
Quick as a hare Edition


Requesting a short comic of an MGE cheshire cat being swallowed whole, alive, and head-first by a giant snake.
First panel should have her halfway in its mouth. The second should show her entirely in its stomach. And the last should have the snake slithering away with a bulging belly, leaving behind her necklace bell or something.
Entirely nude is preferred.


mamma mia

Being a poorfag fucking sucks, I need to depend on you guys a lot and I can't even invest on mooching on better quality like SB

Hey guys!

>you know where the door is


Haha uh oh

eat the carrot from bunny butt

i'm doin alright. it's that weird limbo between lunch and dinner where i'm sitting here wondering if i should get a snack or just wait haha.
to clarify for y'all, nina (long hair) is a sexual deviant while sadie (short hair) is basically an average edgy older teen girl. nina is also thicc as fuck and sadie skinny, when i remember to draw them as such haha.

no u

>Doing alright
Glad to hear it.
Maybe you should have dinner now and not wait nor have a snack

check these hyper septs

Request to Draw her doing something cute or being lewd

ahh but it's only 4:30 pm here and if i eat dinner now i'll end up eating a second dinner at midnight hahaah;;


Have a swol and thicc dinner then

>tfw you realize Decaf isn't real but actually a faint whisper of a brew long forgotten.

Damn, its 8:00 Pm here

i feel you

requesting some sexy art of my zombie girl

does she have no eyes

you're getting better; it looks less obnoxious; keep at it guy.

Requesting someone draw me in their own style

All I want is to cuddle with Monika.

it's up to you. There could be eyes under her bangs or not....

nutbut i drew-ded fan art

now lewd her

Requesting someone draw this adorable sheep girl.

Dude, remember what the doc said yesterday? Stick to that.

are you still being a fag about this even after last night?


Are you a drawfag?

just stop drawing

Yea I did some requests earlier like this one

I have been tricked far too many times with this angle show belly

sup guys

no you

Oh that’s tight do you have a drawname yet?

Hey man, how are you doing?

Requesting this but with BBCs

Eyy, thats mildly adequate


Youre a hard one to read I like your hair though

I haven't came up with one yet haha I'm trying to make my draw character still, having a really hard time with drawing wavy hair so I've been requesting people to draw me so I can reference their work

shoe on head
timestamp with pic
come on. Doit


Oh so that’s why you’re doing it well good luck in your ventures and glad to have you on board it’s usually tradition to have your name given to you but you do you

Grand, guy. You draw?

>Youre a hard one to read I like your hair though
She's obviously one of the charmed ones

Get it all out while you can one day they’ll be protected by orbiters also nah I’ve seen other drawfags that are real uggos

Must be the work of an enemy stand I can’t read them!

Soon I will, gonna buy a tablet soon. In the meantime I've been working on a collaboration with a drawfag

But i thought all drawfags were uggos. Isn't that why they draw these characters? To escape the harsh reality of their unattractiveness?

too close to home my man

Just be nice to people and don’t sperg out that’s how (post timeskip) SB did it

sounds like you're projecting

Sweet. Hope to see ur work on here!

please delete this it’s making my wife’s son cry


You delivered to a repeat requester but that’s still pretty good

nice! looks like a fusion of nico robin and crocodile

one time i delivered to a loli spammer. no fucks to give!

Thanks man
Yeah I've already posted some of the collaboration here from time to time, I often get good feedback on it.

I'm up close and still can't !

gimme requests and stuff

um sorry sweety but im a 10/10 chad
now get back to work drawing whatever shitty avatar you were working on

This is pretty good, I neglected to ask for your drawname earlier. What is it btw?

Hey man more power to you keep up the great work!

>Sarcastic or serious?
I can't tell


Masaka! How long is the range?!

top meme


fake and gay
you need HOGARTH
also, just because you can't draw feet doesn't mean you need to hide them


Sorry I'm ugly but I still want a drawing haha

Alot of teasing. Do u have anything u can post right now?


stop attention whoring

How old are you?

oh, i'm from like 2011, i dont get on here much so you probably wont see me again. my avatar is Nina and i go by Blixtwix (i have a tumblr under this name if you care).

And fill it with your stuffing?

i think this calls for you know who...B.... guy

cute! thanks!

Not, just responding to the uggo comments

I don't understand a lot of the memes you just threw at me, but

>you can't draw feet
Bitch I can't draw ANYthing.

Hoohooooo yes

Well I'm glad to see you here.
The thread can always use more drawfags.
I hope you enjoy your stay
I'll check out your Tumblr

go back to twitter

Requesting the edgiest thing you've seen/done.

nice admittance of you having a gross neck rolls irl
lose some weight fatty


still attention whoring


uggos don't get drawings
3dpd is looked down upon for a reason

Guess its just your face structure I was about to start calling for MODS you look pretty young

2D > 3D