Does Sup Forums have some similar pictures of giants like this one?

Does Sup Forums have some similar pictures of giants like this one?

look up mtg theros block

nice user thx!!

like that one



I love MTG but this guy has better gods art.

Oh wait, he actually drew some for MTG. Erebos, Pharika, and Mogis.

More like this please.

this is exactly what im searching for, thx.
I also like it when it´s a bit psychedelic.

Like humanoid giants, or are any fuck-heug monsters acceptable?

i have to say this is the best so far

whatever you want user, this one is also very nice

Can someone find one with a black dragon? Shit would be cash.


there is every possibility that those are just small weeds and a trickling stream. the snake man is not huge, the perspective is off.

this is more of a worm than a wyrm, i guess




There's something so cool about this picture.





reminds me of a dream i had, great

Can you imagine being in the opposing army and they show up with a giant like that?


this one is badass to me

All of these post are awesome. keep em coming I will save every image. thank u all


rule number one if you are a giant rock monster: don't anger the fucking earthbender, stupid.

I like to imagine red dudes the last one left. Like his horse fell down and he was oinned under him for most of the battle. Not able to see most of the action. Until he was finally able to get himself free. Only to see that giant infront of him. He draws his blade. Knowing it's going to be his last battle.
I also like how the giant looks like its been fired at/damaged. But it also doesn't really care.

Thanks lori

sounds terrifying to me

What if it isn't a rock monster, but the work of some other earth-benders?




Oh fuck yeah. Thats bad ass.

Post giant space entities plox


That's from that one seriously fucked up SCP, isn't it?


reminds me of this

i think this giant will win any battle



More like this?

Would it even notice the battle? It might just be hungry.

that guy is a little too lax

he is resigned to his fate



Scp-93 'green' test


That whole scenario was horrifying.






That should be Eowyn.

that's in Paris, i recognize street before getting to gare de lyon

intradesting. French artist, I suppose? Don't know source.


It's from a short by oats studio on YouTube

Issa short on YouTube oats studio

could be




Which one

ok i must say i had better dreams but it was interesting, and terrifying







Behold, Marduk, slayer of Tiamat! Marduk cancels OPs image.



Marduk, slayer of Tiamat cancels OPs image.

Herakles, slayer of Hydra, cancels user's image.

skull with cannons, owner of the skullcandy brand cancels your image



Nuke it!

Meet Jesus, slayer of Ares/Mars, the Ram god, festooned in the skins of the men he's slain. user, your image is invalid.

Marduk is totally badass.

No sir, stimutacs are bad ass.


Wilfred Brimley Champion of Diabetes cancels SkullCannons and skullcandy brand. Your image is invalid.

It's mostly kelp.

It's a giant cricket!!!!!!!!

"I totally already know that."

With Washington's face. As if to say, only American imperialism would behave like locust. This idea is cancer. Islamic Imperialism, Chinese Imperialism it's all aspires to avariciousness.



