To be honest, if net neutrality really does ruin our Internet and/or make it so we can't use it...

To be honest, if net neutrality really does ruin our Internet and/or make it so we can't use it, I wouldn't be super mad. People who spend their whole lives on the Internet will go outside more, people would feel motivated to better themselves, people would no longer feel bad about themselves from things on the Internet, etc. I mean yeah, we might lose YouTube, Sup Forums, Facebook, and all that stuff, but I guess there's a silver lining to this, too. Just a thought.

Other urls found in this thread:

I really hope this is bait.

It's not. Again, I love the Internet, it's culture, and the memes, but I hope that if it does shut down, (which it likely won't, but who knows), then I hope it can make life better for some people by motivating them to better themselves. I think of it like with junk food. If junk food was banned, (which I hope won't happen), then it could be a good thing. Again, there's a silver lining to everything, man. Think about it.

I'm pretty sure people are so addicted at this point that even if our internet ends up being super slow, or even nearly useless, people will still stay inside and nervously wait for things to load.

People in Australia stay addicted despite having internet not much better than 56k dialup, I'm sure Amerifats will manage. The rest of the world will stay laughing at you, everyone wins

ITT: we pretend losing the Internet wouldn't set us back by 100 years of progress

What kills me is that even if it does pass, they can't stop traffic on networks out of the usa, and they can't feasibly black list a site due to sheer numbers of sites that exist. There won't be a cable package deal. What will happen is amazon will load like greased shit out of the pigs ass and Sup Forums will load like it does right now. Basically they will try and make you go to the sites that load faster, on the sheer fact that it loads faster than the normal sites

Yeah, no.

low quality b8


This is shit bait

Its funny, I have been thinking to myself "what if online game were to get more expensive?.... how expensive?" at what point would I cancel my subscriptions, and seek alternative entertainment. btw i also do other things like hike, shoot, fish, travels, chill get fucked up with pals. Gaming brings me joy, but depending on how extreme thing might could get, I would definitely reach a breaking point, and seek different free/cheep fun shit to do. sometimes I want to escape technology, leave my phone off, and go post up in the foothills for awhile. anyway. The part that really concerns me is the potential of certain information being "censored" in a way, and people only informing themselves with items that other people want them to see. it already happens today, but at least we have the choice to dig deeper for truth in a neutral internet, where all information is equal, and generate our own opinions. I think its a step in a very bad direction

I grew up with dialup. People will wait because internet is drug.

Do tell me how gaming will be affected. I'm curious what you think will happen

No-one important will lose the internet

Fucking fight me, gayshit

No one's losing internet period.
>buy t1 line
>buy block of bandwidth from a tier 1 or 2 Corp
>register as acme internet Inc
They can't block your Internet if you own the internet.

It's not fucking bait, you queerbo

How about you use your brain, faggot.

comcast is isp. comcast makes xbox live pay premium for speeds that is not shit. I end up paying more. do tell if it is horse shit... I am just spitballing, and could be trippen on nuffin

How about you provide some fucking evidence, you cocksucker, instead of responding like a retard who doesn't want to use facts? I'm open to hearing it.

Evidence to what? What do I provide evidence to, Einstein?

Do you have a supporting argument or not? Are you autistic or something?

And why don't you explain what your damn problem is with what I said, instead of just being a dumbshit, and mocking me? Fucking hell.

Couldn't work like that. Basically it would grind the gear on all business if something like that happened. A signal sent from your Xbox to xbox servers is not something that could feasible be "censored" due to the fact that no one is really accessing anything. It's several hundred small signals sent in every second. Any attempt on blocking due to speed would just be ddosing Comcast block. And seeing as we don't have physical means to make bandwidth caps, only thing that'll happen is Comcast getting fucked every Goddamn hour. Atleast the blocks they attempt will.

But that won't happen. Basically it'll just be super fast internet for our partnered sites and normal what have you speeds for the rest. Making you want to use their partner sites

Same here, but the internet was mostly text and a few images back then. Imagine loading YouTube or pornhub on dialup... But yeah, people would still wait.

Sorry, I meant to say "if net neutrality being cancelled." Sorry about that.

I call you an idiot for something painfully evident, and you fly of the handle with your thin skin about autism and boo-boos about being mocked for voicing your opinion. If you took the time to compose yourself and read the replies to your post, OP, you would realize what my argument is. It isn't my argument alone to make, and it's been made enough times already. But if you're too wound up to do that, let me help you.

"All that stuff" doesn't stop at Sup Forums, Facebook, or YouTube. No one will stop using a technology that has molded an entire way of life, let alone aided research abilities. The internet "won't stop". And, without equal access to various Google results, all the people who are self-taught or capable of finding answers on their own will encounter a severe deterrent. How will they be able to better themselves, if they are effectively coerced into using particular services and visiting particular sites? It is absolutely not like junk food, because if and when you eat junk food, you do not benefit from it, hence the "junk" in junk food. The silver lining you propose is grossly myopic and wishful, and your lack of understanding of the situation is why it is happening, let alone going to affect someone who thinks the internet is only for memes.

Better. You could've just pointed that out in the first place. If someone's wrong, you don't act like a dick about it. It's that easy. Now, was that so hard?

>like a dick
One, take a moment to appreciate where you are, you nigger. Two, if someone is wrong, should it really befall the opposing party to hold their hand without any effort on their part whatsoever? Isn't that lazy? How do you learn if you don't actively consider your own ideas and comments?

Three, if you had bothered to familiarize yourself more with the topic, you wouldn't have felt so personally attacked in the first place.

When I say, "All that stuff," that means it goes beyond said things. Plus, you can break a habit. I did it many times, and bettered myself. You should try it. You sound like it would help you out a bit.

Uh, no.

Can is not will; if you are implying that it is easy to break a habit, many times even, then why do addicts exist? Furthermore, using yourself as an anecdote is suspect. Are you all, if not most people?
>you should try it
I'm well beyond having never done it before.

>implying any ISP is stupid enough to charge more for what people have had for years. Making people quit using the internet. And crashing the stock market in the process
Since when was Sup Forums full of people who can't think.

>you nigger

Are you 12?

I pointed out a simple request, and that was to just maybe provide a structured argument for why you disagreed with me. And you took it with offense, which proves YOU'RE being a lazy twat. Again, was it so hard to just maybe not be a cunt?

They probably don't have the tools, or know the steps to helping to break a habit. Addicts, like many things, are always going to exist. You just need to find a way to deal with it better. It's not really something you can just get rid of.

Again, just a thought. And also, for quite some time.

>not understanding the purpose of calling OP a nigger
Maybe I should've called you a faggot instead, but you seem too personally bothered to care or regard any of this. Especially for someone who loves culture and

Ha. Do you remember how this all started? You posted into the void, and then I called you an idiot. You didn't ask for an argument prior to that. An argument does not change what I called you, nor does it make it any better. I'm partial to calling you an idiot still for the way you're responding to all of this. Lazy? What does that have to do with anything? Didn't I give you your pretty-pretty argument? Cunt?

Don't you know where you are?

>Addicts, like many things, are always going to exist
>It's not really something you can just get rid of
>They probably don't have the tools, or know the steps to helping to break a habit
Habits cannot be gotten rid of, but they can be broken? Does this follow? I won't even mention the disproportionality of individuals with addictions versus those without.

I understand why, but it's fucking immature to just call anyone a nigger for dumb reasons. And yeah, I do love memes. Who fucking doesn't, you spastic? And I only posted a comment, yeah. But to say that I was an idiot for that for no reason is you acting like a cunt. And why is it that now, after you called me lazy first, you say that it "has nothing to do with all this?" Yeah, I'm in fucking $Chan, and you're lost here, rather than being in Reddit, where you ass sounds like it belongs.

Just saying. You can break a habit (or yes, get rid of) if you know how to or have the tools. What is there to not get?


>Basically they will try and make you go to the sites that load faster, on the sheer fact that it loads faster than the normal sites
And you don't see a problem with that?

>but it's fucking immature
And you have demonstrated that you don't understand, faggot.
>you spastic
Ironically, you spazed out after I typed one lone word. When I gave you your argument in the next reply, you were sated, and then later, you flew into a fit of tard rage. Attempting to suggest that me appeasing you with a simple, structured argument could make me lazy. You posted a comment. On the internet. Expect criticism, expect being a faggot, go be someone elses' entertainment for the day.
>why is it that now, after you called me lazy first
Because I can't possibly be lazy if I'm putting in the effort to type the things I do to you after you ask for them. I mean, feel free to demonstrate the link between being lazy and the imaginary offense.
Ah, yes, welcome to $chan. I'll add, I don't think your thinking so much as you're feeling and slamming your fingers on the keyboard. I'm shamelessly baiting you on. I'll wait to see if you grasp that.

>What is there to not get
The many things that you aren't addressing, or choosing not to address. If we can get rid of habits now, why did you say that it was something you cannot just get rid of?

Lol you need to say lots of words.

Women do that too.

How do you like the site so far newfriend?

Smart boy.

That's not even considering they can artificially make sites load slower if they have a competing service, or if it allows a message that is counter to the narrative they want to create. We're about to give corporations that own all the media control over the last bastion of freedom; the last place where anybody can speak their mind and be heard by millions without huge fees. We've already given away rights to privacy, rights to an attorney, rights to a trial by a jury of our peers, etc with the goddamn patriot act, and by tacitly allowing bulk collection of data without a warrant.

Hold up a minute. Something's not right with this reply box.

Now it's not letting me type my reply. Any clue what's happening?

Yeah, unlimited porn and free expression will be taken off. What can go wrong ?
Internet is not the illness of our time, genius. People won't feel better, they would lost a way to feel okay. This isn't North Korea ffs.

Ausfag here. Can't hear you over my 100mbps fiber connection.

Someone will find a way to pirate bandwidth lol

No, I'm saying that people who are planted to their computers will likely feel some motivation to go outside or something. Plus, you realize that there are people who are addicted to porn, right? Also, there's more ways to express speech. People did it before internet, anyway. And where did I say it was an illness? People could benefit by staying off the Internet for a while if it was going to be shut down. There's many ways to feel okay about anything.

Didn't know you could that. How would that work? What's the process?

>being reduced to expressing freedom of speech at a second rate
>not being able to express freedom of speech instantaneously to millions of people
>implying many ways to feel okay about anything means that anything is okay
>doing this still
Just a thought, you're still an idiot.

Just a thought, that's what you think. You can still spread your thought on other platforms, like demonstrations, letters, magazines, books, radio, etc. Not everything is okay, dammit. You just misinterpreted what I said. Again, if you want to feel okay about something, there's more outlets than just the Internet. Fuck.

No, I'm fairly certain I directly interpreted what you typed. It's that you weren't explicit enough with your words. See, this is how effective the internet can be. You can't get this in a demonstration, or a letter, or a magazine, or a book, or a radio, or an advertisement. Don't you get it? Do you sincerely believe that these mediums are as effective as the internet, or that they will possess the same reach? Functionally speaking, I can't find this to be the case.

And I remember something about everything having a silver lining, man, so by your admission everything is okay through this mental exercise of finding a silver lining.

What is an outlier?

our network engineers did a quick Q&A on it this am, and one of the more interesting things tgey said was that there is now serious love among the chickens for building a separate, open, free peer to peer based internet, needing some better protocols ??? but something tgats been an idea for a long time and now is getting a new look.

The internet is already ruined.

Consolidated into a handful of corporate sites. Regulated and monitored out the ass.

The internet used to represent freedom, endless possibility, unfettered communication and association.

Now it's just an extension of every other bullshit regulated aspect of our lives. All the barriers the internet used to traverse have been put back up.

The culture is stale, boring, and afraid where it used to be unique, exciting, and fearless.

>To be honest, if net neutrality really does ruin our Internet and/or make it so we can't use it, I wouldn't be super mad. People who spend their whole lives on the Internet will go outside more, people would feel motivated to better themselves, people would no longer feel bad about themselves from things on the Internet, etc. I mean yeah, we might lose YouTube, Sup Forums, Facebook, and all that stuff, but I guess there's a silver lining to this, too.
>Just a thought.
Here is my thought about your thought

Yeah but where the fuck can i share my controversial opinions now

No, but they are effective nonetheless. People did it then, they can do it now. I'm not wanting the Internet shut down, but I'm just saying that if it is, not all is lost.

Again, you are misinterpreting what I just said in the second part of your response. And for fuck's sake, how negative are you? You sound like a downer.

Pretty much.

Again, how about you explain what the problem is, instead of being a passive-aggressive dick?


learn to write words user, in a conversation, here.

no one wants to go to leave the discussion ti another site and sit through a video for 5 minutes to listen to you yammer

>>People could benefit by staying off the Internet for a while

Yes. People have a tendency to be prone to addiction. One of the lesser evil would be to sit back and look at a screen. Television is way worse than internet and no one cares. You think they will just go "Oh no internet today that's right, let's take a walk." It won't happened. What you describe is a small portion of the internet users. The guys who go on boards like ours. People with anxiety, depression. People who looks at rape to deal with their dark fantasies, people who feel like they can't get hear so they scream on the net.

You really want those people to go out and have some motivation to talk to you ?

We're fine here. It could be a way heavier chaos otherwise. That's how you start war btw, you keep the people away from what they need.

Internet has almost become a mondial right, an necessary extent of ourselves, it define our era. And you want to take it away just because some idiot wants to make more money and have more control on the one and only mass media that isn't totally corrupted.

Well sir, that's people like you who are the bigger threat of our evolution.

Yes, but at least we can still have a good kek without have our bandwith reduce to a fifth of what it is just because we said something politically incorrect.

I also dream of a free place. Normies on the net was a mistake.

I know of several attempts at this, after the patriot act was passed and other laws prohibiting internet sharing were passed, using peoples existing hardware to create large free open WANs, but with the existing tech, it was limited in speed by node count, which increased with distance.

Holy shit u Sup Forumstards actually think the end of NN is the end of the actual internet.

oh boy the reddit propaganda works well here to that is hilarious HAAAHAHAAha

I don't need people to get off the Internet to talk to me. I just hate seeing all these people who are unhappy, and seeing that them not getting out is worsening their depression. If you always feel like you "need" internet, then you just might be addicted. Might be. And I never said it should be taken away. I'm just talking about "if" it does.

I don't use Reddit, because Reddit is cancer.

Effective nonetheless? You mean I can reach someone in a country where they have no landlines by getting on the local public access channel? Hmm.
>People did it then
Because back then it was the newest thing, and the world was centered on those mediums. Even then, it wasn't as effective.
>if it is
I want to ask you what you think the internet does/did as a whole.
If that's how you treat criticism, then it's no wonder you want us to go back to having to use star 69 to call into a radio station, or be limited to your local library; we live in an age of data collection now, don't imagine you'll be able to cut through all the tape to successfully publish anonymously on these mediums, consistently, or participate in pursuing topics of varying matters, and have it never have it come back to you. Even now, we're not that anonymous. A lot of everything is lost if you turn off the internet today, and for just about everyone. But notice, removing Net Neutrality is not shutting off the internet for the entire planet.

A problem of society, not the tool it uses. Don't you think people would participate in society if it filled the hole they had, don't you think people would abstain from drugs, thrill seeking, porn addictions, isolation, anything of the sort if this were the case?

this. we didnt have net neutrality until 2015, we'll be fine.

Then if the whole point of this discussion is the wonder of if we'll make it without the internet ? Then yes. You're right. Nice useless thread though.

But there will be blood if we turn off the internet.
And opposite to you, I'm not depressed about unhappy people stuck in a loop. For once, I'm pretty much part of it now, and I'm fine with it. Not all of us are just guys who ended up stuck here.

>learn to write words user, in a conversation, here.
Nice english Patel
>instead of being a passive-aggressive dick?
Welcome to Sup Forums

Dude, it's called a letter. You can send mail over to other countries. I think the Internet was created by the military to store information, but some people saw other uses for it. And again, I didn't say I wanted to have the Internet shut off. I'm just saying "if" it gets shut off. And yeah, it's true that a lot would be lost if the internet is turned off. I don't think it's always that easy for someone to just step away like that from those activities.

First of all, eat a dick. Second, I'm not depressed about those people. I just think it'd benefit society if more people got out more. And finally, man, you're sad. Don't you want to get out of it, and maybe see what more to life there is? You might find something more to it than just being in a rut like this.

I know that it happens, but don't you ever get annoyed with it at some point?

Dude, language.
You could have made your premise clearly and saved everyone here 1h out of the internet.

And for if I want to get out of it or not; did it ever occur to you that we have seen what life has to offer and chose to stay inside ?
What benefits should we bring to a dying society ?
I'm not sad man, I'm sick of people thinking they know what's good.

Okay, understandable. Dude, how old are you? Are you sure you've seen it all? And also, I think a lot can be brought, but most people are reluctant to accept it. And, I mean, there's a lot of fun stuff in life. I think a lot of people's idea of fun is just not understood by others.

nah I think of this place like all others on the internet as the colosseum. Give the idiots some where to vent. If it gets out of hand shut it down. The trick is to see the internet for what is

You are being hazy about that fun of yours. Is it like some kind of purge to you ? What more can be brought ? If they are reluctant to accept it, do you plan to force them ?
I did no have seen all, but life is wider than the view you have of it. I am alive even if I'm not hanging around outside. And from what I've saw, I'd rather avoid it. I'm glad you can find fun the way you live, but don't push it on those of us who don't.

Yeah. That's how I've seen Sup Forums too. If that one guy was right, and Sup Forums really does get shut down in 2024, then I don't know what I'd do.

I wasn't. I'm not forcing it on anyone. Unrelated, but do you live in Australia?

Bullshit, nigger. Internet is just an outlet. Every1 will keep theor emotion, if we lose the net, theyll just be sad somewhere else. No1 will "go outside", there r still games to play.

I guess. But bruh, nigger? Really?

if you dont care about the internet
then gtfo this debate moron
nobody forcing you to stay here

You are. You're beginning to sound like a Jehova type of guy. Selling stuff that they can't explain.
I'm being bored now.


Dude, for fuck's sake. I said I love the Internet. I'm just saying that if it disappeared, I wouldn't be super mad about it. If that's what you're upset about, then that's your problem. And also, I love Sup Forums a lot. It's got it's flaws, but it isn't the worst place ever.

A letter isn't instantaneous, that's one of my points I'm attempting to hammer home. Your letter isn't necessarily anonymous, and provides a far different effect when the recipient has to open it, and has time to digest what is said, alone. Versus this live dialogue between us, if you can call it that.

>the Internet was created by the military to store information
Congratulations, but then you should realize that this tool is used for more than commercial or military purposes. Shut off the internet, and say goodbye to a majority of scientific pursuits, political mechanisms, life saving equipment, communications for those without any other means, Unrivaled dissemination of information in places where censorship is iron clad. Gone.
>I didn't say
We all know. But you keep suggesting the "if", thus, I absolutely regard your hypothetical situation where you keep suggesting the internet has, or will be, turned off. Even more so when you hadn't begun to demonstrate that you believed in, let alone could articulate, the affect said tool expends on a daily basis. But it's strange to say that in the end anyways, because that's not what follows given the removal of Net Neutrality.

No. You take things too personally. Be glad you never used usenet when it was cool.

Umm okay. I guess.

If u feel sad, go outside

Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger.
>double nigger

Would you ever say that to someone in real life, tho

must be nice to not have a soul and be paid to troll people on the web.

only to russians

I do. Only problem now is with the cold coming. Shit sucks

Well, I am Jewish. What do you expect?


I say it to people who are only broken by sticks and stones, because those who empower words to hurt them usually get all irrational and teary-eyed.