Worked in the garden today, what did you do?

worked in the garden today, what did you do?

in germany because of STABGITTERZAUN

Do you amerifats don't have this fences?

typed a bunch of shit from archival newspapers into a historical society wiki.

1961 was a very odd year.

did you discover some pattern?

schönen Komposthaufen habt ihr da

I was schwifty and took a shit on the floor.

Sat a job interview with the department of health

Hat lange gedauert bis er so gedeiht ist.

Be better and take a shit off a high building.

How was it?
And which particular job?

Worked at my job, you unemployed hippie sack of shit

Got jumped by about 12 drug addicts. Managed to fight them all of with little scathing. Knocked 8 of them out and the other 4 ran away.

You mean the ones to corral up the inferior races?


post yourself show inferiorness

thumb up

No way, dude. Let's just say I'd pass the test. I worked outside today on clearing my lot for expanding my vacation rental business, so that hopefully I will never have to wageslave again. Praise kek.

Now that I'll never see your face, how can I be sure you're not just another streetshitting rajeet?

I played videogames all day.


4th generation American, German and Ukrainian descent. Larpers have no honor and I swear that everything is true to the best of my knowledge. I will not post my image here for doxxing reasons. I'm off to bed. Have a great day.

What job? Wageslave


why do you bump my thread?^^
just curious

good night, sleep tight



When you start a thread, but most of the anons are basically doing nothing

tfw you already start fapping, but its revealed that it has a penis

took a picture of two handsome men gardening

wanna meet?

Fucking morons, you dont compost tomatoe plants. Thats just asking for trouble


Tomatoes are susceptible to fungus like blight and if you compost them the fungus gets into the compost and can contaminate the soild for next year when you mix it in.