Ask a 34 year old kissless virgin without friends and with a shit job anything

Ask a 34 year old kissless virgin without friends and with a shit job anything.

Inb4 "this thread again".

Coke, pepsi or Dr Pepper?

at least you have a job
at least you aint got a shit wife
at least you aint got kids to leech off you
at least you know for sure you have no STD's

cry more.

I usually drink no name diet coke from the supermarket.

>implying you have any of these.


what's your job? and what's stopping you from getting a job that you enjoy?

do you have an anime pillow?

Whats your salary


I work half time in a supermarket. And whats stopping me is that no-one hires me.


15k a year.

>And whats stopping me is that no-one hires me.

>pick a field that you think you'd like
>apply for the lowest possible position
>literally send dozens if resumes because otherwise no one will call you
>don't quit after the first failed interview. or the second, or the third...
that's kinda what you have to do

what would you be interested to work as?

>what would you be interested to work as?

The field I studied is molecular biology / biochemistry. I would also be interested in data analysis, bioinformatics and related stuff. I decide last year to focus on finding a job outside academia and spend half of day looking for jobs / writing applications. Probably sent a few hundred.


op cant inb4 newfag

Hi, I'm 25 year old kissless virgin male 184/70 with shit skin on face like my pic.
Girls don't like me, never have a female friend, this throw me into depression sometimes.
I have a good job, home and spacious mind but probably look useless in eye of any woman.
When I am depressed I sleep only three or two hours in 24.
When I try have relationship, usually girl left me for more beautiful male in her opinion.


>The field I studied
but is that the field you want to work in? if so, did you finish your studies? because if you did, you should be able to find a job in that field right?

personally I've studied a field that I really loved but didn't finish my studies. when I realized I couldn't find a job in my field, not even on the lowest of low positions, I switched fields. now I do a technician job that's mostly manual labour, and I'm much more happy than I'd be sitting at a desk doing some mind numbing work, or working in a supermarket.

just find something you like. it's really important.

Get a prostitute. Its nerve racking the first time.
Friends are overrated.
Why is your job shit?

fuck off chad

>but is that the field you want to work in? if so, did you finish your studies? because if you did, you should be able to find a job in that field right?

I would like to work in it but it is heavily oversaturated.

>Why is your job shit?

Boring, shit payment
