What's the word on Malia Obama's virginity?

What's the word on Malia Obama's virginity?

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I'd fuck her in her sweet nigger ass

I like that she has small tits but a body that's still curvy. It's sexy to me.


Hahah Rory Farquharson - Lord Farkyouhardson.

Too bad she has her mom’s gorilla face.

That's only when she grimaces. She's got a pretty nice smile. Also, pic related. It was destined to be. She would never end up with a black guy. There simply aren't enough "good catches" among young black men.

Fun fact, For those that you dont know, Her boyfriend is an ice skating kike. I set up his Barmitzvah. and the skate rink he goes to every week. Was pretty interesting.

Is he really Jewish? Also, ice skating? Weird. He looks like a preppy alpha Chad.

In all serious homie. The ice rink is somewhere in rockville MD.


just saved this to post in Sup Forums shill threads.

Sup Forums has been surprisingly quiet on this.


She looks like a fucking bobs burgers character

I wonder about her sexual experience.

Idk about which men interracially marry, but I can confirm the women who do this.

He’s a limey who’s over here looking for a new house maid.
He found her.

god damn those bloodline blacks look weird as shit.

By her age, the default assumption is that you aren't a virgin. Unless there's a special reason (ugly, friendless, fundamentalist, etc.) that someone would be a virgin - they're not.

Malia's probably already been fucked several times by now, she has no reason to keep her legs closed considering her father's socialist ethics.

Yeah. There simply aren't a lot of good catches among black men. Think about it. What characteristics do women look for theoretically? Education, good career path, money in the bank, no criminal record...how many black men meet that description? There are quite a few good catches among black women, but they have no black men to turn to.

I can imagine Malia having had one special long term boyfriend in high school who she got a bit of experience with. He probably fucked her safe and protected a few times too. But I doubt she's a slut or anything close to it. I'll bet her parents had some very uncomfortable talks with her about phones, cameras, media and what could happen. Oh, we're definitely getting a sex tape or at least pics eventually.

I can confirm the black men too. Our head of human resources came in and was talking statistics of our temp workers. Black men yet again were the one's most likely to quit work. I held my tongue on any commentary and kept a blank face.

Regarding black women, they statistically have higher education rates. I'm not sure about income, but they are the least desired sex/race combination so they may have to try harder to find a mate thus looking outside their own race.



She lost her virginity at 15, just like every normal American girl.
The only difference is that the secret service was watching the whole time.

We're all individuals. I can't speak for everyone, but I feel like 16 is a good age to start thinking about it seriously and 17-18 is a good age to go through with it. I was 17 and so was my first girlfriend. I don't think the SS knew what was happening though. I don't think they hang out in the private residence or if they do then it's right outside.