Lets do a tribute to ps2, name your god tier games

Lets do a tribute to ps2, name your god tier games.

I'll start with the one that blew the 8 year old me away

Solid choice, OP. Either that or the Jak series for me. Anyway, have a story I used to share on Sup Forums
>Be me, high school age, 12 years ago
>Decide to take a trip to the lake house with grandma
>Grandpa had just died, grandma really upset
>Pretty reasonable since they spent 50 years together
>Grandma used to be so fun, but since he died she just hadn't been acting right, hence the trip to the lake
>Bring grandma with us so she can get her mind off things
>This was back when all I had was a PS2, couldn't afford an xbox
>Whatever, I'll just work through my huge PS2 backlog while parents do parent things
>This weekend decide to play Resident Evil 4
>Never heard of it before but whatever, should be fun
>Grandma mildy interested
>I don't think she had seen a videogame since my mom played the original Legend of Zelda so she probably thought they were amazing
>She always mentioned playing some arcade game where you run over civilians and they turn into tombstones, giggling like a little girl
>Anyway, fast forward to where we meet Ashley
>Grandma affectionately names her Tits McGee
>Shortly after meeting her buy a rocket launcher from merchant, not entirely sure why
>Grandma says shoot the bitch
>Always do what grandma says
>Tits McGee goes flying across the room as Game Over shows on the screen
>My last save was about ten minutes ago
>Not even mad, both of us are laughing too hard
>Spend the rest of the weekend playing the game
>Grandma really into it now, screaming at me to shoot the baddies
>Stay up really late both nights and beat it
>Now every time I see the stupid no way fag edits I can't help but laugh.
My Grandma died about two years ago now Sup Forums. I really miss her but I'll never forget that weekend.

Holy fuck why did I say twelve years ago? I graduated 6 years ago.
I need more sleep

Yeah, had some crazy good nights playing re4 with my friends, we were all like 8-9 years old, i was the only one that had ps2, none of them had even heard of such a thing. The game was like a fucking witcher 3 back then, they even watnted to pay me money just to see me play it kek

sorry for your grandma though


i probably put more time into dynasty warriors 5 than i have with any other game with the possible exception of diablo 2

I can't remember if it was play station or play station 2 but twisted metal was the shit

my grandma used to watch me play re6 mercs, she liked it when i played this one madonna song i liked with it lmao madonna she passed about two years ago too, i miss her a bunch

Starwars battlefront 1/2, the only battle fronts EA didn't fuck up, tho 2 > 1

I loved Spider-Man games
Had some fun nights playing dragon ball budokai with friends

Germany 2006 World Cup
Alien vs predator extinction (still play it sometimes on emulator)
Champions league games
I miss ps2 era so much


This one right here boys

There was this old transformers game that I played on the PS2, I remember replaying it over and over and over again, it was the funnest shit ever guys, lemme tell ya.

and it was not based on the transformers movies thank the lord.

My man

This game was the bees knees

i remember going through every level for ages to collect everything . ty user for memories

>posts image from the gamecube version
Shadow of the Colossus

Grand Theft Auto 3. Vice City and San Andreas were great, but it is kind of hard to ignore how awesome it was to play GTA3 for the first time.


Absolutely Kino

Dark Cloud 2
.hack series
Samurai Warriors
Jak II
Sly Cooper
Burnout 3
Virtua Fighter 4
Red Faction
Psi Ops
Kya Dark Lineage
Drakan Order of the Flame
MGS 2 and 3
Ultimate Spider Man
R-Type Final
Tenchu Wrath of Heaven
Silent Hill 2-4
Odin Sphere
just some personal favorites off the top of my head

Shadow of the Colossus

So good, shame it was censored

Re4 will always be a gamecube game to me, plus you posted a screenshot of the gamecube version.

the Xbox version or pc version (one or both) wasn't censored iirc

I still play the fuck outta this.

My pick is War of the Monsters

Shadow Hearts Covenant


fucking underappreciated

Rented that game and enjoyed it quite a lot.

Spent so many hours playing this as a kid

control scheme was pretty unique and took some getting used to, but game was awesome, also this, got alot of bad reviews but o enjoyed the hell out of it

My nigga

I played the fuck out of this game. Way better than Enter the Matrix.

enter the matrix was abysmal

haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd haha nigger xd

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Bought this bastard on Steam and it wouldn't run. Bought it on PS4, pretty damn good

didnt get the hate. best matrix game out there in my opinion.

I can definitely understand people not liking it just because of the controls, which is kind of a shame since it did a lot of stuff right. It was a rather unique and enjoyable game.

I have many more favorites but I didn't want to pick a common, I did like spryo the purple dragon.