How many bitcoin do you have?

How many bitcoin do you have?

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Why not donating some?

0.05 :/

If any of you feels like being generous today: 13zKp

about .7

dont get me started. i used to cpu mine for fun, back when it was below 1 cent... i formatted a drive with between 900 and 1500 on it because my parents hard drive took a shit and they were complaining they couldnt get on facebook

Can't afford it, can't afford to mine it

When did you acquire said coins?

And I mean, shit. I'll jew out if anyone is willing. Guess I don't have anything to lose.


Dear gawd... if anyone wants to donate just a few sats to a guy that works as a cashier in an eastern European shithole for minimum wage, 30K sats = nice dinner here. mui scrub wallet(removing dot):
I would be forever in ur gratitude. Would also be nice if u replied here afterward so I could thank you.

I want to try and buy some of the other coins than the most popular ones (BTC, LTC and ETH) - is there a common market place one could go to? or will i need separate accounts/sites ?

Also there's a few other Altcoins on the wallet Exodus which supports exchanges.

looking to buy a hentai hoodie to wear around school and maybe spend some on league of faggot

livecoin net is a good one. All the popular ones and lots of small ones as well.

At one point I had 2500. Sold them all when Bitcoin passed $30. Made nearly 80K but still, feels mostly bad man

Not gonna be talking about how hard my life is. But I am gonna leave my address here, because who knows.

Had 0.04 btc, then the stupid bittrex account lock and they wont confirm my account even though I sent them all the data needed.. been nearly 2 months now... all I have is 0.005 on a small exchange left... If anyone donates a few sats, you'd be a lifesaver :/

Tbh : Has anybody ever received btc donated from Sup Forums ?



Don't feel bad
All investment is risk reward

and you didn't win the lottery, but you made bank

First time trying, let's see if there are some fags left here with a heart.

How does one get started in bitcoin with no money to spare but a decent gaming pc?

thank you - ill check them out - just wanted to invest like $2-3k in something, sit back and wait.. i know the chance of making the big bucks are slim to none, but hey, can't blame a guy for trying :)


That's true. And I don't really have any regrets. In reality I've been very fortunate.

Got like 0.008. Not gonna lie, if anyone drops me some half a cent, I'd spend the money on losing my virginity to a hooker. If u reply here and we get in contact, I'll hide a cam in my room, censor my face on recording and gladly share the vid with you if that's what you're into. I'm just a desperate fuck at this point

Glad I could make you feel better

What the fuck. I actually received a bit. If any of you are thinking about sending anything. Please think twice about it. Although I could use the money, I'm sure there are plenty out there who need it more than I do. Anyhow, thanks! I'll put it to good use.

Can someone give me like a little tour or something on how to make my own wallet secure it and start making bitcoin or something?

you cant, just get a good gpu like a 580 or 3 of em

I have a 1060

Op here


I bought 1.38 and am waiting for the price to rise. I'm saving to build my house. If any of you is willing to kindly donate


I have made some serious travel fuck ups. Currently in vietnam grinding out shit online work for like $10 USD an hour for like 18 hours a day, hoping I can scratch up enough to get myself to the airport on friday to go back home

I'm pretty stupid, but if anybody wants to shoot a few satoshi over it would pull my ass out of the fire big time bc I'm srsly pretty fukt, would be a godsend


i've got about 3/100ths. seriously, seriously wish I had gotten into it sooner than I did. moving right now and i'm struggling in a minimum wage job.

and I'll also hope that there's any generous souls out there that have any extra they want to send me anything


I dont have bitcoin account but if anyone wants to donate
[email protected]

Holly shit this is a begging thread now?

cool I don't need someone generous, just a faggot throwing money away.

here send something big

Actually 0.00012. Had to make money after cancer treatment of my mother.

No one will donate anything, but at least I tried..


Someone just smack me with you wad of cash


i have 0.00035
pc can barely handle mining and im poor asf, pls generous gods any amount would grant me the will to live

0.00010795 any fag wanna send some thing will be nice. Not gonna lie broke as fuck need any thing to survive two more weeks


Can I hab some?

All right. Either Sup Forums has gone full charity. Or you faggots want to see me commit suicide from lottery winner syndrome. I'll start a thread in about a half year from now, to tell you how it helped my situation. If I haven't killed myself that is.

How do i buy and sell?
How do i exchange to cash?
I downloaded a bitcoin wallet and i didn't have to sign up?
There's just two strange codes..
Is this normal?
How does this shit work?

Fucked up times divorce and fucked up life so yeah /B is going full Charity

Mining is no longer good for profit
The damage to your pc plus internet fees outweighs income

well, i guess nobody are going to donate anything but worth a try (i have a sob story but screw it):
Anything will help and i can give you advices how to start getting some dust like i'm doing

can i have some spare to invest or something?


600 in a wallet somewhere....

man if you're a noob you can use Coinbase to buy BTC. Those two codes are important. One is your public key, it's like a paypal address- that's what people are posting in this thread.

The other is your private key, don't lose that. Downloading a wallet is a good idea if you wanna hodl long term. If you just wanna fuck around with a couple hundred bucks make an account with Coinbase and buy with a credit card.

Or you can use localbitcoins to buy some from dudes in your local area, which can be kind of fun.

Best not to leave crypto in a hosted walllet for too long

Some things to research:
hot wallet vs cold wallet
other cryptos such as eth or dash
learn what a fork is and why it matters

Ultimately bro this shit is really easy, your btc is in your wallet, you can send it to other cunts pretty fast, and in most cases there's no need for ID. No surprise the JQ hate it

you did not receive shit retard, last transaction in your wallet was 2017-10-24 12:23:50




fuck it

If anyone feels kinda generous


>this shit is really easy
Your post just made it seem way harder than ever imagined
You've actually scared me off of ever trying
Your post makes it sound like there is huge room for error
I guess I'll just apply for welfare instead

anyone willing to give this tard a crash course in bitcoin. literally have nothing to my name but a 5 year old laptop i've been gaming on.

Just wanna know how one goes about getting into this bitcoin shit. Even if its just links i can read up on


Smack me with yalls fat bits

you literally can't fuck it up man

Just get on coinbase, buy a little bit, and hold it if you're committed to getting invested

It's extremely variable. If you want you can download your wallet to your computer, you can go deeper and buy a hardware device that works as a wallet. Fck it you can even go deeper and create a fuckin paper wallet. it's even possible to create a fuckin paper wallet and memorize it johnny mnemonic style so you walk around with $100k memorized in your brain totally hackproof

Or you can just sign up with coinbase or another babby exchange and buy a 1/16th of a BTC and hold onto it until it either reaches $500,000 per coin or john mcafee eats his own dick on live television, which would be worth $500 imho

I guess

His post really confused and scared me but maybe you're smarter than i am

Can somebody decipher this?
I need English please.

Around 70 btc

But in my country if i want to withdraw this money it's taxed over 40% so i hope btc become someday used in everyday life

You lost me there
Also if I'm using a credit card how to i get the money out?


What country?

Send to this:

And you shall receive a gift on this thread


Thank you boobs in advance


yeah a lot of people have it hard. People complaining on here but at least they have a job! Sorry if sounding harsh I got banned for 2 days because someone pretended they were giving away coins and I was banned for posting my wallet on a "begging thread." Been out of a job for a while, and Christmas coming up etc it's not been great but can't do much about it apart from trying to get a job on a daily basis. I have like 0 to my name, worst case scenario might have to downgrade my phone etc :(. Anyway, I found out about bitcoin last year on here, crazy seeing the price hike since then, well done to the hodlers!


Isn't it a "how much" question?

Some spare coins for investment


Never could make a difference
Non native english fag here

>tfw you had 10btc when they just started out
>tfw you thought it was a meme
>tfw you look at the price now
>tfw you can't remember your btc wallet


i have four stacks of diamond blocks and three stacks of emerald blocks. which are just as good as bitcoins.

> you can't buy anything with minecraft shit

you can't buy anything with bitcoins, except more bitcoins.

> one year later
> the cryptocurrency bubble has collapsed
> bitcoin is worth thirty-five cents
> dogecoin is worth two bones and a dog biscuit
> etherium is actually worth MINUS five dollars

i wunna start using BTC whats best walet right now?


I invented chancoin ama

nigga i got them 1000000000000000000

None cause i'm a fucking retard.