Hey Sup Forumsros, do any of you suffer from heavy dissasociation? If so how do you deal with it?

Hey Sup Forumsros, do any of you suffer from heavy dissasociation? If so how do you deal with it?

Yeah I suffer heavy disassociation when I sniff a fat line of ket. I tend to ride it out like a man

Im mostly asking because i feel it every single day and im getting sick of it, i want to kill myself because of its daily occurence. I cant love my gf and theres no point to a relationship, i never feel anything, i keep trying to justify it because theres no real reason for me to be dissasociating so much. But its taking a toll on me and i was just asking if anyone knows how to get rid of it or anything like that.

Oh sorry bro, I thought you were referring to drugs from your picture. There's always help out there, the first and hardest step is admitting that you need it and seeking it. Start with talking to your friends and family, then organise an appointment with GP and psychologist and collaborate with them to ease yourself back onto a path onto good mental health. :-)

Bump for I feel it also. I think it a sixe effect of too many mmos and too much internet in my case

What makes you say that user?

You would be surprised the help available, you just have to go out there and ask. Even if you have to take medications, the short investment in time will be worth it in the long run. Don't fuck yourself up in your elder years because you didn't want to get help.


Thats the thing though, ive been like this since i was a kid and apparently it reduces your gray matter which would make sense, because i actually have trouble with cognitive abilities

Just go see a professional my friend, Sup Forums is not the place to seek advice on personal problems

But Sup Forums has always been like a brother for me, always there to cheer me up and whatnot.
I even learned how to have proper social interactions on here, so thats why im asking Sup Forums, its like my second father or brother

that is not fun. Good insight into it helps though - you know you are dissociated, so you know that it isn't that you really don't feel things, it is just that you are not feeling things properly. You love your girlfriend - you just can't feel it deeply. I was like that often (side effect of Bipolar which was not diagnosed for fifteen years...) until I got the good meds for bipolar. My girlfriend was great - I talked about it to her, and she knew when I was weirded out, and she was just always accepting of me - really hard for her, but even though i felt that all my feelings were someone elses, or that i had gloves on over my emotions all the time - I could know intellectually that i really did like this person, that they were a good person, and that they cared for me, and that was important. then after a few weeks it would kick back in and I would just know I loved her. and feel it. until the next time. But then I always was able to remember that it was just temporary and that it wasn't really the way I felt, or didn't feel, it was just something wrong with me. and it wold come right again.

it sucks - but maybe you need meds (seroquel does the trick for me, I was on a high dose for a year then gradually came down to very low dose which they say should not have a clinical effect but it does...)

Be that as it may, you need to talk to someone with more resources and expertise

What if i cant be on meds?

I deal with depersonalization every second of my life. The only thing keeping me
is the sense that I know that what my brain is telling me is wrong. That, and I've learned to affirm that I am real, through a mantra. It's all I have, I have to want to believe that I am the one making decisions, feeling. I have to look at my hands and clench them to know that, yes, I did that. It's all I have.

How do you do it? Nothing feels remotely real to me so i have a hard time

why not meds?

and sounds like I was at one time - again - meds may help...

Destroys any chances for a future oddly enough

>dissasociation? If so how do you deal with it?
I disassociate myself from it.

in what way? If there is some career that needs you not to be on meds then you have to face it - they won't want you if you are not on them because your mentality is way out of whack.

Yes, i had to go through hoops to get my driving licence back after i went a little manic and was hospitalised - but now I am stable and looking for work again after a few years of not being right in the head at all. better to have a good head, even if a little sedated in the mornings, than be a feelings free OCD full on mad man., in my book anyway.

"a future" - any future at all, or just one particular future - please explain.

How long have you been experiencing it? I love to read about this, cause for the longest time I've been being fucked over by depersonalization, yeah it sucks. didnt know how to explain it for the longest time, and when I told people, they thought I was crazy.. But not too recently finally looked it up, there's some ways people cope with it, like some user said, look at your hands clenching and know you did that. Something simple that helped me was as simple as keeping a conversation with someone.
thankfully Recently it hasn't happened too, but when it did was when I was at work and could talk to co workers, which kinda helped, but I am a huge introvert, so was hard to keep conversations, but still really helped, again, Bing up ways to cope, they may seem silly, but do work. :)

Military wont allow me, construction wont either so im a little fucked career wise

Military will can your ass as soon as they find out about the dissociation thing.

construction? never knew they were tight ass about well controlled illness - meds for mental problems are the same as meds for physical issues, surely, to them - you can still work as a plumber if you have a low dose of antidepressants (joking aside, plumbers are well paid and can take time off when they want to - I wish I had trained as one, I could retire at forty if I just put the money away and didn't splash it)

Sheer willpower, I guess. I let myself be consumed by it after living with it for so long, that I guess I started paying attention to the tiniest shreds of regularity in the miasma. When I fall into those episodes, it's a strange duality, because I become so disassociated from my sense of self, I look at me in the most objective way. I observe and meditate on all my actions, thoughts, emotions. Then, I start picking out the constants, the things that seem like a fixture. I start identifying anchors of a sort. Including the notion that I don't feel real, and at those moments I find it easier to save myself from being swallowed whole. It's often more clear to me after a dream, because I don't feel or experience things the way I do here when dreaming. I'm not saying I have it all figured out though, because there are days where I'll just lie there and treat my body as another part of the scenery. Other moments, I'll feel as if I'm on autopilot, and I'll talk and behave but not quite feel any of it.

It's something I've been thinking about, but not exactly an option I have for the time being. Hopefully in the near future, I can get more help with this. For everything I have, I'm a pretty broken human being.

Carpentry requires a head thats screwed on right so on that end i cant really do it. Apart from construction and the military i dont know what to do im lost

Do you really want to go into the military? With my problems - bipolar - I wold have been clean crazy in no time in the military. Could never have hacked it.

Look, I don't know what is wrong with you - could be schizo, could be bipolar, could be BPD, or somethng else - whatever it is I really think you need help - the future will take care of itself a lot better if you take care of yourself. You might get treated and feel so much better, and find that a future career in something productive and high paying opens up. Not getting help makes it very likely you just get stuck in a rut and don't get anywhere. If you can't think of anything better than military or construction work, then maybe you need to get broader horizons, and that means you need help to be able to see further and feel better.

I recognise that sort of feeling - before the meds I used to spend days lying on my bed trying to hold myself in. doing relaxation tapes and meditation tapes, and trying to be just there, in my body. I so often felt that "i" was really outside the body, looking through these eyes but they were not mine. I was watching a film of someone else's life, and had this weird deja vu feeling - that I knew what they were going to do or say or decide, and they then did it, but it was not under my control - not a puppet, but a different person just reading the same script.


For me I had to keep telling myself that I was the scriptwriter that this was my puppet - and then that the puppet might have feelings that would be appropriate to the situation, and to play those feelings, even though I often didn't really feel them.

well, I left my office job and started lutherie. making guitars and mandolins - all fine work, using nice timber. yes you need your head, but it was sort of meditative sometimes - it takes an hour to sand a guitar, or to french polish one, it takes a good hour to carve a neck.

I could not use heavy machinery some days - a bandsaw or a router was a bad idea when I was not on form - but the hand work was usually ok. Some days I just couldn't do it, but my boss was good about it - I got paid shit money, but I enjoyed it, and the satisfaction of the job was really good for my self esteem. Only problem was that after five years my hands started to give out - arthritis in the first finger on both hands. Carving wood is hard on the joints and bones.

I left that job when I get better meds, and got an offer in an office - I miss it though.

My dad built a guitar, i couldnt get into it because i dont have the musical ability to determine if it sounds good or anything like that