Waifu thread

Waifu thread

Previous: I'm to tired to be bothered

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing.
>Keep RP/ERP in private. (You know who you are)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>No sexually explicit images (You know who you are)
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>Stop reading these
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, EXCALIBAAAH


Hello, what're you up to?

Hello, how are you?

About to fall asleep and you?

Watching some TV, thinking about plans for the day




Aнacтacия — звeздa, чтo вeдeт мeня


Hello everyone.


Im home. How are you all doing?

Hello, how are you all doing? Nice to see you again Koume, Rem, Zero.

I'm doing well thanks.

Bout to go work out at work. Ill be back shorty

Nice to see you too. Hope everything is well. I'm not 100% if that's rem-rems though. The filenames don't match

Everything turned out much better than expected actually. And I've already been bamboozled by another Rem before last thread, so you're probably right.

Hello to other Rem anyways or whatever.


Very glad to hear that. I dont know if what i said helped but I just gave some experiences ive had. Hope that everything keeps moving towards positivevity


Thats great. Im glad to hear

Slow chat. I think its about to pick up though.


Conversation was nice and getting to vent to you and hear your experience was helpful, but I basically did the opposite of what you said actually. I stuck with instead of pulling out, even up to an hour before they planned to, and they didn't kill themselves.

Thanks, how about yourself?


Oh by all means i didnt mean to convey abandoning the person. If someone is having issues do not, stay with them and call for help is what ive always been taught. However staying with the person and listening to them is also good. Glad you helped that person out.

Ooh I gotcha, I'm sorry I didn't pick up on that, I'm sure you were clear I just probably didn't read it right. Anyways, yaah I did just that, although being in different countries I couldn't even get ahold of a suicide hotline that could help them (I tried), and I would be very unlikely to have been able to do much even if I did, especially since they would have stopped talking if they thought I was trying to stop them that way. Nonetheless, I helped, they reached out to someone else, and I can actually have a break to recharge my batteries over the holidays knowing they're safe.

You earned it. What are your plans? With holidays are you also including this week?

Good morning

You guys probably don't even know who she is smh

I just did what I should have done, but I'm glad I did. I have Thanksgiving tomorrow with my mom's side for a day or so, then I go to a vacation house with my Dad's side until like Sunday. Eating, drinking, talking, and such.

Weird, the image didn't show up the first time

Feeling pretty good myself. As always

>good as always

Looky at fancy pants over here with the crippling depression : P. I'm actually very glad, that's awesome that you have that.

Well. It helps me to just not be in a bad mood. Just don't like being sad, mad w/e

Double holidays win/win. I take off on a 10 hour drive at noon.
Hallo zero

Hi Hi



That's a solid point, I never really tried not being sad.

Good luck. Like driving or is it more a pain?


Summer get up? How goes it.
I like driving. And I'm back on unlimited data I can listen to videos the whole way down.

What kind of drugs makes this happen?
I want some

That's awesome, what sorts of videos will you listen to?

Any of you nerds play Dungeon Crawl? Actually heard of it from a stream, checked it out, and it's stupidly fun.

Some podcasts (joe rogan, bill burr) some songs (80s pop) and if I get stuck in traffic bob ross.

I saw Bill Burr live, and I love his specials. He's awesome

Well it works for me. Maybe im just a little weird

Summer is best. Im pretty good. What about yourself?

made for breeding~

Fucking Goblins. Kill 'em all.

That's cool. Never been to a comedy show. However I really like stand-up. Bill is great although sometimes a little misinformed on his info. However he usually stipulates it with "I don't fuckin know." Also i forgot Patrice Oneil. Him all day.
Waiting on this half day to be over and start the drive to NC


My bad if I came across shitty, I may have read what you said wrong. That probably works for some people. I have Major Depressive Disorder, and my brain hasn't literally tried to kill me, so I have to ben very active to make my mood even just neutral. I'm sorry if I came across shitty, I honestly misjudged your tone and intent at first.

Bill can be uninformed in some things, but yaah I like sort of his outlook and like experiences, which can be very relatable.


Someone took my main waifu so i gotta
pull out the side waifu

But shes facing forwards

morning cutes

Definitely relatable. Because he doesn't have "well 38% of people from this demographic that fell into this minority group disagrees." I hate that.

yummy soft flesh claimed~

Ah dont mind it.

Sounds nice!



can i eat your brain?

Ehhh not bad, just long. But ill be there by days end
Behave noms

Yah, I now what you mean. He's got a POV that's definitely giant own, not just committee think or whatever.

I won't friend, thanks!

Maybe a nibble. Do you have a preference for which part?

King's bake

He didn't say claimed
Rem claimed

what a turn of events

smug more

i get a little crazy when i'm hungry


good morning....I brought you Chicken Teriyaki sticks

please shove it into my mouth~!

Always find a loop hole. 10/10 claim
Cute picture.
Exactly...I think. You ever listen to Patrice

Claiming best girl.


Hmm, at first I was worried I might need to run, but as long as you just eat the celebellum I should be fine I suppose.

I have not I don't think.

Oh. Hope you have a safe ride!



Check him out, he is borderline genius with women, people, life
Thank you thank you. How are you doing this week.

s-sorry, that reply was for chornono~

haha she looks like a squid

feed me!
how are you this morning?

you won't be able to breathe after i eat it... hehe

ok....here is a strip ^_^

I am delightful...you?

>sucks the sauce off your fingers

i'm a little hungy rite nao...
and i won't be able to eat until tonight when i get home

People are strange

o...oh my

but without the strange there would only be boredom

strange rhymes with food !

Shall do.

Well, that's alright. I don't need to breathe, as long as I can still breathe.

More like life would be uninteresting
No it doesn't


are you eating now htough?

noooo im only kidding, i won't eat your brain for real

it does now~

squids are easy to eat


Quite sleepy.


2-2= your name

that's an amazing gif
>Misaki Claimed

People are strange, when your a stranger.
Were gathering up to leave. Finally.
What are you hiding?
Lazy, nothing to do at work. So ive had to stretch work out from Monday.

Never tried

Ah thanks. But if I ever get a labotomy, I'll call you up when they're done, promise!

Nice. Who all else gotta gather up to go with you?

good afternoon


Why thank you
Sometimes those strangers becomes friends
Hey hey
Yo yo

Hello, how are you?

cute hair bun~

because i'm a little embarrassed at the moment, sorry..

wow really? they're quite tasty, i suggest you try some as soon as possible

are you sure? i mean i really would eat your part of your brain if you legally offered it to me.. . .

oh my gosh look at all that food!