I may be an oldfag, but i fucking KNOW there's got to be a god damned rekt thread. Seriously...

I may be an oldfag, but i fucking KNOW there's got to be a god damned rekt thread. Seriously, yall are some god damned queers.

>I may be an oldfag

I'm 82 years old

U know what oldfag means?

Op here, yeah, been here since 2004






LOL the driver is more mad at the fact that his car is damaged

>Not starting an boxxy thread

>writes with grammar
>wrote in caps lock
>finished post with full stop
lol yeah so old

I like to watch people die, what can I say, I thought there were enough boxxys for one day. OH shit that rhymed, I love it when that happens.


oh shit lol

nice trips

This is what happens when you don't pay attention to your shit.

At least he closed the gate.









from crispy to crispier

lmao, him running off into the distance.

is that from Putin's dash cam?

nigga on the bike thought he got away

not Putin's, but some lucky guy in Europe, wish it was me, I hate little kids





Brutal as fuck



Best rekt thread I've seen in months.
Keep it up guys.

Took my car to the exhaust shop today


fucking flame storm doing work.

Hooooly chit mang....kitty out of nowhere

hahahahaha random beast out of fucking nowhere

Looks fake as fuck

wassup joe

Fake and homosexual

this is what happens when you don't shit in the DESIGNATED shitting street. stupid indians

That was a nigger, retard.


took a shit , stepped on his own shit , tripped and fell , brain splattered by the garbage truck carrying a bunch of shit inside

>>life is a simulation confirmed

wtf, why he didn't just came out of the fucking machine?

if only it really ended like that lol

WHY DID THEY KEEP MOVI- AHDUFIHERO nsaorimhsje5o yuws380wy43p9 god stupidity sucks



I wonder why asians has the most brutal video deaths?

thats fucking dope

>man I need to post this on my profile

thatt looks like a movie scene , dope


10/10 would do it again.



Safari park full of tigers, wife gets mad at husband and gets out of car to yell at him, gets dragged away by a tiger, her mom goes after her and both get eaten. Women.

Was the people in the little car ok?

Say what? He did come out, guy in the white shirt because he's privileged to drive it.

>her mom
?? Where'd she come into this?

You're a retard

Is there a news article?

he stood up too fast and got a headrush

instant karma


Fuck you nigger. I'm too busy trying to fight the end of net neutrality. You have your little death thread, when Sup Forums is removed by big companies, you can go cry in a corner.

When you’re a mobilefag and you can’t view webms (it’s for my own good)

What kind of gay phone you got? I can .webm

holy shit

>gude dred guis keepe the going
Posts stupid fake shit