What’s up Sup Forums due to some recent events I’ve decided to end my life...

What’s up Sup Forums due to some recent events I’ve decided to end my life, i took a handful of sleeping pills last night and I woke up today extremely disappointed. Im thinking about ingesting a massive amount of crushed up bitter apricot kernels but I’m not sure where to find any around here, any other painless ideas?

Don't do it op.
Unless you killed someone and your about to do life.
Srsly though, what good reason do you have to die? Like legitimately GOOD reason?
Tell me what's wrong Sup Forumsro

I would recommend you understand the gravity of what you're about to do- you are taking your life. There are always solutions, even if they are painful to take. I'm not gonna tell you what to do, but just realize that you're just extinguishing any potential you have to make it out of whatever situation you're in.

im pretty sure crushed cherry pits can kill you


Every single day of my life I live just to survive my gf just left me and I fell back on drugs, the night I get back on drugs I get into a run in with the police, not to mention I lost my best friend aswell. My entire life collapsed in one night and I haven’t felt happiness in idk how long

10 to 15 apples worth of seeds ground fine, steep in vodka, let sit 24 to 72 hours to give yourself time to make the choice, filter out plant matter, drink.

Live to see through this. You had your moment of weakness and life gave you another chance.
Fight.. and if nothing else, live to see your enemies burn and your loved ones flourish.

Not gonna act like that wouldn't hurt. Because I know it does bro.
Please remember that everything is temporary, emotions, people, situations. It's all temporary.
The only thing you know you can rely on is yourself.
Your one tough motherfucker op. You made it this far, right?
Make life your bitch. Focus on permident goals. Goals that don't depend on other people's happiness.
It sounds fucked up, but YOU are the only person who matters.
At the end of the day you have one person to report to and that's your self.
Go after whatever the fuck you deserve, and no matter what, do not let anyone tell you that you don't deserve it. Because at the end of the day, your are the only motherfucker in this world who matters.
And it is your choice: will you make life your bitch? Or will you let life make you it's bitch.

It’s difficult when you have no loved ones, even my only two friends were in the car and they are both testifying against me and they have completely alienated me

What did you get arrested for?

Don't do it OP. We've all had bad times. If you're really that depressed about the charges then just go off the grid and leave society.

you can get a new girlfriend, you can get a new friend (i know that's insensitive but that's the truth).
Don't let depression hold you hostage, go to a therapist and talk to them about whats going on.

Fuck all this ingesting shit. If you fuck up its just gonna make life worse. Find a better way, I recommend looking for a decent bridge nearby.

Dude, just call 1-800-suicide and leave us alone. For fuck's sake, we are not professional councilors. We can't help you here, kid. Just dial the number and there will be someone there to help you. I've been there and called them many times myself. Just call them and get off of Sup Forums.

If you don't wanna fail and end up in a psych ward if would recommend you reconsider your suicide plans.

I would be your friend op. Not like it matters. But I would.
Also: fuck your "friends" life is a game. Win it.
Ditch your druggie friends and go win life.
Your smart enough, lucky enough (assuming you live in a first world country), and your stong enough.
You become the people you spend the most with. Spend your time with people better than you.
Like money? Spend time with rich people. Like girls? Spend your time with guys who are good with women. Simple as that.
You will feel like giving up all the time. Don't. It will get easier. Whatever it is your trying to accomplish

I don’t wanna call anyone I just wanna end it and i want to find the easiest way

this is ... an oddly supportive thread

>i took a handful of sleeping pills last night and I woke up today extremely disappointed.
Same shit happened to me last year. Shit sucks.

Nobody has ever really “wanted” to spend time with me

Then shoot ur self In the face pussy

What makes you say that op? Genuinely curios

Why should they? They have lives on their own to be getting on with. You understand right you have to go out into the world, it doesn't just come to you.

How are apricots poison?

Dude, you speak English. Get on a plane to an Asian country. Go teach English. You will be a rockstar to them.

What if I'm too much of a pussy?

If you do commit suicide, try to make a political statement. Blame on it on a certain situation, for example too many niggers, write a meaningful letter explaining why you couldn't stand it anymore and then an hero. Better yet, blame it on ebaums- err I mean Reddit.

Dude, i feel just like u right now.
And i felt like it multiple times. and tbh i dont know what to tell u, or why i am even postin
I havent killed myself yet because people tell me the same stuff they told u here. But i always pussy out at changing my life. Everytime i try to change and get my shit together i fuck up somewhere and drown deeper into this shit.
So Dont be like me, its fuckin fucked.

Either end urself, or get ur shit together.
Or u end up like me, a fucked up wizard who is nothin but a shell of what he once was.

Have some anime tiddies

buy a gun and shoot yourself dumbass. killing yourself is the weak way out, at least rob a bank and hide the money for your friends first or something cool like that.