Absolute Cuteness

Absolute Cuteness







Pretty sure she's like 13.


13yo aren't allowed to be cute?




how much are they paying you to promote her on Sup Forums?




they promised to pay for my cancer treatment


You know damn fucking well that's not the problem


Not even a bit man, she's not only a kid but she is one ugly bitch. I will never find this her attractive or even remotely talented. KYS


The problem is not us, it's her parents and the media.

For fuck's sake, calm down
Cute =/= attractive

Got no sauce she's just been posted on here a bunch of times

She looks just like kristy mcnichols in this photo

too old

I wan't to bite her and I'm not sure why, but not to hurt her, It just how it feels for me.

how is it possible to be this PERFECT?


Holy crap! You ain't kidded. Kristy mcnichols has to be her mom or grandmother.

she's sooooooooo cuuuuuute

I´m dying

show me a more perfect human being
i'll wait

She'll be a MILF, but she's awkward now and her ego is being boosted by everyone around her and she's buying into it; it's an unattractive quality.

Do I win?

Close but no cookie



Fuck kill marry


Good dammit she's aqt

This needs a dildo photoshopped in

Sup Forums's new queen?


Those cute little boobs.


gross, she looks like lena dunham.


She is sassy, not going to say sexy because she is just a youngster but she have soul and like to dress herself up, but she may realize later in her life that she ain`t that beautiful and may make her insecure, she is cute tho.

You'll have to fight me for her

... ya

For real tho, the fuck is her hairline?


She has a huge beautiful head

the fuck is that

>they promised to pay for my cancer treatment

You are the fucking cancer.



you literally know that in a few years shes gonna become a disgusting butch feminazi starlette

you can just tell by looking at her. trash

She looks like a leftwing feminazi already, just imagine what that fucked hairline and long face with more wrinkles would look like when she's screaming about the Patriarchy. Nasty as fuck.

>you can just tell by looking at her. trash

She's already a right cunt. Forced her parents into penury because she wanted to be a Hollywood Celebrity.

No doubt she will go completely Miley Cyrus once her monthly bleed kicks in...

Wrong, her dad is the one who pushed her into acting and makes outrageous demands.



oh hey guys





This is a good thread I would like to thank everyone for posting quality content.






stop shilling jew, she looks like woody allen


peasant taste my dude, she's not even cute.

jesus everything is fucking jew this and that. get a goddamn life


sadie is cuter

Jew spotted.





Any nudes?
or is she not legal?

She was great in Big

would like to know that myself, just found her. @joliej123 on ig, jolie_sexy on sc

The only loli I've ever truly loved

She looks extremely similar to my ex. I know its not her though, subtle differences. Definitely adding her either way.



any quality photos of her showing pits?

no one will ever usurp natalie portman

any quality photos of her doing this without pants on?

Breddy much the besd phodo of her

Ok bro, why are you in a thread about her again?