TRUMP SUPPORTERS: Do you honestly think he has been doing a good job???

TRUMP SUPPORTERS: Do you honestly think he has been doing a good job???

Other urls found in this thread:



He has more than doubled the economic growth rate, reduced illegal immigration by about 80 per cent, withdrawn from the insane Paris Climate accord, helped add trillions to U.S. stock market values, created nearly two million new jobs, led the rout of ISIL, and gained full Chinese adherence to the unacceptability of North Korean nuclear military capability. He will probably pass the greatest tax cuts and reforms since Reagan, if not Lyndon Johnson, by Christmas, and may throw out the most unpopular feature of Obamacare, the coercive mandate, with it.

Bbbbut the huffpo and Colbert say he's a meany.

Pay attention to what actually happens instead of propaganda

Got any sources on that info there budd?


Literally the last hope to save America from the Marxists.


Nice try shill. +1 ruple to your paypal account.

He has done none of those things.

Pretty sure we're out of the Paris climate shit, nice try? If you are?...

lol. its the marxists who are your last hope to save you from greedy bankers and trump types

See you again in another hour

You know very well that isn't the only way to reduce illegal immigration. (From april).

Guns abortion Snoop Dogg
Your move libtards

which means they aren't even trying to cross knowing there's a new sheriff in town

I just hope they pass the hearing protection act soon.

"Withdrawn from the insane Paris Climate accord"

There was nothing insane about the Paris agreement. There was no globalist agenda being forced onto the American people because of it. This isn't an accomplishment.

He’s doing an ehh ok job. Reason being, the bad shit he does balances with the good stuff.

Net immigration has been negative for a minute. Economic growth has been on the rise for the last decade. Stock market is a shitty indicator of economic power anyway, since it only reflects about 20% of American households. Job growth is pretty level with expected. ISIS is a niche issue and he's had basically nothing to do with it.

You are literally claiming success for things that happened before 2017.

What Trump did as president:
>Defend Hillary and claim she's a decent woman.
>Cover pizzagate pedophile network
>Just as Hillary, support the killing of syrians.
>Send american troops to Syria, to kill and die for Israel.
>Fund holoax museums.
>Talk thousands of times about America being the bitch of Israel.
Yeah, great job as president...

He's hurting America so I'm happy

Are you a Soros/Brock bot?

>the TV told me so

Dude embezzled from his own charity, which is now getting shut down.

The TV? Do you realize that the same tv that critizise Trump for idiotic and senseless things like he grabbing a pussy, doesn't say anything against him when he send American troops to bomb the shit out of Syria, with the most senseless pretext like "Yeah well, uhmm... Assad is randomly gassing his own people, we have no proof at all but the best we can do is to join (((ISIS))) and Israel and destroy Syria"

Why do you think when the mainstream media had a big opportunity to critizice the shit out of him, didn't do anything about it?
Yeah, sorry to burst your bubble... But your hero works for the same zionist overlords as Fox, CNN and Alex Jones, they only want to put america on their knees to Israel.

Kek he has done none of those things. This is why everyone thinks Trump supporters are worthless low wage white nigger trash. These useless idiots couldnt defendTrump with fact if you doubled their food stamps. kek at "80% decrease in illegal immigration" Bwhahahahahaha

wow you sure are dumb to believe fantasies like that

hur: proofs guys
my fucking sides xD

Literally the only thing I know he did was sign a NASA bill that funded the program a billion dollars or some shit
I that that was cool, I guess but really I'm just too lazy to actually look up anything about Trump
I got too many libtard friends too so all of my shit is filtered to "EVIL TRUMP STRIKES AGAIN!" nonsense

Uneducated low wage white nigger from a shit town confirmed. No one with a modicum of intellect think liberals are fucking 'marxists'. You idiots couldn't delineate the central tenets of true Marxism if we doubled your mothers food stamps. Go OD and die, white nigger

Are you kidding? You should as well link to CNN

Goddammit, you're so fucking retarded, i find somehow fascinating how people like you archieve the goal of living in a delusional bubble when reality means nothing as long as is not of your interests.

If he manages a year we get Ivanka nudes according to Conway so MAGA

Umeducated white nigger with no comeback spotted and confirmed. Enjoy your heroin with your sad failure.

Well he can't be any worse than the last guy..

Before you pretend to be American, learn how to spell words the American way. Worry about your own wig wearing overlords, dumbshit

>this insanely mad

Why does it have to be either or? What the fuck is with the extremes?

>cherry picking: the image
yea the economy is much worse after obama

When did i say i'm american?

yes, ignorance makes me mad, you got me there goy

Look, the low wage white nigger has no rebuttal and can only cry and try to deflect. Politico is a better source than anything posted here that is pro trump. Lets see those dazzling stats and their source, nigger.

a log of shit wouldnt be any worse than obama, that's not much of an accolade user

Can someone tell me why the president is important anyways?
As far as I know congress pretty much does everything and the president only has like a final say in the matter.



wow second thread
your tears are delicious

>continues to provide no reputable sources

sure kid
did you also post this?

Paid foreign shill confirmed. Many of these so-called Anti Trump threads are posted by foreigners looking to post inane defenses and fake accomplishments of the largest failure in presidential history, Trump, who hates uneducated white niggers even more than us educated whites do.

Not to mention it's non-binding. There's literally no reason to leave. There's no tariffs or taxes or anything. Every other country in the world is in it. That should tell you (proverbial, not you specifically) something.

sure kid

"Oh it's the marxists, the libtards, the republicans, the illuminati"
Meanwhile Israel is using you like a bitch, and you keep thinking that it matters who's the president, of what's his ideology, pretty sad...

It's a question. Insecure much? HAHAHAHAH typical trumpfag. All insecure cucks

it's hard to believe a year down the road and hillshills are still shitting their diapers

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
pastebin com/JnS5Qy2Q
pastebin com/BcSAGmDf

read all this, then come back to the thread, OP

Yep dumbshit here has nothing. So far Politico is the only source I see here. Trump Trash can only fake stats, as their homosexual king is failing miserably and spending time tweeting about fucking lavar Ball. kek Ball completely fucking baited the sad failure.

sure kid

>t. ShareBlue™ shillbot

sure kid


None of that is reputable or sourced materials, just fake bullshit. Go die, comebag

I'm actually a true conservative and hate Trump for the same reason i hate Hillary, they're both zionist scums that shit all over America, and do everything to the benefit of Israel.

stay mad kid

sure kid

Get rekt

>no source other than politico fake news confirmed

stay mad kid

Get a life you fat zit faced insecure trump loving faggot. You've been on Sup Forums all day, go outside

Maximum butthurt confirmed. Kek the foreign shills are crying now. They have nothing left but tears when they have to resort to fucking "hurr durr soros and duh shareblue' when everyone knows they are foreign homosexuals earning a ruble.


stay mad kid


Is Podesta himself on fucking Sup Forums?

I saw. All fake bullshit. Try again, kid

These are excellent examples of (((Trump))) goyim followers.

It's entertaining isn't it :^)

this mad
stay mad kid

>triggered af
I absolutely love it lol :^)

cry more bitch millennial

stay mad kid

Got any real sources?

Look how triggered the shil is getting. You can smell the sweat through the screen. Smells vaguely Eastern European, like a cross between days old come and animal feces. The smell of Eastern European 'men' kek kekek


sure kid

stay mad

The butthurt is strong with this one. Poor little low wage white nigger. Just like his daddy

this mad
stay mad kid

>"all fake bullshit"
>doesn't dismantle any of it with actual facts
wow everyone's running to the left at break-neck speed!!

sure kid

kek, this weak liberal pussy is so stressed he must be shortening his own lifespan lmao

Trump didn't lie, he may be the worst thing that ever happened to America, but he was honest when he said he'd be the best thing that could ever happen to Israel.
Stay mad anti-semite fags

Triggered to maimum effect. The b8 always works with the weak ones

this retarded

>shills have reputable sources
Are you new?


While we're all laughing at the pussy who made this thread

Triggered white nigger confirmed

>projection- the post

stay mad kid

Lol, every time i post anything against Israel and zionism, the captchas get fucked like 10 times in a row.
I guess is just a (((coincidence)))
Nice job good goy Sup Forums

sure kid

I like what he's done with China, but the rest of this is Obongo legacy. Let's see the economy after two years of Trump. Remember that Obama's economy sucked for two years after Bush.

>That pipeline turned out real good, didnit?
