Can we get an INTERESTING thread?

Can we get an INTERESTING thread?

Contribute either with fun-facts/theories or interesting images?

I'll start off with this

Most toilets flush in E flat.. did you know that?

Other urls found in this thread:

Most people don't know this but OP is a homosexual

Woodlice drink through their poopers and earwigs have two dicks.

9 out of 11 Saddam Husseins are stillborn

I went to a big box store today and there was a form to place expensive orders. I wrote three expletives and just walked away.


When people tell jokes or funny anecdotes and get a laugh, many will tell it a second time immediately after

The male seahorse gives birth

Polar bears are left handed

children consists 100% of their parents

4/3 of all people don't understand fractions

Czecked. A neckbeard actually left his basement? Now that's interesting

The only man to kill somebody with a bow and arrow in WW2

Absolute madman

That’s pretty bad ass.
>Trips checked btw

Liking traps is not gay

You are my hero user.

>Most toilets flush in E flat.. did you know that?
What pitch would farts be in?

In the US, car horns are an F note, or an F chord

peppers have three or four bumps on the bottom - three are males and are better for cooking and four are female and better for eating raw

Niggers like stealing bikes and shooting at people.
Did you know that?

that is based. this should be a movie with mel gibson


yes, yes I did.

wtf is wrong with your thumb?

OP here... some of these are actually quite nice..

already way more interesting than dickrates and malefemales

its on Wikipedia so it must be true


you cannot 360 and walk away

The birthday paradox.
If 23 people are in a room, chances that two of them have birthdays on the same day is around 50% while with 58 people, it's almost 100%.
This is a paradox not because it's not true, but because it's hard to believe it at first.

Farts have different pitches depending on how open the sphincter in your ass is.
There was a guy in Victorian age Europe who made his living out of traveling to different courts and using his ability to suck air into his ass and sphincter control to entertain the aristocrats.

The U.S. has been at war 222 Out of 239 years which is 93% of the time.

Imagine being that staff sergeant that took the arrow. What a way to go.

Female kangaroos have 2 vaginas

And the males have....?

only directly after birth. as soon as it breathes or eats something other that mother's milk. new atoms will add to and make up the body of the child.

Probably felt better than all the guys that died to shovels and spades.

Baiting right?

Snoop dog was born on his birthday and is not actually a dog.


Somewhere on the web there's a website dedicated solely for ghosts!

There is a clown in mcdonalds who hides from gay people.

Moonwalk Faggot

I haven't seen..... oh wait...

I can’t get horny looking at pictures of naked woman anymore

It was a joke on the way you phrased that. Not everything has to be baiting and trolling. Sometimes adults use the internet.

Also depends on how much "material" is up the chute.
Louder, deeper sound just after you've had a dump.

Then wait until you're horny and look at them. If that doesn't solve it; admit you're gay to all your co-workers

Got to take cheek size into account, too.

I'm more surprised there are people who don't know about jack churchill, there have been songs written about the guy for fucks sake


Cucks are actually really brave men who put their partners happiness above their own. Really makes you think, huh?

Man, that roof is gonna be in serious trouble if it isn't leaking already. It looks like part of it is even caving in.

The more you learn, the more you realize how much you don't know

ejection semen on a photograph of a female is art

The Jumping Spider has weak legs.

It therefore doesn't use strong muscles to jump, but forces blood into it's legs at high pressure.

Men are turned on by erect dicks. It's why only straight men are turned on by traps ("the best of both worlds") and gay men only get turned on by gay porn.

Evolutionary explanation: An erect penis indicates that the man owning it has recently had sex with a woman. It is adaptive for other men to get erect at the sight of this, so that he can quickly swoop in and plant his own seed in the newly-fucked woman. The shape of the penis is that of a shovel (in reverse) so that he can scoop out the semen of the former sex-partner and implant his own.


There is a breed of peacock spiders called sparklemuffins

Don't be lazy with your bait, friend-o. You only have so many hours in a day.

Did you know that Owls actually can't turn their heads 360 degrees?

On an unrelated note, I was recently struck off of the veterinary register.


Metanoia Films


50 Documentaries to See Before you Die

Woahoho there, don't preach your gayness-in-denial to others.

Five lionesses in Botswana have grown a mane and are showing male-like behaviours. One is even roaring and mounting other females.

Male lions are distinguished by their mane, which they use to attract females, and they roar to protect their territory or call upon members of their pride. Females lack a mane and are not as vocal.

in Botswana 5 female maned lions where found

>weak legs
how the fuck did they measure that? make mini spider dumbbells for it to lift?

>turn 360
>moonwalk away

I've no idea.

Let's be honest, the method was probably dreamed up by a bored scientist in a shed.

Other interesting fact: the series of steam locomotives, know as the A4 class, in the U.K, featured whistles from their namesake countries.

There is about a thousand stars in the universe

a platypus is acctualy not realy called a platypus .. when the explorer found the platypus he named it not knowing that there was a beetle with alreaddy the name platypus

he had to rename it to duck-billed platypus

>Science demonstrating that straight men get turned on by erect dicks is now gayness-in-denial

Wew lad

ferrets do not exist in the wild ... the ferret was domesticated from the European polecat (Mustela putorius), and likely descends from a North African lineage of the species

Fundamental psychology disagrees with that 'science'.

Only 10 types of people exist. People who know base-2 and those who don't.

I have a MA degree in Psychology. I'd love to hear you explain how "fundamental" psychology (whatever that is) disagrees with the evidence presented in that video. Did you even watch it?

>MA degree in Psychology
I don't care nor do I have to believe you.
>explain how "fundamental" psychology (whatever that is) disagrees with the evidence presented in that video
Nor will I spoon-feed you on how straight men who get turned on by penises is normal. You should know more about that than me, after all you have a master's.

whoops mean't to say "isn't"

>presents argument
>gets asked for explanation

Nice freudian slip. Oh. OH. You're projecting.

>I don't care

Right, do you have this attitude towards all scientists? Are you a climate-change denier, too?

>nor do I have to believe you.

That's fair, I haven't provide any proof.

>Nor will I spoon-feed you on how straight men who get turned on by penises isn't normal.

I mean, I already presented evidence showing you that it is normal. It even accounts for the phenomenon of straight men being attracted to traps, which no other theory I'm aware of has ever been able to do. If you're going to go out and spout nonsense about how all this research is "gayness-in-denial," the onus is on you to back up your claims.

kek Mr. Bond

sharks have been ferocious for over 50 years

>Nice freudian slip.
Hah. Got'emm. Are we in 7th grade?

>You're projecting.
Am I?

>Right, do you have this attitude towards all scientists?
I don't care because it doesn't instantly validate anything you have to say.

>Are you a climate-change denier, too?
Apples and oranges.

>I already presented evidence showing you that it is normal.
You have, and I reject it as valid evidence because it's dumb.

>It even accounts for the phenomenon of straight men being attracted to traps, which no other theory I'm aware of has ever been able to do.
It's called being gay.

>If you're going to go out and spout nonsense about how all this research is "gayness-in-denial," the onus is on you to back up your claims.
Well as I've said, I'm not going to waste my time trying to change someone's mind over something like this.
If you can't understand on a logical level that men liking men is wrong, then I'm not going to bother anymore.
Enjoy thinking whatever you want.

>Men are turned on by erect dicks
Um... someone break the news to this user.

Hit it with a hammer :(

>I don't care because it doesn't instantly validate anything you have to say.

Being educated in a subject doesn't validate anything a person says? What the hell would then?

>I reject it as valid evidence because it's dumb.

Does this even need a response?

>It's called being gay

But user, the researchers have reliably differentiated between gay men and straight men based on nothing BUT the attraction to traps. What you are saying is patently false.

>I'm not going to waste my time trying to change someone's mind over something like this.

Weird, it seems you've spent quite some time doing just that already - except without providing any evidence in favour of your arguments.

>men liking men is wrong

I never said anything involving men liking men. I said men are turned on, as in physiologically activated, by seeing erect penises. That doesn't mean they want to have sex with them. You assume too much.

Not true, ww2 was fought in africa as well, niggers only had bows there.

Its not true tho?

You can't even be bothered to read my responses properly.
But if male transsexual porn is totally normal within the straight male community, go ahead.

>You can't even be bothered to read my responses properly.

If you feel I have misrepresented your views, please tell me how.

>But if male transsexual porn is totally normal within the straight male community, go ahead.

Great, glad we finally agree.

Why tho?

My cousin recently got a trade certificate and pretends to have a real degree too. You aren't alone, user.


Also unB& on UK, whoop!

Holy fuck, any authoritative source for this (the shovel part, not the gay one)

It's all in the video, user. They're neuroscientists that conduct their own studies, they know their shit.

My bad, I saw youtube and didn't bother to click

one of the two best posts i've read so far in this thread. thanks


you'r welcome ... mr. david . att told me last week

1 bump is a drommadare 2 bumps a camel

the animal on a pac of sigarets is not a camel

a lobsters blood is colorless but when exposed to oxygen it turns blue

armadillos have 4 babies at a time and are all the same sex and clones ... the female fertalises 1 egg than sprits the 1 egg into 4 the ( gen) same babys

so every armadillo is tachnically a clone

the dark side of the moon is not "dark"it gets light just as the earth ... we just always see the same side of the moon