world. Its an embarrassment.

>why not throw the babby out with the bathwater?
Stupid person.


Nice revisionist history. Get that from the Huffington Post?

You sound a little crazy but I agree with you




to be fair, none of you faggots actually understand net neutrality, CDNs, or peering
internet got where it is because of competition and innovation, not regulatory gymnastics and government rent-seeking settled in favor of whichever megacorporation has the most expensive, high-powered lawyers
smaller businesses trying to enter the ISP market don't have the biggest legal departments
when government gets highly involved, competition dies, rewards for innovating become nil


and how exactly is competition is going to improve the internet?
what could be a bigger improvement than net neutrality?




To be fair, you have to have a scat fetish to understand Andy Sixx's logs. The flavor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of eating da poopoo, most of the logs will go over a typical eater's head. There's also Andy's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his songs - his personal philosophy draws heavily from his dad Nikki, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these logs, to realize that they're not just tasty- their flavor says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike eating logs of shit out of Andy Sixx's asshole truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the bouquet of his creamiest, steamiest dumplings, which themselves are a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Andy's logtrain unfolds itself into their gaping months. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a BVB tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for Andy's eyes only. And hopefully I can demonstrate to him just how dedicated I am too answer the question: "Would you?"

> A country that is run based off a 300 year old piece of paper that hasn't changed in forever
What does it matter? And the last amendment was added in the '90s. Constitutions aren't supposed to change all the time, they'd lose their value.

>he thinks he lives in a democracy rather than a repiublic
inner city education

A country where people killing each other in shootings almost every day and the president is cool with guns but not with health insurance..

Commie Soros cuck detected. Pro tip: nobody is listening, go burn a cop car, whatever.

Whatever you say, you stinky sand nigger

you know how bandwidth kept increasing, and transmission got faster, connections got cheaper?
remember dialup?
all those improvements happened without net neutrality regulations
internet companies on their own opened up high-bandwidth access for CDNs carrying high-volume data (eg, file-sharing, streaming video)
those largely happened because content providers and internet services entered special agreements that paid for more expensive technologies and made them common
you can expect the pace of those improvements to slow down

It's a big capitalist enterprise, it was literally created to make the rich richer, and it's still doing that very effectively. This shit doesn't matter to them as it won't affect them. You're cattle, you're just allowed to think that you're not because it's easier to control you that way. This is just another thing to keep you occupied with rage while they profit. Simple as that. How do people not know this shit yet?

> no education

Typos are the type of low hanging fruit a retard who still posts image macros in 2017 has to thrive on.

>300 year old piece of paper

>all those improvements happened without net neutrality regulations
Those things were the result of technological improvements, not lack of regulation.
>those largely happened because content providers and internet services entered special agreements that paid for more expensive technologies and made them common
How is that relevant to current market practices and needs?
>you can expect the pace of those improvements to slow down
Are you sure they wouldn't just slow down due to short-sighted corporate desire to cut costs rather than implement infrastructure upgrades? It's easier to get lean than it is to innovate, especially when share holders can't think longer term than the next uptick in stock price.

> A country that has it's sheep vote for it's overlords but not it's laws
Direct democracy would be a disaster here, though I don't believe there's anything stopping the states from moving to it if they wish.
> A country run by people who quietly make decisions in hotel rooms who are puppeteered by corporations.
This is business and politics everywhere, yes even in yurop.
> A country where 3 million more people can vote for a president, and have that person lose anyway
It would actually be *less* democratic for one state's votes (California) to decide for the other 290 million people.
> A country that had the opportunity to have the major influence of Nikola Tesla, but instead chose to have the influence of John D Rockefeller.
So we use oil to light our homes and not AC?
> And now one of the only good american contributions to the world, the internet, is in jeopardy...
> How long until this country totally collapses on itself and becomes a 3rd world wasteland?
It won't, our structure is far more resilient and than you think. You were probably crapping your pants thinking Trump was going to institute a dictatorship, and now you probably laugh at how impotent he is in regards to legislative success. Which is it user, both conditions can't occur simultaneously.
> How long until the stock market, job market, nation debt, education system, and pretty much everything else totally collapses on itself
Education is definitely our biggest issue, everything else is doing fine or can wait to be fixed.

Middle eastern toilet paper

>what will America have to offer to the rest of the world?
NASA, international defense, something something nuclear deterrent.
> Honestly what's stopping Kimmy from launching his missiles?
We are, motherfucker.
> We've pushed the world around for hundreds of years now
Not even. We didn't become a superpower until post-WWII. And what is coming back to haunt us? A bunch of ungrateful yuropeons?
> Way to go America
I don't know how we could start as a turd, do you know how excrement works?
> Ya done goofed.
No, your parents did.

Blame the Republicans and their "family values"

Make a new Internet from scratch. Have big balls.

Europe’s being taken over by savage unskilled Muslim shit skins. Try denying that you smug eurofaggots.

>government is resigning as internet police


It's beyond an embarrassment. It reflects poorly on us as individuals, whether we're actually on board with any of this shit or not at this point.

Going to have to move to Canada on my way to where I'm going, so I can say I've moved there from Canada instead of the US.

> muh socialist democracies
Do you think you have government services and protections because euroelites want to help you? They do it to keep you from noticing the fucked up shit they do.

>they're a private company they can do what they want
>says the liberals as twitter, facebook, reddit, and so on censor wrongthink

Oh, you want me to care that ISPs can do the same shit every major service on the net can do without pushback? Fuck you.

New Internet = GOP channel = deal hippie channel = dead flower children channel

>this is actually what Americans think people outside their country think and live.

This is why you have the reputation you do, Americans.

I'm sorry to interrupt but I would like to take this time to talk about my diarrhea. I had the worst diarrhea of my life a few months ago after eating at Applebee's. I got sick while I was in the mall and it hit very suddenly. The closest toilet was in Sears so I waddled as fast as I could to get to the bathroom before a river of brown erupted from my butt. Alas I discovered that the only bathroom in Sears was on the second floor, so after futilely searching I had to make for the escalator. I could feel the butt-volcano about to erupt, I was frantic. I thought OK, almost there, I can make it, and then I learned that the bathroom was all the way on the far side of the store from the escalator! This was bad, really bad. I had my sphincter clenched as tight as I could but I knew I had only seconds left and the bathroom was about half a minute away. If I sprinted I could make it, but if I sprinted I wouldn't be able to properly clench my sphincter. I was stuck. I did the best I could, and I even made it to the bathroom, but before I could get to the stall Mt. Buttuvius erupted in my pants. And it just kept coming. I waddled to the stall with a brown geyser shooting from my bum, got my pants down, and my butt kept spraying like the world's most foul fire hose. It got all over the seat, the toilet, the walls, the floor, there was even some on the ceiling. The CEILING! I had to pant and breathe deeply but the smell was so bad I almost vomited. So there I was, in Sears, my pants a wet, slimy, nasty brown. The only good thing was that there wasn't anybody in there, and all through my struggle, nobody else came in. I did what I had to do. I used two entire rolls of toilet paper to try to clean up, and I had to try to flush my underwear into the toilet. As you can imagine, this didn't work, so the toilet overflowed and spilled fecal juice all over the bathroom. I used a third roll of toilet paper to try to clean up before giving up.

I agree and I live here. It's a country based of a shabby idealology

>the technological and business world changed when customer habits changed and now ISPs aren't willing to invest in infrastructure upgrades customers expect like they should have planned for in their fiscal structure
So this is what you're saying. Everything just works better when bandwidth is treated as a utility that the bandwidth provider has to meet demands for. The problem is media conglomerates being coupled to delivery methods. It's railroad barons all over again. When are you people going to learn that doesn't fly in this country?

(Wo qi chuan ru niu kuai duan qi)
(Xi fang ji le deng wo guang lin)
(Wo kan da jia quan dou bei ta xia sha liao)
(Ta men dan zhan you xin jing)
(Wo de shen fen hai shi mi mi)
(Diao dao shui li ke hui yao le wo xiao ming)

So that wealthy landowners who own massive tracts of land have more of a vote than anyone else. This way, land votes, not people.

No way this continues for centuries into the future.

Just go back to plebbit, you know you belong there.

Fuck you eufag nonamericafag

If America didn't jump into WW2 even after Pearl Harbor, Russia would've lost even more soldiers and most European countries (or now ex, like Britain) would be speaking German and Japanese, fuck even Italian and America would be too. If 'murica didn't jump in Britain would probably still be fucked.

(Wo qi chuan ru niu kuai duan qi)
(Xi fang ji le deng wo guang lin)
(Wo kan da jia quan dou bei ta xia sha liao)
(Ta men dan zhan you xin jing)
(Wo de shen fen hai shi mi mi)
(Diao dao shui li ke hui yao le wo xiao ming)

fucking idiots, man...

kill yourself, honestly...

Okay I'm done. Well and truly done, just like your gay unfunny steak and ketchup meme that you cucks post on here, the burnt steak smothered in ketchup, that's how fucking done I am with this shit. Every day I take time from my life to select the funniest pictures, gifs and webms from my YLYL folder that I've spent the last few years building up, and every single time, I never get a "lost" - I'd even be happy with a "kek" or even a "lel", but no. Nothing. You trap loving immature closet homsexual basement dwelling Yu-Ghi-Oh playing, Pokemon collecting man-children would rather laugh at ridiculous banana memes and reply to Your mother will die in her sleep posts. Well, no fucking wonder Sup Forums has turned in to a normie joke, you all disgust me. I'm deleteing my YLYL folder right now, and I won't be creating another one, so there you have it, you've lost another OG Sup Forumsro, a normie will take my place, you'll have more normie memes get posted. Congratulations on slowly turning Sup Forums in to 9fag, cunts.

>revisionist history

That is not what Revisionist History refers to you dip. Just because Bush misused the term in front of a hundred million illiterate monkeys who are completely unfamiliar with history and how it works, doesn't mean you keep fucking making the same stupid mistake forever like an ape that can't learn how to fix shit.

Figure it out.

The FCC wants to grant the internet to the Internet Service Providers for free, so they can sell it back to us website by website. This is Trump's vision of Amerika. Thanks, Obama.

he will be fired soon. ppl that look like Muslims don't last to long around here anymore. I bet hell have 10 sexual assault accusers tmrw.


To be fair, I do understand those things and more, and that at best, you're talking out your anus, and at worst, you're shilling for indefensible shit.


had a feeling id see this leak onto Sup Forums... glad it did

Fuck off idiot. anyone with brains knows this whole system is a farce.

hope you suffer for eternity along with me, get strapped up by your achilles and flayed for all the "years" to come.


The red area has more population in comparison to every blue state. No, you don't want simple majority rule as it would be way too easy to brainwash a handful of cities (which largely believe there is no such thing as biological sex! that men and women are interchangeable! that open borders would be great! that Islam is great! ) to control the fate of the US.

Census leads to #of congress people+senators= electoral votes

it still favors large populations, hence why the most populous state still get the largest say

you're trying to pretend that the disconnect is far larger than it actually is, in a very retarded SJW way

>A three hundred year old piece of paper that hasn't changed in forever.
>What are amendments?

Go take a 3rd grade civics lesson.

That's not how it works you uneducated pleb. Go read the Constitution, it would take less time to read than this entire thread.


Fucking choke, fascist.


>just let me interpret history the way I want, leaving out actual intent that doesn't fit my narrative