Does anyone else find it hilarious that a shitskinned Indian immigrant is going to take away Liberals Net Neutrality...

Does anyone else find it hilarious that a shitskinned Indian immigrant is going to take away Liberals Net Neutrality? I've been laughing non stop at the thought of Sup Forums being right once again.

it gets taken from you too moron.


when you are so deep down a hole that something that is obviously universal gets labeled as "liberal" in your mind. mate there is still hope for you

How can it get taken away when the right never had it to begin with libtard.

Tell me where were you when stomrfront had their domain name revoked libtard.

Comrade it’s almost 3am, its time to stop trolling

I want to believe this is an obvious troll. But than i remember you guys voted for a 70 year old narcissistic reality TV star with a track record for unethical business and massive ties to another superpower, but was voted for because one side of the political spectrum wants to take away your right to X.


web host ≠ ISP

my fucks =/= giving


The existence of this fuckface shitlord is pretty much proof Anonymous is dead.

If theres ever a time to instill change at all costs, it is now. Show all these pricks pretending to have our bests interests in mind that we wont be fucked over anymore.

feminist detected

Patriot faggot detected. John Adams is turning over in his grave.

Also, fuck you you illiterate shit stain, too busy stroking your cock to see the shit thats going on.

Fuck this curry nigger! you don't touch my porn!

What are we going to do once the internet goes back to the way it was in 2014?

Yeah expect the current form is not net neutrality, it was a program bought by Google to protect Google. Get smart. Just because the government calls something a name does not mean it has anything to do with it. Double speak.

Seems like a massive Scientology-raid style troll campaign would only play into the hands of the anti-NN people.

Its not like the Scientology raid did anything to the cult, anyway.

It's going to be great when right-wing media gets throttled by those liberal ISPs.

Have fun, cucks.

He was born in Buffalo, NY

The man's a huge piece of shit, but you're also part of the problem because you're spreading ignorance and misinformation.

Who did you vote for?

Hey. At least this is finally a win for Trump.

Considering most right wingers are old people and rural folk, I doubt they would notice.

Being this ignorant..

Enjoy paying more for the same thing. Most major services are hosted offshore so the rest of the world will continue getting it at our current prices. It'll only be Ameritards paying double.

Was hoping for a legit campaign for once, fucking action for once, not to disturb the peace but to make them see we more than outnumber industry, until when will we allow ourselves to be fucked by industry and their puppets pretending to represent us?

>Liberals net neutrality

As opposed to what? Conservatives net neutrality?