Which one do you choose? And why?

Which one do you choose? And why?


Why not both?

came to say this

B man I don't want to sit on a cake there I'll fucking get my ass dirty and choke on dick rather have an urgonomic seat and a good snack

but what if something breaks at the asshole? In the mouth you have the control and can bite in doubt

>Which one do you choose? And why?


I shoot OP in the face with a 9mm while eating cake.

English. Do you speak it?

Eating dick sucks, sitting on cake sucks, taking dick in the ass sucks, but at least you can eat the cake?

Hmmm. What is more faggoty, taking a dick to the ass or dick to the throat? And if it is faggier to take it in the ass, how good could a piece of cake be?

These are the questions that don't have any answers.

I’ll sit on a dick because I don’t want a sticky ass...

lol, joke's on you

seeing as I'm not a fucking faggot, I won't ever have to decide.

B is gay

A. I wouldn’t be tearing my tight virgin butt, and all I have to do is suck a nice big cock. And I could just shower after to wash off the cake.


I choose to sit on a dick and eat dick

what if i wanna sit on a dick and eat a dick?

A) Con: Sitting uncomfortable
Con: Performing gay action (tastes bad)
B) Con: Performing gay action (sitting uncomfortable)
Pro: Eating delicious cake

Answer is thus B

Anything is ok only if the dick is white.

A because I like sick and being messy


Ssit on a dick and eat dick.
That's the OP approach

it's the jews